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The Nigerien National Army announced the start of military exercises to combat terrorism, with the participation of the armies of the Sahel countries (Niger, Mali, Burkina Faso), in addition to the armies of Chad and Togo, which the statement described as “two friendly countries.”

The statement, issued the day before yesterday, Saturday, indicated that the maneuvers are taking place under the name “Tarhna Kali,” which is a term from the “Tamasheq” language spoken by the Tuareg in the Sahara region, and means “love of the homeland.
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#Al_Qaeda #Anti_Terrorism #Burkina_Faso #Chad #Coalition_of_Sahel_Countries #ISIS #Military_Exercises #Niger #Niger_News #Nigerian_National_Army #Nigerian_Special_Forces #Tarehna_Kali #Tilia_City #Togo
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The European Union announced on Monday that it will end its military mission in Niger by the end of next June, due to the current political situation in the country, which is run by a military government.

Until the 2023 coup, Niger was an important partner for the West in sub-Saharan Africa in the face of growing threats from militants who have killed thousands and displaced millions.

The statement issued by the European Union indicated that “the Council decided not to extend the European Union’s military partnership mission in Niger beyond June 30, 2024, in light of the current dangerous political situation in the country.
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#African_Sub_Saharan #European_Union #European_Union_Military_Mission #Franc #French_Colonialism #Niger_Military_Junta #Niger_News #Russia #US_Forces
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Germany and Niger reached an agreement allowing “the temporary stay of German forces” in the country after the previous agreement expired on May 31.

According to a statement issued by the German Defense Ministry, “The agreement allows the German air base in Niamey to continue operating with a reduced number of employees, giving the two countries time to negotiate a new agreement on the survival of German forces.”

There are about 100 soldiers at the German military base in Niger, and it was used as a logistical platform for the United Nations mission in neighboring Mali, which completed its withdrawal from the country at the end of December 2023.
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#Germany #Boris_Pistorius #German_Air_Base_in_Niamey #German_Defense_Minister #German_Forces #German_Ministry_of_Defense #Mali #Niamey #Niger_News #President_Mohamed_Bazoum #United_Nations #United_Nations_Mission_in_Mali
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Senegalese President, Basserou Diomahi Faye, discussed with Malian leader, Assimi Goaita, in the Malian capital, Bamako, the issue of Mali remaining in the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS).

“I understand Mali’s position, which, despite its rigidity, is not completely inflexible,” Fay said during his first official visit to Mali.

Fei stressed that all parties must work together to find positive ways to enhance integration, including through bilateral cooperation, and also “by trying to correct the mistakes we have observed in multilateral cooperation,” as he put it.

In the same context, Fay visited Burkina Faso on Thursday, and met with the head of the transitional authority, Ibrahim Traoré, in the capital, Ouagadougou.
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#Asmi_Goeta #Bamako #Bassero_Diomaye_Faye #Burkina_Faso_News #ECOWAS #Ibrahim_Traore #Mali_Leader #Mali_News #Niger_News #Ouagadougou #Senegal_News #Senegalese_President
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Benin’s Minister of Energy, Samou Seydou Adambe, failed to meet with Niger’s transitional president, General Abderrahmane Tiane, to deliver a message from Benin’s president, Patrice Talon.

Minister Adambe confirmed in a statement he made to the Beninese press that General Tiani was unable to receive him to receive the message, without explaining the reasons.

Adambe visited the Nigerian capital, Niamey, to hold meetings with the Nigerien and Chinese parties regarding the pipeline used by the Chinese company “WAPCO” to export Nigerien crude oil from the Benin port of Simi.

The minister explained that Benin will continue to play its role in strengthening bilateral relations with Niger and committing to the pipeline project.
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#Abderrahmane_Tiane #Benin_News #Beninese_Port_of_Simi #Beninian_Minister_of_Energy #Beninian_President #China #ECOWAS #France #Niger_News #Niger_Transitional_President #Nigerian_Crude_Oil #Patrice_Talon #Samo_Seydou_Adambe #WAPCO
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The Congolese Minister of Sports, Hughes Nguilondile, announced that his country had withdrawn from its match against Niger in the African qualifiers for the 2026 World Cup.

This decision came after the International Federation of Association Football (FIFA) refused to allow Congo to host the match at the Alphonse Masamba Debate Stadium in the capital, Brazzaville, and FIFA’s insistence on holding it at the Martyrs Stadium in Kinshasa, the capital of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Nguilondile said: “The Congo national team will not play in Kinshasa. We accept the apology because the Congo is a country that sticks to its word, and when we give our word, we respect it.
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#2026_World_Cup_Qualifiers #Brazzaville #Congo_National_Team #Congo_News #DR_Congo #FIFA #Football_news #Kinshasa #Morocco_National_Team #Niger_National_Team #Niger_News #Stade_des_Martyrs
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Experts on African affairs and international terrorism have warned of the escalation of terrorist operations in Mali after the departure of the European Union military mission.

The mission has been present in Mali since 2013 to train the armed forces to confront extremist groups such as ISIS and Al-Qaeda.

