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Love, warmth and family come to mind and laughter never ends, team @NIFTYORGANIZER.
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halo sayang @NIFTYORGANIZER lagi butuh admin mpps nih.

MPPS close ya beb, move konten aja. tetep make sistem gaji

yuk langsung chat @NIFTYOFC untuk informasi lebih lanjut❤️

The occasion of Kartini Day reminds us all that both men and women are equal and therefore, they should be treated equally.

Let us celebrate the role and significance of the Indonesian women in our country and in our lives to celebrate the occasion of Kartini Day.

We're from NIFTY's family enunciate happy kartini day for all women in Indonesia.

Sending warm wishes on this Eid Ul-Fitr to all of you.

On this blessed occasion, we're from
@NIFTYORGANIZER pray that Allah blesses you with happiness, peace, and prosperity.

Let our religions unite us for human kindness rather than dividing us by our beliefs. Happy Eid Mubarak y'all!

The central figure in an Old Testament parable of the righteous sufferer.

After hiding from the quaint of the world,
NIFTY ORGANIZER finally showing themself in #DOSSIER session.

We’re looking for the one who has interest or experienced in
⋮⋮⋮ PJ
⋮⋮⋮ MC
⋮⋮⋮ SFS
⋮⋮⋮ MPPS

But before that, you have to read the MAIN RULES then send the FORMAT to US. Good Life Begins With A Good Company. Apply and work with us, now!
Lima sila yang terkandung pada Pancasila bukan sekadar untuk kita hafalkan begitu saja, namun juga harus kita implementasikan di dunia nyata.

Dengan Peringatan Hari Lahir Pancasila, kita dimampukan untuk semakin membumikan Pancasila dalam kehidupan berbangsa dan bernegara.

Selamat Hari Pancasila 1 Juni 2023.

Bersama iringan takbir, kami mengucapkan selamat Hari Raya Idul Adha 1444 H.

Semoga hari yang penuh berkah ini menginspirasi kita untuk selalu mengedepankan pengorbanan, kedermawanan, dan kepedulian terhadap sesama.

Yu brik mai hert brik mai haf.. halo guys @NIFTYORGANIZER lagi cari staff PJ & EDITOR kilat hanya dengan wawancara singkat, lolos? Langsung kerja bozzh!!!

Tunggu apalagi? Kirim 'min (@.usn + div) mw jadi anak bapak juga dong' ke @NIFTYORGANIZERBOT sekarang ya!!


Bak langit dan lautan yang berwarna biru, disini aku dengan centang dua yang tak kunjung membiru.

Sembari menunggu htsmu membalas perasaanmu,
@NIFTYORGANIZER sedang hiring inti nih dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut:

1. Sudah membaca dan memahami Rules Utama.
2. Jamet & Talkactive mendapat poin +++.
3. Menguasai bidang PJ, MC, Editor.
4. Memiliki waktu luang.
5. Aktif di base.
6. Bertanggung jawab atas jobnya.

Note: Menggunakan sistem Trainee, WWC, dan task game Elephant xoxo.

berminat dan merasa memenuhi rules? daftarkan diri kamu sekarang ke
@NIFTYORGANIZERBOT dengan format "Miminta mau join gc gibah dunk @usn"

Love, warmth and family come to mind and laughter never ends, team @NIFTYORGANIZER.

Waktu habis, jawabannya adalah #DOSSIER hayo siapa yang jawab pertama hayo selamat ya
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Di hari spesial ini, mari kita rayakan HUT ke-78 RI dengan keberhasilan, kesatuan, dan keragaman Indonesia.

Indonesia memiliki kedudukan terhormat di mata dunia. Selain terbebas dari penjajahan, kemerdekaan bangsa Indonesia adalah perayaan dari perbedaan yang disatukan. Harapan kita adalah Indonesia menjadi tempat yang aman bagi semua warga, tanpa memandang suku, agama, ras, atau budaya. Semoga semangat gotong royong dan kebersamaan terus mengakar dalam kehidupan masyarakat Indonesia.

Kami keluarga besar NIFTY ORGANIZER mengucapkan selamat ulang tahun untuk Indonesia ke-78. Love, warmth and family come to mind and laughter never ends, team @NIFTYORGANIZER.


═════════•°•🇲🇨 •°•═════════

Bak langit dan lautan yang berwarna biru, disini aku dengan centang dua yang tak kunjung membiru.

