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Student protest movements and sit-ins continue at many American universities to demand an end to the Israeli war on the Gaza Strip.

The protesters called on the United States to stop arming Israel and helping it target civilians inside the Gaza Strip, and to move to stop the war, release Israeli prisoners and push for a political solution.

At Columbia University, police arrested dozens of students during the demonstration, where a demonstration took place in front of the police station demanding the release of detainees who participated in demonstrations in support of the Gaza Strip.

Columbia University President Nemat Shafiq admitted at a meeting of the university’s council of elders that her call in the police to deal with students supporting Palestine has exacerbated the problem.
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#California #demonstrations #Harvard #Police #Protests #Texas #United_States_of_America #university #War
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The phone conversation between Muammar Gaddafi and Tony Blair in February 2011 is an event with a geostrategic dimension, as it reflects the balance of international powers and their orientations towards the Middle East and North Africa region.


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#Arab_Spring #Britain #Chad #demonstrations #Egypt #Europe #Libya #Muammar_Gaddafi #NATO #Niger #Saif_al_Islam_Gaddafi
#Tunisia #United_States_of_America #Unrest #War #Weapons
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“Human Rights Watch” announced on Saturday that at least 30 people were killed during anti-government demonstrations in Kenya, the highest toll since the start of protests against the tax increase law.

The organization reported that these numbers are based on testimonies, public information, and hospital and death records, while the Kenyan Commission for the Protection of Human Rights indicated that 22 people were killed.

Demonstrations broke out in the capital, Nairobi, and a number of counties in objection to Parliament’s discussion of a draft law to increase taxes, aiming to collect an additional $2.7 billion to reduce the budget deficit.
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#demonstrations #Human_Rights_Watch #International_Monetary_Fund #Kenya #Kenyan_Commission_for_the_Protection_of_Human_Rights #Kenyan_Parliament #Nairobi #Raila_Odinga #Tax_Increase_Law #William_Ruto
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The British government has warned its citizens wishing to travel to Morocco of the dangers of popular demonstrations and their impact on their security.

A warning letter issued by the British Foreign Office said: “Protests and demonstrations may occur across the country, especially in major cities, often without warning.”

The ministry explained, “These events are closely monitored by law enforcement authorities.” While authorized demonstrations are generally peaceful, unauthorized demonstrations may sometimes lead to clashes between demonstrators and police.”

The letter stressed that such gatherings “may lead to disruption of travel in the affected areas,” calling on British nationals to avoid political gatherings and demonstrations and to follow local information and instructions from security officials.
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#Britain #British_Foreign_Office #demonstrations #gaza #Israel #Morocco #National_Council_for_Human_Rights #Palestine #Rabat
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Bangladesh is witnessing widespread unrest against the backdrop of student protests against the quota system in government jobs.

The Bangladeshi authorities issued a decision to stop the mobile Internet network throughout the country, in an attempt to ensure the security of citizens, according to what was stated by the Minister of Communications, Zunaid Ahmed Palak.

The events came after the University Grants Commission in Bangladesh ordered the closure of universities and the immediate evacuation of students from the buildings for security reasons. The decisions included the closure of secondary schools, colleges and other educational institutions.

The roots of these protests go back to the quota system in government jobs, which allocates 56% of these jobs to specific groups.
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#António_Guterres #Bangladesh #Bangladesh_Demonstrations #demonstrations #Government_of_Bangladesh #Pakistan #Popular_Protests #Quota_System #Riot_Control #United_Nations_Secretary_General
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Police in the Bangladeshi capital, Dhaka, used live ammunition to confront escalating demonstrations that have been sweeping the city for several days, in light of continuing tensions related to the quota system in government jobs.

The protests that began several weeks ago were recently exacerbated by confrontations between demonstrators and security forces, especially on the Dhaka University campus, after security intervention led to the injury of one of the demonstrators.

In a related context, the Narsingdi area witnessed dramatic events after demonstrators stormed a prison and released hundreds of prisoners.

Battles between demonstrators and police resulted in the deaths of more than 100 people, while about 300 police officers were injured.
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#Victims #Bangladesh #bullets #demonstration #demonstrations #Dhaka #Police #Sheikh_Hasina #veterans
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