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It's time for me to set myself free, 
In what I say and do. 
Not fear my fire but express my desire, 
And make my dreams come true.

Are you ready for Mars to charge into Uranus? Yikes! We can call this the train wreck week, LOL! The future is not upon us, it is in us. As emissaries of the future, our mission is to envision, invent, and create the future. Having it done for us or to us is the result of entropy, fear, and unconsciousness. Well, that is what Uranus is all about, and this week, along with Mars, he'll wake us up to our unconscious needs and desires whether they are comfortable (Taurus) or not. 

This week, through non-attached observation, we can learn much about ourselves. How much do I stretch the envelope? What exactly is holding me back? Why? Do I want my past to limit my future? How can I best express and create without shocking or traumatizing others? What environment and relationships best meet my needs for individuation and authentic, full self-expression?

The answers to these questions can open doors of perception that lead to choices and decisions that empower us rather than diminish our power, joy, and excitement for life. The future is wide open (despite what MSM says), and we are here to make it happen starting NOW. Go forward with love, peace, and humor to throw out what is in the way of you being YOU. Blessings!

This week's song is "Light My Fire" https://youtu.be/edq9egDwPQI?si=0pYUTjp-nq_uPzNA 

John Wolfstone's article is here: https://medium.com/@JohnWolfstone/why-loving-many-is-a-political-revolution-238210f16d4c 

Carolina's Healing Playlist is: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/76WngxJ2SUEy0zlhmfTcCS?si=3wa2lir0S2CyxxbxZSQbpw&pi=u-iPenu3dwQ1ml 

So Much Love,

🪐 Wanna learn more? Join my SCHOOL OF ASTROLOGY! https://bit.ly/newparadigmschool
🌓 1st Quarter Moon 22º Libra ♎️︎  July 13, 2024 by KAYPACHA

〰️ Let’s write our future script starting NOW! 〰️

It’s time to stop procrastinating and get down to it! You may recall some of the cliches that involve engaging our will (Mars) to make change (Uranus), and this week is the time, as they come together exactly on Monday. “Never put off ’til tomorrow what can be done today.” “God helps those who help themselves.” “No Fear!” are some of them, but you may have more yourself. This powerful energy that only comes around every couple of years is close to the first quarter square Moon, which of itself wants to break free/out. So, let’s go!

Of course, it’s not as simple and straightforward as Mars would have it. Let’s also consider that the Sun squares Chiron on the same day and brings up all our fears and wounds around self-assertion. This can be healing or crippling, depending upon the individual and their soul’s evolutionary state, history, willpower, and intention. Mercury inconjuncts Saturn the same Monday, too, indicating that it’s time to discuss some, perhaps unpleasant, matters and graduate from a place of subservience to independence.

As La Luna proceeds from her first quarter square in Libra through Scorpio Sunday to Tuesday (depending on where you are on planet Earth, of course, as time is relative), Sagittarius and Capricorn to meet up with Pluto for the full Moon in the last, critical degree, all hell or heaven (probably a little of both) will be breaking loose! By then, our fiery Venusian goddess in Leo will be ready to put on her dancing shoes, and she won’t want to be stopped by petty needs, fears, concerns, or power struggles.

By Saturday, the 20th, the train leaves the station as Mars moves out of slow, grounded Taurus and takes flight in Gemini. It’s almost as if life is like an ice cream pushup (if you can remember those) or maybe even a jack-in-the-box whose time has come to emerge up and out of the box with a sudden burst. We can either jump out of the box or get kicked out of the box, but one thing is certain: the past will remain regardless of how cherished or clung to. The life force represented by Pluto/Mars will ceaselessly bring evolution, so it’s best not only to let go and enjoy the ride but also to actualize our unique selves in the process. Another old saying is “Publish or perish,” so let’s write our future script starting NOW!

So Much Love,

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After the storm there's a lot of debris,
That needs to be cleared away.
Before I begin to recreate,
A place for me to stay.

💓 What is Love? An Astrological Adventure by Kaypacha! Get two books for the price of one, only during July! https://newparadigmastrology.com/

Now we get to see the difference between Uranus and Pluto! Last week, Mars was conjunct Uranus, sudden, surprising, and shocking events piercing and awakening our consciousness. Come early next week, the full Moon will be conjunct Pluto/Shiva/Kali, clearing the stage for the next act. These planets are both harbingers of change in their own unique way, and when acting in unison, they will surely catapult us into the future while also removing any obstacles to our soul evolution. 