Mounir Adeeb, a researcher on extremist movements and international terrorism, said that the withdrawal of the international forces of the European Union mission from Mali comes in the context of the African continent being affected by several factors, including the military coups that led to the withdrawal of American and French forces, which enhances the chances of terrorism growing.
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#Al_Qaeda #Burkina_Faso_News #Chad #European_Union #European_Union_Military_Mission #ISIS #Mali_News #Military_Coups #Mounir_Adib #Niger_News #Salah_Halima #Senegal #Terrorism
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The Nigerien army announced the formation of a special force to protect strategic sites from terrorist attacks, in a move aimed at securing uranium mines and oil wells that have been suffering from violence since 2015.

Colonel Monkela Sofiani, head of strategic studies at the Nigerian Ministry of Defense, stated that the goal of the new force is to “ensure better protection of strategic sites and installations.” He added that this measure comes in response to “urgent security needs.”

Targeted sites include uranium mines in the north, oil wells in the northeast, in addition to a pipeline approximately 2,000 kilometers long extending from landlocked oil fields to the port of Simi in Benin on the Atlantic coast.
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#Niger #Niger_Army #Niger_News #Oil_wells #Terrorist_Attacks #Uranium_Mines
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More than 269 out of 946 American soldiers stationed in Niger have left, after the signing of an agreement between Washington and the military junta in Niamey last May.

This announcement came through a joint statement issued yesterday, Friday, and signed by Colonel Mamman Sani Kyaw, Commander of the Nigerian Land Forces, and Major General Kenneth Eckman of the US Department of Defense.

This development was announced during a ceremony held at “Military Base 101” in Niamey, which witnessed the official launch of the first phase of the withdrawal of American military personnel and equipment.
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#Kenneth_Ekman #Maman_Sani_Kyaw #Niamey #Niamey_Military_Junta #Niger #Niger_Army #Niger_News #Nigerian_Ground_Forces #US_Department_of_Defense #US_Forces #Washington
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The Russian newspaper “Izvestia” reported that the Republic of Niger has expressed its readiness to host a comprehensive Russian military base on its territory, as part of its efforts to reduce the number of terrorist attacks.

Niger’s honorary consul, Adou Ero, said Niger was interested in the presence of the Russian base and was ready to host it.

The development comes amid the withdrawal of US troops from Niger, which began on June 8 following an agreement reached in mid-May.

Niger in March terminated a military agreement with the United States, under which a US drone base was established in the north of the country, noting that the agreement was imposed on the Nigerien authorities and did not agree with the interests of the people.

About 1,100 U.S. military personnel were present in Niger, most of them stationed at an air base near the city of Agadez.

#Agadez #Niger #Niger_News #Russia #Russia_news #Russian_Military_Base #Terrorist_Attacks #USA
Civil Defense in Niger announced that at least 17 people were killed, and 23 others were injured as a result of floods resulting from heavy rains that struck the country.

The Niger News Agency, citing the Civil Protection Department, said that of the 17 dead, 6 of them died from drowning, while the other 11 died due to collapses caused by rain and floods.

The agency indicated that Maradi District was the most affected, with 13 people dying, while Zinder and Tahoua Districts recorded two deaths each.

Colonel Major Bako Boubacar, information officer in Civil Protection, said that the floods affected 23 departments in 15 provinces in the country, and led to the collapse of 329 homes, causing damage to 434 families.
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#floods #Heavy_Rains #Major_Bako_Boubacar #Maradi_District #Niger_Civil_Defense #Niger_Civil_Protection_Department #Niger_News #Tahoua_District #Zinder_District
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Niger’s highest court has lifted the immunity of democratically elected President Mohamed Bazoum, opening the door for the military junta to try him for high treason.

Bazoum was ousted from power in a military coup last summer, and he has been under house arrest with his family since then.

The military junta authorities said they plan to try him on charges of “high treason” and undermining national security, and earlier this year began legal procedures to lift his immunity in the newly established state court, which has become the highest judicial authority in the country.
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#ECOWAS #High_Treason #Human_Rights_Watch #Islamic_Extremist_Groups #Lifting_Immunity #military_coup #Niger_Military_Junta #Niger_News #Niger_Supreme_Court #President_Mohamed_Bazoum #Terrorism
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Niger is facing a dangerous escalation in armed conflicts linked to the oil sector after a group opposed to the ruling military junta announced an attack on an oil pipeline funded by the Chinese company PetroChina.

This pipeline extends a distance of about two thousand kilometers from the Agadem field in Niger to the coast of the Republic of Benin, with a capacity of up to 90 thousand barrels per day and is part of a deal worth $400 million with the Chinese National Petroleum Corporation.

These attacks come in a complex context, as Niger has witnessed increasing political and security tensions since the July 2023 coup.

The National Liberation Front, which was formed after the coup, stated that the goal of its attacks was to pressure Chinese partners to cancel the oil export deal.
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#Al_Qaeda #Armed_Conflicts #Benin #Dossou #ISIS #Niger #Niger_Military_Junta #Niger_News #PetroChina
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The Director General of Civil Protection in Niger, Colonel Boubacar Baku, announced the death of 21 people and the damage of about 6,000 others as a result of the heavy rains and floods that have swept the country since the end of May.

