nmTeam Newsroom
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nmTeam Newsroom 官方 Telegram 频道。

nmTeam Newsroom 将在此频道中更新有关 nmTeam 及其产品与服务的最新消息。

nmTeam Telegram Contacts:
Download Telegram
欢迎加入 nmTeam 官方 Telegram 群组

nmTeam 欢迎您加入官方 Telegram 群组 @nmteamchat。群组内含有 nmTeam 成员和 nm 人,不仅为您解答与 nmTeam 相关的问题,还能看到最新的 nmTeam 资讯。

Welcome to join nmTeam official Telegram group

nmTeam welcomes you to the official Telegram group @nmteamchat. The group includes nmTeam members and nmers, not only can answer your nmTeam-related questions, but also able to see the latest nmTeam news.

🏷 #Group
🔗 https://nmteam.xyz
👥 @nmteamchat
nm 何处达,电报系手边
nmBot 现可在 Telegram 使用

nmTeam 很高兴面向广大 Telegram 中文用户推出 Telegram 版 nmBot。

Telegram 版 nmBot 现在已可与用户进行亲密沟通,未来还会获得更多能力。

您可以加入 nmTeam 官方 Telegram 群组 @nmteamchat ,立即开始与 nmBot 交流开发。

nm shall find where? On Telegram you install
nmBot is now available on Telegram

nmTeam is delighted to launch the Telegram version of nmBot to the majority of Telegram Chinese users.

The Telegram version of nmBot can now communicate intimately with users, and will gain more capabilities in the future.

You can join the official nmTeam Telegram group @nmteamchat to start the communication with nmBot today.

🏷 #nmBot
🔗 https://newsroom.nmteam.xyz/news/nmteam/17-nmBot-is-now-available-on-Telegram-2022-04-27.html
👥 @nmteamchat
迎接全球无障碍宣传日,nmTeam 发布产品辅助功能宣传页面

nmTeam 于全球无障碍宣传日上线了辅助功能页面,向广大 nm 人和用户阐释了我们对构建无障碍友好的产品和服务的愿景和行动。

可于 https://nmteam.xyz/products/overview/product-accessibility 查看此页面。

On Global Accessibility Awareness Day, nmTeam launches product accessibility promotion page

nmTeam launched its accessibility page on Global Accessibility Awareness Day to explain our vision and actions to build accessibility-friendly products and services to nmers and users.

This page can be viewed at https://nmteam.xyz/products/overview/product-accessibility.

🏷 #Accessibility
🔗 https://newsroom.nmteam.xyz/news/nmteam/19-nmTeam-launches-product-accessibility-promotion-page-2022-05-19.html
👥 @nmteamchat
Telegram 版 nmBot 即将上线群组管理功能

nmTeam 正对 Telegram 版 nmBot 添加一系列新功能并进行优化,以提供强大、创新且细腻的群组管理功能。敬请期待。

nmBot for Telegram will launch group management functions

nmTeam is adding a series of new features and optimizations to nmBot for Telegram to provide powerful, innovative and sophisticated group management capabilities. Stay tuned.

🏷 #nmBot
🔗 https://nmteam.xyz
👥 @nmteamchat
订阅 nmBot for Telegram 官方频道获得 nmBot 最新资讯

欢迎订阅 nmBot for Telegram 官方频道 @nmbotchannel 获取有关 nmBot 的一手资讯。


🏷 #nmBot
🔗 https://nmteam.xyz
👥 @nmteamchat
Please open Telegram to view this post
nmTeam 官方 Telegram 群组已升级为话题模式

欢迎各位 nm 人加入 nmTeam 官方 Telegram 群组 @nmteamchat 参与聊天。

The nmTeam official Telegram group has been upgraded to topic mode

All nmers are welcome to join the nmTeam official Telegram group @nmteamchat to participate in the chat.

Cheerful messaging topics to topics, wonderful studying day by day!

🏷 #Group
👥 @nmteamchat
部分 nmTeam 服务当前不可用

由于网络攻击,nmTeam 官方网站、nmTeam Newsroom、nmBot 面板和 nmBrowser StartPage 暂时不可用。我们正在进行修复,您可以在 https://status.nmteam.xyz 上追踪 nmTeam 服务的系统状态。

Some nmTeam services are currently unavailable

Due to a cyber attack, nmTeam Official Website, nmTeam Newsroom, nmBot Panel and nmBrowser StartPage are temporarily unavailable. We are working on a fix and you can track the system status of the nmTeam services at https://status.nmteam.xyz.

🏷 #SLA
👥 @nmteamchat
nmTeam Newsroom
部分 nmTeam 服务当前不可用 由于网络攻击,nmTeam 官方网站、nmTeam Newsroom、nmBot 面板和 nmBrowser StartPage 暂时不可用。我们正在进行修复,您可以在 https://status.nmteam.xyz 上追踪 nmTeam 服务的系统状态。 Some nmTeam services are currently unavailable Due to a cyber attack, nmTeam Official Website, nmTeam Newsroom…
nmBot 面板目前已临时恢复服务。其他服务正在陆续恢复中,关于其他服务的恢复时间请关注后续公告,关于 nmBot 运营补偿请关注 nmBot 频道的后续公告。

The nmBot panel is currently temporarily back in service. Other services are being restored one after another. Please pay attention to the follow-up announcement about the recovery time of other services and the follow-up announcement on the nmBot channel about nmBot operation compensation.

