Oxie’s Shiny Zone
140 subscribers
5 photos
8 links
NSFW latex and drone stuff, mostly crossposts from my twitter where I post the same @oxiebone for porn!
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Channel created

Hello, if anyone finds this, I'm considering putting things here! Central spot to forward my stuff from, keep track of it all, and share it with peeps 🖤

Twitter: https://twitter.com/oxiedrone
Website: https://oxie.me/

Shiny channel: @oxiezone
Porn channel: @oxiebone
DM me: @oxiedrone
I really need to wear this red suit way more~
Absolutely zero thoughts allowed for this drone~ 🖤
Bound up and programmed~
Channel name was changed to «Oxie’s Shiny Zone »
Okay, from now on, hole posting will be over on @oxiebone, this channel will remain primarily geared up aesthetic pics
Rubbered up, awaiting command