As the Sun and Mars change signs from the inner-oriented Cancer and Taurus, respectively, and head into extroverted Gemini and Leo, we'll all notice (and hopefully take advantage of) a quickening. As I mentioned in the report, there may be a tendency to rush and try to replace or repair what has been lost, removed, broken, or destroyed.

Rather than attempt some kind of restoration of the past, it will better serve us (and the whole) to contemplate the chain of events, dig through our feelings and needs, and from the bottom of our souls (Pluto) begin to create new expressions of ourselves that are more appropriate for the "newly enlightened Uranian," that we are now.

As the Moon moves on next week into Aquarius, you'll be sure to find some like-minded souls to share that journey into the unknown realms as long as you actively reach out and go for it rather than sit around waiting for them to appear. Hence this week's song, "You'll Never Walk Alone!" https://youtu.be/QOXwzvk1WTc?si=DAb8XL-KU8niaD-H

So Much Love,

🪐 Wanna learn more? Join my SCHOOL OF ASTROLOGY! https://bit.ly/newparadigmschool
🌕 Full Moon 29º Capricorn ♑️︎  July 21, 2024 by KAYPACHA

〰️ A time of transition from the old to the new 〰️

This full Moon starts the week off with a bang! Hold onto your hats, or better yet, if they are old, tattered, and no longer a true expression of yourself, don’t hold onto them, let them fly away! Yup, this full Moon is conjunct Pluto. As god of the underworld, he helps us remove what no longer serves our evolutionary growth, no longer represents our true self, or distracts/holds us back from creating honest expressions of our true nature. How true are you being to yourself? If the answer is “very,” then voilà! You are rewarded with a burst of power. If not, you’re stripped of false facades, masks, lies, and deceptions. Pluto is the god of integrity and doesn’t take no for an answer.

In addition, the Sun trines Neptune before heading into Leo, and Mars trines Pluto after recently entering Gemini. We’ve got our hands full this week! The pace will pick up, and the challenge will be to not get swept up into the superficial or temporary but remain grounded and solid in the “eye of the storm.” On one level, it’s exciting, but it can also be nerve-racking, crazy-making, and sleep-depriving. Best to see ourselves in the calm center of the hurricane, where there is stillness even while the storm rages around it in all directions.

As the Moon moves through Aquarius and Pisces, she begins to wane, and we’ll feel a certain anxiousness, a need to relax and return home to source/Gaia or our celestial mom and dad. Some sadness may arise as we feel into the pain and grief of the collective and our own past. This can be healing provided we realize it’s all coming up, so we can honor it and release it rather than get lost in regret and “coulda, woulda, shoulda.” A beautiful opening of our hearts can happen midweek, preparing us for action come Thursday and Friday.

We will be woken from any revere as the Moon enters Aries and Mercury enters his home sign of Virgo after inconjuncting Neptune. If we’ve recharged our batteries, lightened our load, and screwed our heads on straight, we’ll jump into action toward the end of the week and accomplish a great deal. Some health, work, or coworker issues may arise, reminding us that we’re human and that our health is our greatest wealth: The better we care for ourselves, the better we’ll be for everyone!

Finally, the Moon will transit into Taurus as Chiron stations to go retrograde. The emphasis will remain on healing and health. This week is a time of transition from the old to the new, and like a graduation, there are mixed feelings of exuberance and sentimentality. While it is always good to honor yourself and feel your feelings, there is a need to move on, adjust to new circumstances, and not fear the future. There is life after graduation, so say goodbye!

So Much Love,

🌙 Get Daily Lunar Reports by joining our School of Astrology. 
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A while back, I wrote a poem called "What Is Love?" and turned it into a book! 💘 It's a beautifully illustrated and fun introduction to the basic archetypes of the zodiac, symbolizing the twelve unique aspects, approaches, and attitudes about life and love as reflected through astrology.

To celebrate my birthday, I'm offering the book at the lowest possible price. Plus, with every order, you'll receive an extra copy as a gift from me, so you can keep one and share the love by gifting the other!
Thank you so much for your support, and I hope you enjoy the book as much as I enjoyed creating it!

PS: 2 books for $22!! This offer runs until the end of July! 🦁
Buy now: https://bit.ly/what-is-love_book
If I really want to evolve,
I not only need to dissolve,
The walls surrounding my heart,
But bridge back together what is now torn apart.