🏷 #SLA
👥 @nmteamchat
nmTeam Newsroom
部分 nmTeam 服务当前不可用 由于网络攻击,nmTeam 官方网站、nmTeam Newsroom、nmBot 面板和 nmBrowser StartPage 暂时不可用。我们正在进行修复,您可以在 https://status.nmteam.xyz 上追踪 nmTeam 服务的系统状态。 Some nmTeam services are currently unavailable Due to a cyber attack, nmTeam Official Website, nmTeam Newsroom…
nmTeam 官方网站、nmTeam Newsroom、nmBrowser StartPage 已临时恢复服务,但部分功能可能仍然不可用。
我们还确认 nmTeam 账号系统和 nmnm.fun 短链接系统暂时不可用。我们正在进行修复,您可以在 https://status.nmteam.xyz 上追踪 nmTeam 服务的系统状态。

nmTeam official website, nmTeam Newsroom, nmBrowser StartPage have temporarily resumed service, but some functions may still be unavailable.
We also confirmed that the nmTeam account system and nmnm.fun short link system are temporarily unavailable. We are working on a fix and you can track the system status of the nmTeam service at https://status.nmteam.xyz.

🏷 #SLA
👥 @nmteamchat
nmTeam Newsroom
部分 nmTeam 服务当前不可用 由于网络攻击,nmTeam 官方网站、nmTeam Newsroom、nmBot 面板和 nmBrowser StartPage 暂时不可用。我们正在进行修复,您可以在 https://status.nmteam.xyz 上追踪 nmTeam 服务的系统状态。 Some nmTeam services are currently unavailable Due to a cyber attack, nmTeam Official Website, nmTeam Newsroom…
nmnm.fun 短链接服务已临时恢复服务。nmTeam 官方网站和 nmTeam Newsroom 部分页面无法打开的问题已解决。其他服务正在陆续恢复中,您可以在 https://status.nmteam.xyz 上追踪 nmTeam 服务的系统状态。

The nmnm.fun short link service has temporarily resumed service. The problem that some pages of nmTeam official website and nmTeam Newsroom cannot be opened has been resolved. Other services are being restored one after another, you can track the system status of nmTeam service at https://status.nmteam.xyz.

🏷 #SLA
👥 @nmteamchat
登陆 Telegram 一周年,nmBot 正成为越来越多群组的选择

(2023 年 4 月 27 日) — nmTeam 旗下的 nmBot 今天正式登陆 Telegram 一周年。凭借 nmBot 丰富的创新功能和优秀的使用体验,它现在已作为 Telegram 上最优秀的群组管理机器人之一被广泛使用。

nmBot 于 2022 年 4 月 27 日正式上线 Telegram,并在同年 6 月 8 日正式公测群组管理功能。一年来,在以 agou 同志为核心的 nmTeam 管理层坚强领导下,nmBot 开发团队坚持守正创新,在创新驱动 nm 发展战略正确引导下,融入“nm + AI”理念,做好开发运营,nmBot 运营取得丰硕成果。

在 nmTeam Newsroom 继续阅读

On the first anniversary of landing on Telegram, nmBot is becoming the choice of more and more groups

(April 27, 2023) — We are thrilled to announce that it is the first yearly anniversary of our nmBot. And it is one of the most extraordinary telegram manager bots with many features and outstanding user experience, which is also widely used in many Telegram groups.

Continue reading in nmTeam Newsroom

🏷 #Milestone #nmBot #nmBot周年庆 #nmBot一周年
🔗 https://newsroom.nmteam.xyz/news/nmteam/24-the-first-anniversary-of-nmBot-landing-on-Telegram-2023-04-27.html
👥 @nmteamchat
迎接第 12 个全球无障碍宣传日:nmTeam 的愿景与行动

2023 年 5 月 18 日是第 12 个全球无障碍宣传日。一直以来,nmTeam 致力于为残障用户提供与其他用户一致的产品使用体验。

我们始终致力于优化 nmTeam 产品的无障碍体验,让每个人用起来都轻松。例如,最近我们:
• 改进了 nmTeam 官方网站中图标和链接的标签文本;
• 正在改进 nmBot 面板中部分元素和操作的屏幕阅读器体验。相关改进将会在 6 月更新和后续版本中发布。

点击这里,进一步了解 nmTeam 产品的辅助功能和无障碍承诺。

Celebrating the 12th Global Accessibility Awareness Day: nmTeam's Vision and Actions

May 18, 2023 is the 12th Global Accessibility Awareness Day. nmTeam has been always committed to providing users with disabilities with the same product experience as other users.

