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The Administrative Court at the State Council in Egypt is holding a hearing today, Sunday, on a lawsuit seeking to revoke the license granted to the “Rahn German School” due to its teaching of content related to homosexuality.

The lawsuit was filed by lawyer Amr Abdel Salam, accusing the school of teaching content that promotes acceptance and tolerance towards homosexuality to sixth grade students.

The court allowed the lawyer to obtain an official copy of the technical report prepared by a special committee delegated by the Ministry of Education.

The committee was tasked with examining the complaint submitted by some parents about the educational content in question, as well as providing clarification from the ministry on the measures taken in this regard.

In his lawsuit, lawyer Abdel Salam stated that the German School of Rann operates under the supervision of one of the German international associations and follows the international protocol adopted between the Egyptian government and the International Baccalaureate Organization to provide a specialized educational curriculum that is compatible with international standards.

The legal debate comes amid growing interest in education, cultural diversity and tolerance in educational communities, with the current controversy pointing to growing tension over how to deliver educational content related to gender and identity issues.

The German Run School is classified as one of the international model schools in Egypt and offers its curricula in Arabic and is under the full supervision and control of the Egyptian Ministry of Education.
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