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We might believe that what we do and the conflicts we engage in support truth, love, and humanity, yet we find ourselves doing exactly what the enemy is doing, creating an us-vs-them paradigm. Is it helpful, or is it tainted with the bitter blood of unprocessed emotional wounds? This Full Moon is a calling to our personal responsibility in relation to our offering to the collective. That is the path of realignment to Spirit and Soul. We can’t ask others to own up if we are not willing to own up ourselves. Easy math. And very Capricorn! It is time to correct the balance and do what is right. For ourselves and for others.

Sol W Jonassen
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We've just completed Segment 1, diving deep into the Fundamentals of Evolutionary Astrology, and we're excited to embark on Segment 2 starting next Sunday, July 7! This new segment will cover "The Players: The Planets & Houses" across eight live webinars.

The study of astrology is endless, and the interpretation of a birth chart continues to unfold through years of research. However, there’s no better time to start than now, and no better place than right here with us!

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📅 Mark your calendar: Segment 2 kicks off on Sunday, July 7 🕛 Live classes every Sunday at 12 PM Pacific (with replays available)

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Healing is a process,
That requires going within,
Feeling my pain and embracing myself,
Before re-emerging again.

This is a good week for healing. Healing the past, our relationships, our bodies, our souls, you name it. Both Saturn and Neptune are pausing, holding still, opening space for the spirit beings of Pisces to descend into this dense 3D realm and lift us on high! Take some time off, relax, let go, and settle into the core of your being. You'll be glad you did!

It's been a real healing journey just trying to find a song for this week! There is so much beautiful music in this world, isn't there? Let me know your favorites in the comments section. For now, I will suggest this "Music of Angels and Archangels" https://www.youtube.com/live/iXkXit4iwkM?si=thnyNTi9OPmnYdY3

So Much Love,

🪐 Wanna learn more? Join my SCHOOL OF ASTROLOGY! https://bit.ly/newparadigmschool
Our next live module, Segment 2: “The Players: Planets & Houses” begins on Sunday, July 7!
🌗 Waning Moon 07º Aries ♈️︎  June 28, 2024 by SOL W JONASSEN

〰️ Authentic expression 〰️

The closing square between the Sun and the Moon is influenced by a perfect square between Chiron in Aries and Mercury in Cancer. The Sun in Cancer is waxing to a square to the nodal axis. Both of these influences show us that despite intense emotions causing unrest and insecurity, we will find a way to express our creative Fire in this world and do it authentically and sincerely. This is the time to communicate our innermost needs, maybe for the very first time ever.

The Last Quarter Moon is conjunct the North Node, so it is time to revisit some of the themes that come up with this nodal passage. The Aries North Node reflects an emergence of individuality. Aries, being the first sign in the zodiac, marks the passage out of the collective and an awakening to a personal will-to-be. It involves being self-motivated and focused on what «I» want instead of what «we» want. And when there is knowledge of the self, the power to define what is right and what is wrong for us personally will never be given away again. This is breaking away from people pleasing and entering a realm of authentic expression, knowing very well that there are other sides to the story, but loyalty to one’s principles and needs must come first if we are to be healthy and thrive.

In the cases where the individual voice is somehow restricted and tuned down, leading to a lack of purpose and not knowing who one is, this week will offer a beautiful healing that might come through others and their reflection back on the individual, giving momentum to taking a stance. The Sun square to the nodal axis is about the gifts we have and what we have to offer life, and even though there is a certain cautious energy over the Cancer Sun, there is little doubt that many people will feel like they finally overcome a creative block and found their true voice.

The Sabian Symbol for the last quarter Moon: «A large woman’s hat with streamers blown by an east wind» reminds us again of the importance of being connected with Spirit, and in this particular context, in order to realize who we really are and have enough courage to express this. To be born in Spirit means understanding one’s true importance and seeing with one’s own eyes that there is something inherently unique and valuable about who we are. Something that cannot be replicated or manipulated away from itself. It is that one part of ones psyche that is always the same. Like a fire inside us, untainted and still, and once connection to it is achieved, life takes on a subtle yet all-pervasive meaning.

The «east wind» that is blowing also gives us an association with a fresh start and a cooling down, as if the hectic mind is being calmed by the strokes of wind. The hat works as protection from an overload of psychic impressions that could easily wear us out. A spiritually awakened person will be able to harness the rays of the Sun and express themselves without fears, yet be sensitive enough to read others and be tolerant and empathic, as opposed to narcissistic and selfish.

True humility is not about talking ourselves down, it is about being realistic about who we are, including our magnificence and the glory of our gifts and skills. This almost god-like experience can, of course, make us arrogant and proud, but on the other hand, without it, we might not be able to realize what our special offering is, and thus, think it is an act of humbleness not to express it boldly, even if we get it.

It is a sort of blasphemy not to realize the spark of divine energy that lives in us all, and daring to be bigger than life is also daring to be unique and gifted. Those who realize they are gifted also find their purpose. They take their gifts seriously and with gratitude. Purpose is related to the element of Fire and once we see the light, there is no going back. This particular week might, therefore, be likened to a cosmic message of «Thou Shall Not Take Thy Self for Granted!»
Never have we seen an enlightened human being with low self-esteem. The balance between being a server of life, aware of limitations, and having a feeling of a chosen destiny, being loved by God is hard for some to wrap their heads around, being brought up in a tradition of fake humility and fear of being too self-aggrandizing. No one likes a cocky know-it-all, but that is not the trademark of a spiritual human being. The ego has been tamed, and then what remains is a creative challenge and a play of consciousness. So this week, no one can shame us into the shadows again. This is life winning over death.