🇬🇷 Let's get together in Greece this October! https://bit.ly/astrology-attraction-2024
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So as the mantra for this week says, evolution is a two-fold process (Venus and Mars). On the one hand, we need to dissolve the walls of separation built up through past lives, childhood and cultural conditioning, and our own fears, insecurities, and judgments (inward feminine Venusian work). On the other hand, we need to reach out, create, express ourselves, and unite with all that is (outward Mars work).

With this week's astrology, we have opportunities to do both. Chiron stationing in Aries is an opportune time to meditate, contemplate, and let the Spirit in. All the Leo energy combined with the Mercury/Neptune/Pluto yod is perfect for building bridges that unite communities, hearts, and minds. Let's do it!

This week's song is Imagine! https://youtu.be/KhrmkCW6Ph8?si=V1k354xa7MjZA1qS

So Much Love,

🪐 Wanna learn more? Join my SCHOOL OF ASTROLOGY! https://bit.ly/newparadigmschool
🌗 Waning Moon 05º Taurus ♉️︎  July 27, 2024 by SOL W JONASSEN

〰️ It is time to become a beacon of light 〰️

This last full Moon was pretty gnarly, being way too close to Pluto for our comfort zones to feel comfy, and even if this last quarter Moon is a tad less Plutonian, Pluto is still in the game. Mars is in a trine to our master of the Underworld, whereas Mercury is making a wide square to Mars and will rest in a quincunx to Pluto while slowing down to go retrograde on the 5th of August. This causes a lot of mutable activity, and the Mercurial themes that now surface are essential and to the point. Correct communication and detailed organizing will be on the menu. It is as if the planets tell us that if we want to live up to our creative potential, we have to hurry up slowly.

Thankfully, the fixed quality of both the Sun and the Moon will help us stay focused and maintain a sense of direction. This is a very creative lunar phase, and although we can slip and slide in the waters of the hectic Mercury while getting lost in details, the solid determination of the Leo Sun will help us channel this energy into something valuable and meaningful. The Moon will highlight both Mars and Jupiter while waning, and even if we are not entirely sure where we are going, we can still find the courage to pursue our ambitions. As long as our days make sense, it shouldn’t really bother us that there is much to deal with. As Jupiter and Mars continue to pick up strength, faith and conviction will help us transcend our doubts. If we have learned anything from the last weeks of Plutonian vibes, it is that the inevitable can’t be avoided, and now we will have to plan ahead, releasing those thoughts and ideas that block our progress.

The Sabian Symbol for the Moon: «A cantilever bridge across a deep gorge» serves as a reminder that even if the distance might seem too long, even if a million things seem to get in the way of our dreams, even if challenges feel insurmountable, there is a potential to build a bridge and mend the gap between reality and the dream, but we have to be willing to put in the work and stop trying to avoid challenges. Life is challenging, and we are constantly being put to the test, but with Mars and Jupiter starting to pull in the same direction, we get powerful help to overcome our obstacles.

When we dedicate ourselves to our path completely and surrender our resistance to the challenge, we say yes to life in a way that fits the Leonian spirit. It’s in these moments that we receive assistance on our path as if angels stand by our side and help open the right doors. This is known as grace, the upper tier of life’s magic. With Venus also coming into a square to Uranus, our journey towards becoming who we were meant to be is making a quantum leap, and it is all tied beautifully into the ongoing process of practicing how to deal with relationships and boundaries in a healthy way.

The Sun will make a trine-sextile to the Lunar Nodes during this lunar phase, and again, we are being reminded of the need to be more self-sufficient when navigating relationships. Whether we are anxious, overly confronting, or completely avoidant when the going gets tough, these are all symptomatic of codependency, and that is precisely what we are not doing anymore. Leo’s shadow is waiting for the world to love us, yet the one validation we truly need is the one coming from ourselves. We have to have faith in ourselves, connect to the love in our own hearts, and do that without pining for approval.

It takes a warrior of light to overcome trauma and fears and that is a task fit for the Leo energy. Replacing fear with love is nothing less of a miracle, and this is just the potential we can tap into right now. Thankfully, Mercury is in Virgo, helping us to discern what projection and truth are, and this capacity to pragmatically organize our minds helps immensely when faced with troublesome relationships and unhealthy dynamics that need sorting out.
This waning Moon Phase can also help us confront some underlying ideas and attitudes that permeate our relationship to life itself. If we constantly battle our own light and try to diminish it because we think ourselves unworthy, it is time to become a beacon of light and bridge the mind with spirit. It is only then that the journey of life will be properly guided.

Sol W Jonassen
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