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Forwarded from Solens Datter
"Men, si meg da, hvorfor tar det meg så lang tid å skape den virkelighet jeg ønsker?

Det er flere årsaker. Fordi du ikke tror du kan få det du velger. Fordi du ikke vet hva du skal velge. Fordi du hele tiden forsøker å finne ut hva som er "best" for deg. Fordi du på forhånd vil ha garantier på at valgene dine er gode. Og fordi du hele tiden forandrer mening!

Har jeg forstått dette riktig? Skal jeg ikke forsøke å forestille meg hva som er til mitt eget beste?

"Ditt beste" er et relativt begrep, avhengig av hundrevis av faktorer. Det gjør valg veldig vanskelige. Det burde bare være én ting å ta standpunkt til før man fatter en beslutning - det er: "Hvem er jeg?" Er dette en bekreftelse på "Hvem jeg ønsker å være?"
Hele livet burde være en slik bekreftelse. Hele livet er faktisk det. Du kan velge om du vil la dette bli bekreftet av tilfeldigheter eller om du vil foreta valg.
Et liv som leves etter egne valg, er et liv i bevisst handling. Et liv som leves etter tilfeldigheter, er et liv i ubevisst reaksjon.
Det er akkurat hva reaksjon er - en gjentagelse av noe du tidligere har gjort. Når du "re-agerer" er du åpen for de opplysningene du tar imot, så gjennomgår du i hukommelsen de samme eller lignende erfaringene og handler på samme måte som du gjorde forrige gang. Det er hjernen din som arbeider, ikke sjelen.
Sjelen din ønsker at du skal gjennomgå dens "hukommelse" for å se hvordan du kan skape en sann og ekte erfaring med ditt nye jeg i dette øyeblikket.
Dette er den søkende sjel som du så ofte har hørt om, men som du må være utenfor fornuft for å leve med.
Når du bruker tiden din på å finne ut hva som er "best" for deg, er det akkurat det du gjør. Du bruker av tiden din. Det er bedre å spare tid enn å kaste den bort.
Du sparer masse tid å være utenfor fornuft. Man fatter raske beslutninger, dine valg blir raskt gjennomført fordi sjelen din skaper ved øyeblikks erfaring uten å se seg tilbake, analysere og kritisere tidligere hendelser.
Husk dette: Sjelen skaper, fornuften reagerer."

~Utdrag fra "Himmelske samtaler 2" av Neal Donald Walsch
Seidr, Shamanic Journey

A black mirror,
another realm,
of silence and darkness.
A female voice,
like an echo,
reflecting against the
cristal walls.

Mothers in silence,
still unknown to me.
In my presence,
spirits, witches and deities.

Take my light,
take my darkness,
because I am shadow.


(art: houvv)
Forwarded from Luke Storey
Forwarded from Dr. Melissa Sell (Melissa Sell)
I will not inject my body for the sake of the collective.⁣⁣
I will not block my breathing for the sake of the collective.⁣⁣
I will not fundamentally alter my lifestyle to accommodate the irrational fears of the collective.⁣⁣
This is a philosophical battle between the individual and the collective.⁣⁣
Those who are scared can choose of their own volition to inject their body, block their breathing, stay inside, and avoid whatever they perceive to be dangerous, but they 𝐚𝐛𝐬𝐨𝐥𝐮𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐨𝐭 demand or mandate these things for another.⁣
The collective is not owed safety or protection at the expense of the individual.⁣⁣
The healthy are not obligated to sacrifice themselves to the sick.⁣⁣
The confident are not obligated to sacrifice themselves to the fearful.⁣⁣
The idea that the individual owes anything to the collective is a delusion.⁣⁣
The collective would not exist without the individual.⁣⁣
The freedom and choice of the individual must always supersede the preferences of the mob, when this principle is inverted societal destruction is inevitable.⁣⁣
Many people have been conditioned to believe this is an “unloving” or “selfish” perspective, while completely overlooking how unloving and selfish it is to demand an individual sacrifice their own well-being for the sake of the herd.⁣⁣
Upholding the right for an individual to choose for themselves is the most loving and honorable thing a society can do.⁣⁣
♥️Voluntaryism is the way forward.♥️
Forwarded from THE OLD WAYS (Velesa37)
It’s absolutely necessary for children to be introduced to nature, or at least have daily routine of simply going outside. Taking them outside gives them a break from the fake artificial reality inside their computer or phone screens, and allows them to have direct experience with the real world around them, perceiving the world with their own senses and thoughts.
Forwarded from David Avocado Wolfe
Media is too big
December 27, 2021: David🥑Wolfe on Trump, the Quackccines and Medical Scientism as a Religion (5 min 5 sec)
Forwarded from DukeOfDurham 🦌
Around 70% of clothing worn today is made of plastic. This has countless other health problems for us. The issue of low sperm count barely scratches the surface.

Every time you wash synthetic materials, tiny bits of micro-plastics are released into the water system, which flow to the oceans, are eaten by fish, which are then eaten by us.

Avoid polyester, nylon, acrylic and polyamide. Instead, wear cotton, silk, wool, etc.

It’s more expensive, but is infinitely better for you.

For most people it’s not possible to just replace most of your clothes at once. It costs a lot of money. For the last year I’ve been doing the following:
• Get rid of all synthetic underwear.
• Do not buy any more plastic clothes.
• When buying new clothes, ensure they’re 100% natural materials.
• Slowly phase out and replace plastic clothes.
Forwarded from Wheel of Kindred (🌙 𝓶𝓸𝓸𝓷𝓯𝓵𝓸𝔀𝓮𝓻 🧿)
Jung understood dreams to be messages from the unconscious, but rather than viewing dream images as manifest symbols of latent pathology, a storehouse of unwanted and dreaded content, Jung, through his own self-analysis, concluded that our darkest dreams might contain imagery that illustrates our internal conflicts and point to their cure as well.

While it may sound new age-y or some level of hippie nonsense, there's a great benefit to recording your dreams. Your ancestors and blood memory often speak through you in your sleep, trying to guide you to what you need to purge in your life.

While it may be filled with riddles and cryptic language, analysing the symbolism behind it can help you see what needs to be cleared out and what needs to change.
Forwarded from Noble Savage (M1Bear MST (D14/R))
Made By JimBob 👍