We are always working on optimizing the accessibility experience of nmTeam products, making it easy for everyone to use. For example, recently we:
• Improved label text for icons and links in nmTeam official website;
• Improved the screen reader experience for some elements and actions in the nmBot panel. Relevant improvements will be released in the June Update and subsequent releases.

Click here to learn more about nmTeam's commitment to accessibility for our products.

🏷 #Accessibility #nmBot
🔗 https://newsroom.nmteam.xyz/news/nmteam/50-12th-Global-Accessibility-Awareness-Day-2023-05-18.html
👥 @nmteamchat
关于 “nmTeam 开发人员‘开盒’用户”不实说法的说明

据 nmTeam 支持团队成员向 nmTeam 反应,近期在网络上,有以用户 Ha*es 为首的极少数用户正在私信中传播关于“nmTeam 开发人员‘开盒’用户”的不实说法。

我们经过调查显示,用户 Ha*es 所谓 nmTeam 或支持团队对用户进行“开盒”的说法子虚乌有,纯属其凭空意淫。

“无风不起浪”,该用户因为在相当数量的群组中发送其政治立场对群组构成骚扰,被群组管理员们举报而遭封禁,联系 nmTeam 支持无果,遂采用编造、传播谣言的方式向 nmTeam 和支持团队施加压力,希望其被解除封禁的“春秋大业”能够得逞。

以 Ha*es 为首的极少数用户,其传播的虚假和恶劣言论已经对 nmTeam 和旗下产品的舆论和声誉产生负面影响。我们对其恶劣行径表示强烈谴责,希望其能够悬崖勒马,立即停止传播谣言。

另外,被泄露个人资料的当事人已经主动联系 nmTeam,向我们声明相关事件并非 nmBot 所导致。我们的支持团队成员还要求我们提供一份关于用户 Ha*es 的第三方资料供您参考。

我们感谢您一直以来对 nmTeam 和旗下服务的支持。谣言止于智者,请您不要轻信谣言,也希望您能继续支持 nmTeam 和旗下服务。

2024 年 2 月 19 日

🏷 #Announcement
👥 @nmteamchat
nmTeam 宣布 nmBot NEXT,将于今年晚些时候推出

(2024 年 3 月 22 日) — nmTeam 今日面向 Telegram 用户发布 nmBot NEXT,这是基于 nmBot 近两年来全部的开发运营经验所研发的全新版本 nmBot。

nmBot NEXT 通过我们最新研发的 WINE(广泛改进的 nmBot 引擎),性能实现了进一步提升,常用操作提速最高达 80%*。

几乎所有您习惯的功能和操作方法都将包含在 nmBot NEXT 中,您不需要事先了解任何知识就可轻松使用。同时,相比现有版本,nmBot NEXT 操作起来更简便清晰。我们还优化了繁体中文和英语翻译,本地化更上一层楼。

nmBot 频道的后续帖子中,我们将为您详细介绍 nmBot NEXT 带来的全新功能和系统优化。

nmBot NEXT 公开预览版将于今年 4 月推出。今年晚些时候,nmBot NEXT 将替代现有版本 nmBot 面向所有用户推出。

nmBot NEXT 推出前,现有版本 nmBot 将继续获得关键的漏洞和错误修复。

* 该数据为实验室条件下测得,运行速度依实际情况存在差异。

nmTeam announces nmBot NEXT, launching later this year

(March 22, 2024) — nmTeam today announces nmBot NEXT for Telegram users, which is a all-new version of nmBot developed based on all the development and operation experience of nmBot in the past two years.

nmBot NEXT further improves performance with our newly developed WINE (Widely Improved nmBot Engine), speeding up common operations by up to 80%*.

Almost all the functions and operating methods you are accustomed to will be included in nmBot NEXT, and you can use it easily without any prior knowledge. At the same time, nmBot NEXT is easier and clearer to operate than the existing version. We have also optimized the Traditional Chinese and English translations, taking localization to the next level.

In subsequent posts on nmBot Channel, we will introduce you to the new features and system optimizations brought by nmBot NEXT in detail.

nmBot NEXT will be available in public preview this April. Later this year, nmBot NEXT will be available to all users, replacing the existing version of nmBot.

Existing versions of nmBot will continue to receive critical bug and bug fixes prior to the launch of nmBot NEXT.

* This data is measured under laboratory conditions, and the operating speed may vary depending on actual conditions.

🏷 #nmBot #nmBot_NEXT
🔗 https://newsroom.nmteam.xyz/news/nmBot/54-announcing-nmbot-next-2024-03-22.html
👥 @nmteamchat
nmTeam 官网更新

我们更新了 nmTeam 官网的新闻板块,通过显示文章头图,页面效果得到了进一步增强。

nmTeam official site updated

We have updated the news section of the nmTeam official website and enhanced the display effect by displaying article avatars.

🏷 #Website #Update
🧑‍💻 https://t.me/nmteampush/574
🔗 https://nmteam.xyz
👥 @nmteamchat