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Last notice!

The 1:2 ratio (PAYT/NEXT) will be available until May 4, 2024.
In addition to the above!

Can we swap after May 4? Yes, but it will not be by ratio.

Will stop? No, but it will be postponed until there is a good team.

Will NEXT Smart Chain stop? If more than 80% of the validators are stopping the network stop generating blocks. This event happened in the last few days. For those who have NEXT on next smart chain, we will manually transfer them to Ethereum. A form will be available by tomorrow.
Extended swap time

Holders of NEXT on Next Smart Chain which want to bridge to PayAccept will get an additional 14 days, due to the unstaking period.
Closing NEXT Smart Chain

The conclusion of NEXT Smart Chain is upon us. Regrettably, many validators are departing from NEXT Smart Chain, signaling its closure. However, for those who remain committed to NEXT Smart Chain, we're facilitating a migration to NEXT Evolution. This blockchain boasts the latest updates and operates independently of community validators. Current holders need not take immediate action as we've already taken a snapshot and will be transitioning to this new blockchain in the coming weeks. The only adjustment required is to set up a new chainID; everything else will be handled by us.
Dear NEXT holders,

We have taken a snapshot of all current NEXT holders and will be transitioning to a new blockchain. This process will take some time, but we assure you that the new blockchain will maintain the same amount of NEXT. Once the transition is complete, you will be able to swap to other assets. Attempting any swaps before the migration is complete could lead to complications, as no one will be able to move their NEXT during the process.

Additionally, the requirement to become a validator will be adjusted to 100k NEXT. This change is being made because the team will primarily maintain this blockchain and only the biggest supporters are able to acquire a validator.
Dear NEXT Holders,

From our recent swap, we acquired approximately 850k NEXT, which will be withdraw from the smart contract. These tokens will be included in the upcoming tokensale. We still got PAYT left at for those which want to move over.

Best regards,

The NEXT Team
This will be the last change to swap over to PAYT. Around 350k PAYT is available at the moment.
Closing the NEXT-PAYT Pair!

On Friday, June 7th, we will be closing the NEXT to PAYT swap pair on After this date, swaps will be based on market prices.
Swap Progress Update

For everyone who applied using the swap form and holds NEXT on the Next Smart Chain, your tokens will be processed at a 2:1 ratio. These NEXT tokens will first be transferred to Ethereum in the upcoming period. After that, swappers will receive a unique link to swap.

Please note, swapping to PAYT is not mandatory. NEXT will continue.