Sol W Jonassen
🌙 Get Daily Lunar Reports by joining our School of Astrology. 
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🌑 New Moon 14º Cancer ♋️  July 5, 2024 by KAYPACHA

〰️ So what are we going to do? Wait or create? 〰️

This month’s new Moon occurs at 14° Cancer 23. While she journeys through the twelve signs this month, the Sun and Venus move from Cancer to join Mercury in Leo, Mars leaves Taurus to join Jupiter in Gemini, and our friend, the wounded healer Chiron, stations and turns retrograde in Aries. This time of year can be likened to a small child getting ready to go on vacation! We can get all excited, with a bit of nervousness thrown in, as we pack our little bag with everything we think we’ll need, and by late July, we’ve set off on our journey.

Cancer and Leo are the two most personal signs in the zodiac, indicating this is the time of year to go within, discover our unique gifts, tap into our personal feelings and needs, and then put ourselves out there! Display our originality, show the world what we’re made of, leave the safety of our nest, and risk adventure outside the known and familiar. Take a gamble!

At this stage of the cyclic process, there are no guarantees or known results, we need to fly by the seat of our pants, live in the moment, and focus on ourselves, our projects, our hobbies, and our joy. “I’m sorry, but the world will have to wait until my show is done!” Sure, there are problems and challenges, and doomsday may be just around the corner, and there’s enough negativity floating around to bring anyone down. That makes it even more imperative that we focus ourselves within and on our own creative process.

Like an artist painting, an author writing, or a pianist playing, we need to focus on what is at hand. The waters of Cancer are disturbed by the large rock thrown into the middle of its pond. It sinks to the bottom but also sends circular waves from the center out, reaching ever farther, until everything on the surface of that pond has been disturbed, shaken up for a moment, and moved. We are here to sing and dance, shake it up, yell it out, and enjoy our bodies, each other, community, Gaia and her fruits, and the starry heavens above.

Yes, our frolicking may disturb the existing order. First, the warrior Mars consults with the rebel Uranus before Mercury, and then Venus squares him. Observing it all from a distance, our friend Pluto sits on the very edge between the old order (Capricorn) and the new paradigm (Aquarius), guarding the gate of the future. The future begins now, with every moment, and we are the creators of that future. So, what are we going to do? Wait or create?

Pluto challenges us to let go of our past wounds, failures, and successes and metamorphose ourselves into something/someone new. He dares us to break free, will we take his dare? This month’s full Moon is conjunct Pluto, so we may all feel the tension being exerted by the “forces that be” to conform, stay in line, wait your turn, do what you are told, be quiet, you’re not good enough, you’ll never make a difference, you don’t matter, and any other number of Self-denying/demeaning/limiting catchphrases.

Our job now is to ignore those voices from without and within and get on with the business of CREATING! Yes, the child may go on vacation and lose their wallet, fall from the tree and get hurt, or have the horse step on their toe. Anything can happen, loss is part of life. Will the possibility of harm/failure/embarrassment stop us from experiencing the fullness of ourselves and creation during our limited time here on Gaia? Hell no! So what? Let’s enter this month with the attitude of “Nothing ventured, nothing gained” or “better to have played and lost than not to have played at all.” Go get ’em, tiger!

So Much Love,

🌙 Get Daily Lunar Reports by joining our School of Astrology. 
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It's easier to look without,
Than it is to see within, 
So rather than blame, avoid, or deny,
I will do well to listen again.

Another thing about Lilith that I didn't go into but feel is important is that she is what I call a CHAMPION! She stirs us from deep down inside to make us aware of our hidden longings and nature. Wherever she falls in your chart, you may have trouble, BUT, through that trouble, you realize the importance of that aspect of life. And that realization can catapult you to champion the cause!

The other word that didn't come to me in the report was that there is both "form" and "function." Everything serves a function or wouldn't exist (even mosquitos, lol). The form things take certainly has something to do with the function, but sometimes, we can miss the function if we're not attracted to the form (outer appearance). So let's be watchful that we don't pass up the real gems just because they weren't polished!

The song is Don't Dream It's Over!  https://youtu.be/J9gKyRmic20?si=v7fM5saNEkqUY9gF 
Thumbnail and intro by Daniel Watts. Look for him on IG! @visionary_sea

So Much Love,

🌟 Learn Astrology with Us! 🌟 Want to make more sense from the Pele report, understand your own astrological chart, and grasp the fundamentals of astrology? Start your journey from scratch and deepen your understanding with us. Segment 2: “The Players: Planets & Houses” begins July 7th! Enroll here: ⁠https://bit.ly/newparadigmschool
@NewParadigmAstrology pinned «⚡️ Pele Report for July 3, 2024 https://youtu.be/gSI_sdfBK1s?si=IrBYJ59O15OAiYNF»
⚡️ THIS WEEKEND! Join me as I kick off Segment 2: The Players: Planets & House” This Sunday, I will give a 2-hour class on The 12 Houses & The Sun. Learn Astrology for only $22/month! https://bit.ly/newparadigmschool


Unlike the other planets, the Sun has the singular evolutionary lesson of expressing and consciously actualizing our true Self. This fundamental lesson is epitomized by the inscription “Know Thyself” carved above the entrance to the Temple of Apollo at Delphi. The Sun invites us to tap into our power, enabling us to manifest our full creative and individual potential in the world and fulfill our unique destiny.

The Sun symbolizes your unique, individual, creative self. Increasing awareness of our true identity brings health & healing light to all aspects of our being. It represents not the personality shaped by family or society, but our unique individuality. Acknowledging and owning the truth of who we are empowers us to continually create & recreate ourselves and our world!