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👉 So Twitter is now limiting the number of posts that users are able to view per day.

I find this VERY interesting.

Folks all seem to be viewing this as a move to “limit the information that gets out.”

🟨 Blackout coming, anyone?
🔥 BREAKING: 🚨: Reports emerging that France's Military has given Macron a 48-hour ultimatum.. Unconfirmed Reports emerge that several senior and ACTIVE FRENCH MILITARY COMMANDERS have delivered an ultimatum to Emmanuel Macron – RESTORE ORDER WITH-IN 48 HOURS or we will...

👆 keep an eye 👁️ on this. Could certainly be a way to get the military involved publicly in France.

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📰 Top 10 headlines the media didn't tell you this week, Retweet & Follow for more.

10. A group of doctors are suing the FDA over its unlawful attempts to prohibit the use of ivermectin to treat COVID.

9. BlackRock and JPMorgan will help Ukraine launch a recovery bank to raise hundreds of billions of reconstruction money.

8. Russia moves to withdraw from World Health Organization.

7. New York has shut down its COVID vaccine passport program after wasting $250 million in taxpayer money.

6. Articles of Impeachment brought against Joseph R. Biden for abuse of power, enabling bribery and other high crimes and misdemeanors.

5. Elon Musk & Mark Zuckerberg welcomed by the Italian government to fight at the Colosseum.

4. Mike Pence Declares "No Room in Republican Party" For Those Who Do Not Support Ukraine War.

3. Pentagon says accounting error provides extra $6.2 billion for Ukraine military aid.

2. JPMorgan Chase received multimillion dollar fine for deleting 47,000,000 banking records.

1. Senior JP Morgan board member and billionaire, James Crown, vowed to expose damning evidence of financial crimes involving Joe and Hunter Biden before unexpected death.
Media is too big
🎞️ Here’s Scavino’s full Instagram story from todays SC Trump Rally…
📰 As riots continue to engulf #France look to the Netherlands. Massive protests are likely as the Dutch Prime Minister Rutt has been instructed by Klaus Schwab the German Chairman of the World Economic Forum and self appointed New World Order leader to seize 3000 privately owned farms and remove the farmers from their homes despite them owning and living there for generations. The reasons that have been identified are to take the land for migrants to be housed as there are further plans for more massive migration. Many young farmers have been driven to suicide.
Media is too big
📊 It’s a worldwide phenomenon: Everywhere you go, Liberals get triggered when presented with actual facts and statistics and never have any of their own to back it up.

It almost makes me feel stupid for ever falling for any of their lies. Especially for years on Climate Change.

But, I’m guilty as charged 🙋🏻‍♂️ and not afraid to admit that I’ve been duped by the Cabal on many topics in my life.

None of us “awakened” are better than the sleepers. They’ve gotten ALL of us with lies, one way or another in our lives at different times.

Important to remember this when dealing with the many who are soon to be shocked by the truth of the world.

📊 POLL: How do you believe Fake Biden will be publicly removed from office?
Anonymous Poll
25th Amendment
Arrested by Military
Losing The 2024 Election
🇫🇷 INTERNET BLACKOUT: France is planning a shutdown of the nation's internet in an attempt to stop the world from seeing what invaders are doing to the nation.
👉 I’m disappointed to see so many in the movement “celebrating” the very suspicious and unsubstantiated rumors that fake Biden has “died”. 🙄

So that idea makes you happy? Have you thought about what a Biden “death” means for the public?

(Disclaimer- I’m giving you the public optics of the movie, not the reality we know)

1) Immediately- Kamala Harris becomes President of The United States

2) The MSM will have the next 2-3 weeks to make Biden a martyr and thus erase much of the bad impressions that have been built among the American public. History shows us that death of anyone will swing some of the masses away from hating Biden out of sheer sympathy. The endless media sap stories would do the rest. This would be a HUGE setback for public consciousness, as Fake Biden is the face of everything that’s wrong with government.

3) “President” Harris gets to nominate the new Vice President of her choice. It only needs to pass the house and senate by a simple majority. VP Hilary anyone?

4) The leftists and the MSM will have an entirely new reason to spin the narrative of a “new beginning” for America. They will rope in the Women’s rights movement with accolades about America “breaking the glass ceiling” with our “first woman president”. The normies will get flooded with tv specials and documentaries about gender, race etc. everything that was done on Friday in SCOTUS with affirmative action is immediately forgotten in public consciousness.

By the time this entire “transition” is done, we would lose half of the public’s hatred for the government in the name of “let’s give her a chance” - that’s just what the uninformed 50% of the public does.

We would lose all of the momentum that’s been established by the revelations about Biden and his son we would lose every reason for the continuation of these revelations that LEAD TO OBAMA.

We would lose most of the momentum that’s been established in public consciousness over the last two years.

I’m sorry if this offends anyone, but if you’re celebrating the “death” of Biden because of your own selfish desires to end this “Movie”, you have completely failed to critically think about how this event would actually play out.


🟨 💥 Military mobilizing in France

💥Military mobilizing in Belgium

💥Military mobilizing in Switzerland

Probably just annual military drills and exercises 😅

No, this is why military assets have been strategically deployed and put in place…to deal with civil unrest and bad actors swiftly

Now ask yourself, what was the real reason for all the military assets being moved throughout the US a couple weeks ago? 🤔

🟨 Swift Fury 💥

🔥 Organizations and/or people that wish to do us harm during this time will be met with SWIFT fury – certain laws have been pre-lifted to provide our great military the necessary authority to handle and conduct these operations (at home and abroad).
🇫🇷 ‼️ Right on Q, it looks like Marie Le Pen is readying to take power in France after Military gets called in to stop the riots

Remember back in 2021 when 1000 serving military personnel and retired generals penned a letter warning the Macron government of a Civil war? That too, was also signed by Le Pen

👆👉 Interesting take. Eyes 👀 on:
Forwarded from Intel Slava Z
🌐🏦 - The Next Crash Will Be Worse Than 2008

Western economies are headed toward a banking crisis, but you wouldn’t know it from the headlines. Whether it’s the endless vacillation between triumphalism and disappointment regarding the war in Ukraine, the latest outrages of woke (or anti-woke) activists, or the fate of wealthy tourists deep beneath the sea, the media seems eager to cover just about anything else.

This obliviousness is remarkable, because the coming economic calamity promises to be worse than the great recession that began in 2008 with the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers.

📎 Compact Mag
👆 Remember we are ALREADY in a worse banking crash than 2008. The total assets of the three failures in 2023 is already $175 billion MORE than the total in 2008-09.

And there’s ALOT more to still fail.

It’s not fear porn, it’s not sensationalism. This is economics folks. It’s mathematics.

It’s inevitable. Look it up.

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🎬 🟨 The 4th Psychological Operations Group just posted a cryptic new video.

The message is VERY INTERESTING.

This is the same group that posted the “Ghosts In The Machine” video last year.

This was an official post on the Instagram account of the United States Army 4th Psychological Operations Group - Link:

🎬 Link to Ghosts In The Machine video:

Forwarded from RattleTrap 1776 🇺🇸
Might want to take a look at this… great explanation 💯

If you look at Biden’s motorcades, there’s a black vehicle that mimics an ambulance but isn’t… has zero markings.

This is what the Motorcade is supposed to look like then look at CIC Trumps: