The National Party │ An Páirtí Náisiúnta
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Ar Dheis Ar Aghaidh!
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There is no need for a conversation on mass immigration. There is no need for consultation. We have watched Europe for decades. We are informed. We don't want it, it's as simple as that.

It's not up for debate.
Why does the anti-Irish Regime believe that a large-scale terror attack is more likely to take place now? What has changed in the last few decades that has made Irish streets more dangerous?

Modern Ireland would rather simulate terror attacks than take on the most crucial step in preventing them; stopping mass immigration.

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House the Irish, Not the World!

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Important decisions announced by National Party’s executive

On Sunday 28th January, members of the National Party’s recently elected National Directorate formally met and decided upon several items detailed below.

The new National Directorate was elected at the Party’s Annual General Meeting (Ard Fheis) on 16th December 2023 in Portlaoise, County Laois. At this meeting, 13 candidates presented themselves for election to the National Directorate; at which 9 were elected to fill the total number of elected positions. In accordance with the Party’s constitution, elected members of the National Directorate took office a month after their election.

At the National Party’s 2023 AGM, several motions were passed by the members present, including an endorsement of the decisions taken at the meeting of the National Directorate held on 14th July 2023 and the amendments made to the Party’s constitution.

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A summary of decisions taken at the National Directorate meeting of 28th January 2024 include:

• The election of party leader. James Reynolds was elected as party leader.

• The election of party deputy leader. Patrick Quinlan was elected as party deputy leader.

• The appointment of 3 additional members of the National Directorate by the party leader.

• That the National Directorate be re-named the Ard Chomhairle going forward.

• That a new Constitution of the National Party in keeping with the party’s constitutional republican principles be drafted and presented to the membership for consideration.

• That the party commits to fielding candidates in the upcoming European and local elections in June 2024.
Apparently the difference between "toy gun" and "imitation firearm" is whether the man waving it around is a foreigner or Irish.
The regime now admit that they always had the capacity to deport asylum scammers, yet deliberately chose not to.

Do you still trust them?

National Party activists present at today's pro-Irish rally in Dublin. House the Irish, Not the World!

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"Execute the order, back to the border!". Thanks to all our members and supporters who joined us today in Dublin.

Vote National Party in upcoming local and European elections.

How about we opt out of the burden of mass immigration?

The National Party condemns unreservedly the actions of An Garda Síochána yesterday, 5th of February 2024, who accosted a group containing many women and children walking home from the national protest. In the footage linked Gardaí can be seen terrorising a child and dragging away her mother for no discernable reason.

We note the involvement of Garda superintendents and inspectors in the arrest, indicating that this abuse of power was directed from on high. Certainly, there exists a deliberate strategy of criminalising and thus discrediting Irish protests, and it is for this reason that the arrests yesterday were made. The state-aligned press have rapidly held up their end of the deal by showering the country in headlines declaring "11 arrested", while reporting nothing of the nature of the arrests or even the protest itself.

This type of abuse is becoming more and more common, as has been witnessed recently across the country. An Garda Síochána have at this stage essentially lost their claim to being an a-political force with a mission to serve the public.

It is remarkable that regular uniformed Gardaí are - with no known exceptions - not merely willing to follow these orders, but execute them with a certain enthusiasm and disproportionate violence.

#IrelandBelongsToTheIrish #PoliticalPolicing
Media is too big
Ireland Belongs to the Irish!

Join the National Party if you share a passion for Ireland and a desire to contribute to her restoration and prestige.

British retailer to recruit directly from plantation centres, undermining Irish workers.
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