08102024 (4:25 PM KST) #NCTDREAM #JISUNG bubble update
<very late update>
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I want to see you but I can't see you, I want to hear you but I can't hear you
is that why I like you even more
This one I kinda said it well
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 😆 hehe
Please wait a moment ☺️
It seems like there will be a really not bad pieces of work coming out
Aku pengen ngeliat kamu tapi aku ga bisa liat kamu, aku pengen denger kamu tapi aku ga bisa denger kamu
Itukah sebabnya aku semakin menyukaimu
Yang ini agaknya aku bilang dengan baik
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 😆 hehe
Tunggu bentar ☺️
Kayaknya bakalan ada karya yang lumayan bagus yang bakal dirilis
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<very late update>
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I want to see you but I can't see you, I want to hear you but I can't hear you
is that why I like you even more
This one I kinda said it well
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 😆 hehe
Please wait a moment ☺️
It seems like there will be a really not bad pieces of work coming out
Aku pengen ngeliat kamu tapi aku ga bisa liat kamu, aku pengen denger kamu tapi aku ga bisa denger kamu
Itukah sebabnya aku semakin menyukaimu
Yang ini agaknya aku bilang dengan baik
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 😆 hehe
Tunggu bentar ☺️
Kayaknya bakalan ada karya yang lumayan bagus yang bakal dirilis
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14102024 (7:39 PM KST) #NCTDREAM #JISUNG bubble update
<very late update>
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The day today is coming to an end as well
Tomorrow is ticketing for encore (concert)
So (we're) really doing the encore concert, it feels real (now)...
Hari ini juga akan segera berakhir
Besok tuh ticketing buat (konser) encore
Luar biaasa
Jadi (kami) beneran melakukan konser encore, berasa nyata (sekarang)...
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<very late update>
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The day today is coming to an end as well
Tomorrow is ticketing for encore (concert)
So (we're) really doing the encore concert, it feels real (now)...
Hari ini juga akan segera berakhir
Besok tuh ticketing buat (konser) encore
Luar biaasa
Jadi (kami) beneran melakukan konser encore, berasa nyata (sekarang)...
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17102024 (7:36 PM KST) #NCTDREAM #JISUNG bubble update
<late update>
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ah there was supposed to be an overseas schedule yesterday
it suddenly got cancelled so it's somewhat a little upsetting
we can see each other a lot soon
i’ll prepare well while waiting for the day to arrive
ah seharusnya ada jadwal ke luar negeri kemarin
tiba-tiba dibatalkan dan aku merasa agak sedih
kita akan bisa segera banyak bertemu lagi.
aku akan mempersiapkan diri dengan baik sambil menunggu hari itu tiba
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<late update>
‼️do not repost‼️
ah there was supposed to be an overseas schedule yesterday
it suddenly got cancelled so it's somewhat a little upsetting
we can see each other a lot soon
i’ll prepare well while waiting for the day to arrive
ah seharusnya ada jadwal ke luar negeri kemarin
tiba-tiba dibatalkan dan aku merasa agak sedih
kita akan bisa segera banyak bertemu lagi.
aku akan mempersiapkan diri dengan baik sambil menunggu hari itu tiba
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20102024 (12:11 AM KST) #NCTDREAM #JISUNG bubble update
<late update>
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Now the weather is really chilly
It is for sure cold at night
I like to go on walks
Does Y/N like to go on walks
Sekarang cuacanya beneran mulai dingin
Beneran dingin di malam hari
Aku suka jalan santai
Apakah Y/N suka jalan santai
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<late update>
‼️do not repost‼️
Now the weather is really chilly
It is for sure cold at night
I like to go on walks
Does Y/N like to go on walks
Sekarang cuacanya beneran mulai dingin
Beneran dingin di malam hari
Aku suka jalan santai
Apakah Y/N suka jalan santai
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