Baku explained in statements on public television that the toll includes eight deaths due to drowning and 13 others as a result of building collapses.

The floods also injured 26 people and killed about 4,000 heads of livestock, and the Maradi region, located in the south of the country, witnessed the largest number of victims, with 14 dead and more than 2,400 affected.

The Nigerian capital, Niamey, with a population of two million and known for suffering from deadly floods in the past, has not been directly affected so far.
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#floods #Heavy_Rains #natural_disasters #Niamey #Niger #Niger_News
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The French nuclear fuel production company “Orano” said Thursday evening in a statement that the Nigerian government has canceled its license to operate one of the largest uranium mines in the world.

“Urano” reported that the Nigerian authorities decided to exclude it from the “Imurarin” mine in the north of the country, which contains about 200 thousand tons of uranium, although mining was scheduled to begin in 2015, but development stopped after the decline in global uranium prices following the disaster. Japanese nuclear power plant in 2011.

The Niger government did not immediately comment on the French company's statement, but it had announced a review of mining concessions in the country and warned that it would withdraw the Orano license if development did not begin by June 19.
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#Australia #Britain #Canada #China #Chinese_Azelec_Company #France #French_Urano_Company #India #Iran #Italy #Niger_News #Nigerian_Government #Nuclear_Fuel #Russia #United_States #Uranium_Mines #Uranium_Mining
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Nigerian authorities confirmed on Friday that part of a pipeline transporting crude oil to Benin had been sabotaged.

The public channel “Tele Sahel” reported that “individuals with bad intentions sabotaged part of the pipeline in the Tusker area (central east) on the night of June 16 to 17.”

Zinder District Governor, Colonel Issoufou Labo, inspected the site of the attack and said: “We have collected information and evidence about the suspected perpetrators, and all those who participated in this act will be arrested and tried according to their terrorist behavior.”

“Tele Sahel” channel added that this “act of sabotage” led to damage to the pipeline and caused the leakage of crude oil.

The pipeline extends about 2,000 kilometers to transport crude oil from oil wells in Agadim (northeastern Niger) to the port of Simi Kaboudji in Benin.

#Agadim #Benin #Issoufou_Lapu #Niger_News #Nigerian_Authorities #Nigerian_Crude_Oil #Oil_News #Pipeline #Tasker_Zone #Terrorism
One person was killed, and another was seriously injured, while five local officials were kidnapped during an armed attack targeting a government delegation in the remote Bilma region of Niger, near the border with Libya.

The Nigerian Ministry of Interior announced that the attack occurred the day before yesterday, Friday, through an armed ambush launched by heavily armed bandits.

The ministry explained that the delegation, which included the governor of Bilma, was returning from a mission in Dirkou when it was ambushed 17 kilometers north of the city of Bilma.
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#Agades_Region #Bilma_Region #Kidnapping #Libya #Niger #Niger_News #Nigerian_Ministry_of_Interior #Terrorism
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The Nigerian army announced the liquidation of “Abdullah Suleiman Adwal”, an influential leader within the “ISIS” organization in the west of the country, last Sunday night in the town of Mihana in the Tillaberi region bordering Mali and Burkina Faso.

The army explained in an official statement that the operation led to the “neutralization” of Adwal as part of the counter-terrorism efforts launched by its forces in the region, which is a stronghold for extremists linked to “Al-Qaeda” and “ISIS”.

The Nigerian army announced earlier last week that it had killed nine extremists and arrested 31 others in security operations that took place southeast of Tira, an area that witnessed repeated battles between soldiers and extremists.
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#Abdoulaye_Suleiman_Adwal #Al_Qaeda #ISIS #Islamic_State #Niger #Niger_News #Nigerian_Army #Terrorism #Tillaberi_Region
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The US Army has completed the withdrawal of all its soldiers from “Air Base 101” in Niamey, the capital of Niger, as ordered by the ruling military junta in Niger, according to US Air Force General Kenneth Eckman. Then the US Army will shift its focus to leaving a large drone base, During the coming weeks.

Following the political transformation that the country witnessed last April, the ruling military junta in Niger ordered the United States to withdraw its soldiers from the country, who number approximately 2,000 soldiers.

Niger’s military junta has given the United States until September 15 to withdraw its forces, which also means leaving a $100 million drone base near Agadez in northern Niger, known as “Air Base 201.”
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#101_Air_Base #Agadez #France #Niger #Niger_News #Russia #Russia_news #USA
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Niger is making great strides on the path to liberation from American and European colonialism, in cooperation with Russia, which has extended the African country a helping hand in rising again and rebuilding the state’s capabilities.

The US Army withdrew its personnel from the 101st Air Base in Niger near the airport in the capital, Niamey, before withdrawing from a major drone base near the desert city of Agadez in the coming weeks.

In April, Niger’s ruling military junta ordered the United States to withdraw nearly a thousand military personnel from the country.

The ruling military junta in Niger has given the United States until September 15 to withdraw its forces from its territory.
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#Germany #African_Sahel #Base_101 #France #Niger #Niger_News #Russia #Russia_news #United_States_of_America
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