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The International Federation of Association Football (FIFA) has opened an investigation into the sexual harassment of one of its female employees by Zambia women’s team coach Bruce Mwabe.

The British newspaper “The Guardian” reported that Moabi is accused of deliberately touching the chest of a FIFA worker during last year’s Women’s World Cup in Australia and New Zealand.

This is not the first time Mwabe has faced such charges, as FIFA is investigating allegations in August that Mwabe, who is still a Zambian coach and is expected to lead them to this summer’s Olympics, put his hands on a player’s chest after a training session.

The FIFA employee told the Guardian: "I remember he put his hand on my shoulder to say good morning, but he went again and wiped his hand directly from the front, obviously touching my breasts.

"It happened very quickly, I felt it was abnormal, but I also wondered if it was just a mistake as by chance, but then his relationship with me was completely different, so I think he knew what he did was not appropriate," the employee continued.

Allegations have now surfaced that FIFA has also received a formal complaint against the 64-year-old for touching the chest of a New Zealand FIFA worker who was organizing the tournament and wishes to remain anonymous.

She said she did not want to inform the New Zealand police at the time so as not to disrupt Zambia's preparations for the tournament, so she decided not to do so, but informed the secretary general of the Zambian Football Association, Robin Kamanga, to investigate the incident.
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#FIFA #FIFA_Women_s_World_Cup #Football_news #General_Secretary_of_the_Zambian_Football_Association #New_Zealand #Percy_Mwape #Robin_Kamanga #Sexual_Harassment_and_Assault #Zambia_Women_s_National_Team #Zambian_Football_Association
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Demands for strict measures to combat harassment have increased in Morocco, after an opinion poll revealed that women continue to be subjected to harassment.

The poll, the results of which were published on June 7 in the Arab Barometer research magazine in cooperation with the Moroccan Institute for Policy Analysis, showed that 79% of Moroccans believe that sexual harassment is widespread in the streets, and 65% believe that it occurs in work settings.

These numbers sparked strong reactions from women’s associations in Morocco, which demanded that legal texts be reconsidered and improved to provide adequate protection for women victims of violence.

Hanan Rehab, national writer for the Socialist Organization of Federal Women, described the numbers as unsurprising, noting that women suffer from harassment on a daily basis in public spaces, places of work and study.
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#Battered_Women #Harassment #Law #Morocco #Penalties #Sexual_Harassment #Women_s_Rights #Women_s_Protection
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On Wednesday, a Moroccan court sentenced seven officials from the Moroccan branch of the insurance company Velavi, formerly known as Aso 2000, to between ten and four years in prison, in a case related to human trafficking and sexual harassment.

This case began in June 2022, when six former female employees at the “Velavi” branch (formerly known as Asso 2000) filed complaints against Jacques Boutier and some of his associates, accusing them of sexual harassment. This coincided with Boutier’s arrest in France for investigation in a case of human trafficking and rape of a minor.

The Moroccan judiciary decided to prosecute eight company officials on charges including “human trafficking” and “sexual harassment,” and their trial began in March 2023 in Tangier.
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#Human_Trafficking #Insurances #Jacques_Boutier #Moroccan_Court #Morocco #Sexual_Harassment #Villavie
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