The National Party │ An Páirtí Náisiúnta
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Ar Dheis Ar Aghaidh!
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It was not a "lack of diversity" that created sectarian division in the north but the very opposite. It was a project of Crown sanctioned social-engineering with the purpose of destroying Gaelic Ulster, much the same as we see today across Ireland. What they call "Diversity" is simply a sectarian war on native homelands. The end result as always will be centuries of entrenched conflict.
The left unfurl a banner with the slogan, “House All of the People.” Almost certainly a conscious response to the National Party's slogan, “House the Irish, Not the World.”

Far from refuting anything, it proves our point.

No different from Fianna Fáil's catchphrase, “An Ireland for All” or Fine Gael's, “An Island at the Centre of the World”, what it means in effect is, “An Ireland for Finance Capital.” An Ireland where foreign capital + foreign labour flow inward, overwhelming + displacing the native people while NGOs + trade unions actively collaborate in the process. Betrayal of the Irish people is dressed up as loyalty to humanity. But it's an anti-human humanism, an anti-social socialism.

There's no internationalist solution to the Irish housing crisis. If you don't discriminate in favour of your own people then by definition you discriminate against them, because you remove from the Irish person the advantages of nationality. You remove the privilege of being Irish in Ireland.
“Can we conceive of an Irish unity in which the power brokers of liberalism preside over a false dawn, and in one momentary triumph, nationalism itself evaporates? It is a frightening thought, but brings us to the key question. What kind of unity would constitute Irish unity? And what kind of unity are the forces of globalism likely to sign off on? Who will live in this country? Anyone? Who will feel at home in this country? No-one? Shorn of both the underlying substance of nationality, and the political rocket fuel that is partition, what would be left? Just another dying Western country. Just a thirty-two county brothel? United by what? Social and economic liberalism? Wage slavery and abortion? Student debt and consumer drugs? Homelessness and rainbow flag parades? Childlessness and mass-immigration?”

“What we must finally understand is that Irish political unity is worthless unless it is underpinned by a plausible Irish nationality. One physically and spiritually intact. One that is not constantly questioned or dismantled. One that is living. And the fact is that such an Irish nationality will not survive the current era unless a necessary corrective occurs, and occurs quickly. The legacy republican groups are already post-nationalist. They have already conceded the ground of nationalism. They are materialists, and they see only limited political goals. They see only political unity. And political unity is limited by definition, just as political sovereignty is limited by definition. But Ireland, allowing that we do not murder her, is eternal. It is this spiritual underpinning that must precede political life. You cannot dress up a corpse and call it a living man. You cannot unite a dead country and call it Ireland.” - Article from 2019 - The Nationalist End of History: What Kind of Irish Unity?
National Party activists leafleting in Cabra today. Get busy. Get networking. Get active.
Infrastructure in Ireland is not being built for Irish families or even for the Irish People. It is being built for a transient global populous. It is being built for giant multinational investment funds. It is being built for a broken atomised society. The only stake the Irish People have in this future is that we're paying for it.
National Party members in Cavan attended a Cumann meetup recently to welcome new recruits into their ranks.
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The Irish Left are just real estate agents for the plantation of Ireland. #HouseTheIrish

The only reason this is allowed to continue is because the Irish State is happy to import foreigners with lower expectations to replace the Irish health-care workers who leave. This in turn creates the expectation among young Irish doctors and nurses that emigration is inevitable. These habits are now entrenched and require hard measures. The only way to break the cycle is 1. Cut off the flow of foreign labour (forcing the health service to improve conditions) and 2. Place restrictions on newly trained Irish health-care workers being able to use their qualifications abroad (compelling them to stay and fight for better conditions). Either you break the habits or you resign yourself to the fact of Irish youth being raised for export.
Forwarded from Yan Mac Oireachtaigh
Members of the Dublin South-West cumann were out leafletting in Rathfarnham.