Sembari menunggu htsmu membalas perasaanmu,
@NIFTYORGANIZER sedang hiring staff untuk beberapa divisi nih, diantaranya

☆ MPPS [1]

Namun, pastikan kamu telah memenuhi kualifikasi berikut ini
1. Sudah membaca dan memahami Rules Utama.
2. Jamet & Talkactive mendapat poin +++.
3. Memiliki waktu luang.
4. Aktif di base.
5. Bertanggung jawab atas jobnya.

Note: Menggunakan sistem WWC only.

berminat dan merasa memenuhi rules? daftarkan diri kamu sekarang ke
@NIFTYORGANIZERBOT dengan format "Miminta mau jadi anakmu @usn + divisi"

Love, warmth and family come to mind and laughter never ends, team @NIFTYORGANIZER.

The central figure in an Old Testament parable of the righteous sufferer.

After hiding from the quaint of the world,
NIFTY ORGANIZER finally showing themself in #DOSSIER session.

We’re looking for the one who has interest or experienced in
⋮⋮⋮ PJ
⋮⋮⋮ SFS

But before that, you have to read the MAIN RULES then send the FORMAT to US. Good Life Begins With A Good Company. Apply and work with us, now!
The central figure in an Old Testament parable of the righteous sufferer.

After hiding from the quaint of the world,
NIFTY ORGANIZER finally showing themself in #DOSSIER session.

We’re looking for the one who has interest or experienced in
⋮⋮⋮ PP
⋮⋮⋮ SFS

But before that, you have to read the MAIN RULES then send the FORMAT to US. Good Life Begins With A Good Company. Apply and work with us, now!

Bak langit dan lautan yang berwarna biru, disini aku dengan centang dua yang tak kunjung membiru.

Sembari menunggu htsmu membalas perasaanmu,
@NIFTYORGANIZER sedang hiring staff untuk beberapa divisi nih, diantaranya


Namun, pastikan kamu telah memenuhi kualifikasi berikut ini
1. Sudah membaca dan memahami Rules Utama.
2. Jamet & Talkactive mendapat poin +++.
3. Memiliki waktu luang.
4. Bertanggung jawab atas jobnya.

Note: Menggunakan sistem WWC only.

berminat dan merasa memenuhi rules? daftarkan diri kamu sekarang ke
@NIFTYORGANIZERBOT dengan format "Miminta mau jadi anakmu @usn + divisi"

Love, warmth and family come to mind and laughter never ends, team @NIFTYORGANIZER.

The central figure in an Old Testament parable of the righteous sufferer.

After hiding from the quaint of the world,
NIFTY ORGANIZER finally showing themself in #DOSSIER session.

We’re looking for the one who has interest or experienced in
⋮⋮⋮ PP
⋮⋮⋮ PJ
⋮⋮⋮ MC
⋮⋮⋮ SFS
⋮⋮⋮ INTI

But before that, you have to read the MAIN RULES then send the FORMAT to US. Good Life Begins With A Good Company. Apply and work with us, now!
        Wish ──
        Our 15th Mensiversary.

    Fifteen months ── have passed since the establishment of Nifty Organizer. The unwavering dedication and hard work of our staff and associated teams have propelled our channels to new heights of success each day.

In celebration of this joyous milestone, we invite everyone to share their thoughts and hopes for the future in our special speech column.

Nifty Organizer remains committed to providing friendly and exemplary service to all who need us
#DOSSIER. Here's to continued growth and excellence!

The central figure in an Old Testament parable of the righteous sufferer.

After hiding from the quaint of the world,
NIFTY ORGANIZER finally showing themself in #DOSSIER session.

We’re looking for the one who has interest or experienced in
⋮⋮⋮ PJ
⋮⋮⋮ SFS

But before that, you have to read the MAIN RULES then send the FORMAT to US. Good Life Begins With A Good Company. Apply and work with us, now!
The central figure in an Old Testament parable of the righteous sufferer.

After hiding from the quaint of the world,
NIFTY ORGANIZER finally showing themself in #DOSSIER session.

We’re looking for the one who has interest or experienced in
⋮⋮⋮ PJ
⋮⋮⋮ PP
⋮⋮⋮ MC
⋮⋮⋮ SFS
⋮⋮⋮ MPPS
⋮⋮⋮ Konten

But before that, you have to read the MAIN RULES then send the FORMAT to US. Good Life Begins With A Good Company. Apply and work with us, now!