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His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon visited Saints Peter and Paul Church, Meriden, CT on March 28, 2021, the Second Sunday of Great Lent, for the celebration of the Divine Liturgy. During the course of the Divine Liturgy, His Beatitude elevated rector Father Joshua Mosher to the rank of Archpriest. Many years to Father Joshua, his family, and the entire parish community of Saints Peter and Paul!
The Funeral Service for the Mitred Archpriest Basil Summer was held at Holy Trinity Church, East Meadow, NY on March 29, 2021. Presiding at the service was His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon. Serving with him were His Eminence Archbishop Michael; Archpriest Joseph Lickwar; Archpriest John Jillions; Archpriest Eric Tosi; and Igumen Nikodhim (Preston).

Read Father Basil's obit: https://www.oca.org/in-memoriam/the-mitred-archpriest-basil-summer

#ocainmemoriam #inmemoriam
"The newly-departed priest of God, the Mitred Archpriest Basil, was many things to many people. As such, he was a living model of the Apostolic injunction to make oneself all things to all people that one might by all means possible save some. The Apostle Paul’s words are easy to quote and have an air of authenticity about them but such authenticity is not easy to attain. Most of us who are clergy count ourselves fortunate if we have acquired just one skill in undertaking the Apostolic work in the Church: some of us count ourselves effective preachers, others are erudite theologians; some of us are hard-working pastors, and others are wise confessors and spiritual fathers. But for most of us, the acquisition of these skills requires much effort. ..."

Read more here: https://www.oca.org/reflections/metropolitan-tikhon/homily-funeral-service-mitred-archpriest-basil-summer
#ocainmemoriam #inmemoriam #ocareflections
Statement of the Executive Committee of the The Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America on the Proposed Equality Act:

"We, the Executive Committee of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops in the United States of America, affirm that all human beings should be treated with dignity and respect, as all are made in the image of God. Indeed, the principle of human equality has its origins in Christianity and is enshrined in the Constitution of the United States, which rightly prescribes that every person must receive equal treatment under the law.

"Consequently, we are deeply concerned about the proposed federal “Equality Act,” which would erode religious liberty for both individuals and organizations, including Orthodox Christian jurisdictions, parishes, and faithful. The supporters of this Act, in their desire to promote equality, ultimately infringe upon the religious liberty of Americans to live according to their faith – a right protected under the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.

"Throughout the United States, Orthodox jurisdictions and parishes have ministries, organizations, and facilities through which they provide many beneficial services to the public. All of these ministries, organizations, and facilities would be directly and negatively affected by the “Equality Act” as written. Furthermore, the expansive nature of the Act would affect the lives and careers of many thousands of religious people in America, including Orthodox faithful. All of this is in addition to the broader impact that the Act would have on American society, moving it further away from the traditional and normative moral and ethical foundations, as well as deepening painful divisions that already exist in the country.

"As Orthodox Christian bishops, charged by our Savior Jesus Christ to shepherd His flock, we will continue to uphold and proclaim the moral teachings of the Church. We call upon all Orthodox Christians to remain firm in the Orthodox Faith. We also call upon our nation’s civic leaders to uphold, and not infringe upon, the religious freedom guaranteed by the Bill of Rights, and to continue to extend the protections afforded by the Religious Freedom Restoration Act."


#equalityact #equality
Have you registered yet?!?!!

The Diocese of NY/NJ Annual Lenten Teen Retreat is being held VIRTUALLY on Saturday, April 17th! ALL Teens in Grades 7-12 are invited and encouraged to attend, ESPECIALLY those from other OCA dioceses and Orthodox jurisdictions!!

The day will begin at 12pm EST and be split into two sessions, 12-3pm EST and 7-8:30pm EST. As always, there is no fee to participate.

Why should you attend?

As teenagers, the competing demands of school, extracurriculars, and socializing can sometimes seem impossible to juggle- not to mention making room for Christ and the Church. Feelings of overwhelm, a lack of balance, and an absence of peace can creep in.

The guest speaker, Fr. Joshua Makoul of the Antiochian Archdiocese, will lead a discussion on Finding Balance and Peace in a World that is Constantly Changing.

Register here before April 16th: https://forms.gle/1ekxYuBwGhJ9BNxU7

Contact our Youth Director with any questions! See you there!

#ocayouth #iamorthodox
"Significantly the story of the salvation of the world began in a pagan place far away from what would eventually become the Promised Land. That is, it began in Ur of the Chaldeans with the emigration of the family of Terah (Genesis 11:31). What prompted Terah to uproot his family from a prosperous city and to wander afar from all the security he had known we may never know. Was he part of a movement that emigrated from Ur due to political instability or threat or economic woes? All the sacred text tells us is that he left Ur with his family (including his son Abram) and settled far to the west in Haran. There he died and was buried. Whatever vision or plan drove him from Ur fell to his son Abram, and God confirmed to the man (then seventy-five years old) that he should continue the wanderings of his father and leave Haran. Also significantly, God did not divulge to Abram his final destination, but only said, “Go forth from your country and from your father's house to the land which I will show you” (Genesis 12:1)—no mention of destination, no map, no agenda; just “pack up and go”. And Abram packed up and went. ..."

Read more here: https://www.oca.org/reflections/fr.-lawrence-farley/the-emigration-of-abraham
At noon on April 2, 2021, His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon served the Memorial Service for the newly-departed Archpriest Antonio Perdomo, who departed this life yesterday, April 1, 2021. His Beatitude and Father Antonio knew each other well from the many times that Father Antonio served as translator for His Beatitude on his annual trip to the Diocese of Mexico.

May Archpriest Antonio's memory be eternal!

Read the obit: https://www.oca.org/in-memoriam/archpriest-antonio-perdomo

#ocainmemoriam #inmemoriam
*A Call for Monastic Vocations, on the Anniversary of the Monastic Tonsure of His Beatitude, Metropolitan Tikhon*

"Today on April 7th, the commemoration of the repose of Saint Tikhon of Moscow, the faithful of the Orthodox Church in America congratulate His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon, on the liturgical anniversary of his monastic tonsure. We extend to him the greeting given to every newly-tonsured monastic: 'May you be saved in the angelic life!' ..."

Read more here: https://www.oca.org/reflections/misc-authors/call-for-monastic-vocations-anniversary-monastic-tonsure-metropolitan-tikhon

On Wednesday, April 7, 2021, the Midpoint of Great Lent and the feast of the Repose of Saint Tikhon of Moscow, His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon served the Presanctified Liturgy at Saint Sergius Chapel at the Chancery of the Orthodox Church in America. At the end of the liturgy, His Beatitude welcomed to the Chancery Abbot Nicodemus Balyasnikov, Cleric of Saint Nicholas Cathedral, New York, NY, Secretary to the Administrator of the Patriarchal Parishes in the USA, and Priest Mark Rashkov, the Vice-Chancellor of the Moscow Patriarchal Parishes in the USA. Father Nicodemus and Father Mark extended the greetings of His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokalamsk and His Grace Bishop Matthew of Sourozh to His Beatitude on the anniversary of his monastic tonsure. His Beatitude, Archpriest Alexander Rentel, and Priest Alessandro Margheritino then met with the Father Nicodemus and Father Mark over lunch and discussed matters of common concern between the Orthodox Church in America and the Moscow Patriarchate.