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Forwarded from Time of Transition (Bernhard Guenther & Laura Matsue) (Bernhard Guenther)
I often speak about SINCERITY in the Work and sincerity as a way of life. It is very difficult to be truly sincere with yourself for you will have to confront the lies, excuses, rationalizations, external blame, and avoidance strategies within yourself.

It's about dropping the mask of pretense getting out of self-importance (inflation) and self-pity (deflation) but see yourself as you are - to become REAL with yourself.

This process entails disillusionment and the initial suffering you'll experience is directly proportional to how much you have identified with the false persona [mistaken for the real "I"] and many different masks you have taken on covering up your suppressed shadow. Many of them are unconscious trauma responses as well.

But disillusionment is a good thing. It means getting rid of illusions and becoming real. But the ego, wounded inner child, and many other parts that you have split off will resist it. The fragmentation also serves as entry points for occult forces to come in.

Only when you have become integrally sincere with yourself and committed 100% without excuses to engage in what has been called the Great Work will you be able to be in integrity and essential embody your true Self without division. But sincerity with self is the first step.

It's an inner aspiration and attitude which opens the gateway to conscience. Once you are truly in touch with conscience you won't be able to lie to yourself anymore and buffer it up with rationalizations.

- Bernhard Guenther

Almaas said it well:

"Being honest and sincere means confronting our inner experience and our outer life in a truthful way. Being sincere means not lying to ourselves, not rationalizing, not comforting, not postponing, not bandaging difficulties. Being sincere means grappling with our life and coming to terms with it with a sense of integrity and self-respect.

Over time we gain self-respect by grappling with our deficiencies, by learning that we can do it. If we run away from the difficult parts, we’ll feel like a coward. If we feel like a coward, we won’t respect ourselves. And we can’t lie to ourselves about what we’re actually doing; on a deep level, we know the truth. So we have to grapple with the difficulties in a courageous way. That’s how we gain respect and value. If we run away from things, there’s no way we can value ourselves.

To have a sense of integrity, we have to prove to ourselves that we’re worthy of it. I don’t mean we have to prove something to our superego. I mean we have to bring forth what we are, bring forth all our resources to confront the difficulties that we have in our life. As far as I know, we can’t become real, can’t become truthful embodiments of reality unless we take the risks to live that way. We must make the necessary sacrifices to be and to live that reality.

It’s not likely to happen that you sit there meditating, have wonderful experiences, and then suddenly you’re a real human being. Living according to the truth requires sacrifices and risks.

The Work is a self-confrontation, an attempt to be more and more truthful and sincere with yourself. We gain integrity and value by living according to the truth. The Work is not separate from being real, from living our lives. The Work simply guides us about how to go about living life in a real way.

For me, it’s sometimes much more satisfying to say one real word to somebody than to go on a vacation and have fun. Pleasure and relaxation are necessary and important, but it’s much more valuable to me if I can confront a situation squarely, and be what I can be in that moment."

- A.H. Almaas
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"Most of our suffering comes from avoidance." @naval
2 more chapters for my brothers that might be looking for clarity. Life flows according to divine will.

Chapter 10 - Competence,
confidence and contribution

Are you contributing to a better society? Are you certain? You have innate greatness, but men can engage in self-destructive behavior when our true purpose is not derived from spirit.

Chapter 11 - Leadership and
the Pursuit of Power
Can you lead? If we are not aligned with God's will (in my case I would say source or universal consciousness), we cannot step into our true power. Do not resist this or seek control.
Forwarded from Humanley
There are no "cell membrane pumps" like the sodium potassium pump.

First and foremost, there are more than 2500 pumps proposed to exist, yet not a single one has ever been observed with a microscope.

Secondly, the sodium potassium pump is just one of these pumps and would require between 1500%- 3500% more energy than a cell is capable of producing.

Thirdly, sodium, calcium and magnesium pumps would require 350% more energy than a cell is capable of producing.

Finally, simple calculations prove that there would not be enough space for 2500 different pumps to exist within the cell membrane.

It's time to start rethinking cell biology.

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Forwarded from Noble Savage (M1Bear🐻)
Made By JimBob - Oldie
Forwarded from RSS
"My definition of wisdom is knowing the long-term consequences of your actions." @naval
Forwarded from RSS
A plethora of options creates a poverty of commitment.
New realization: Check your inhale. Check your exhale. Which one feels most comfortable? Strong indicator right there. Now, prolong the comfortable one. Check how the other breath reacts.
Forwarded from Anami Sacred Samurais