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A team of Italian scientists led by Graziano Ranocchia, a papyrologist at the University of Pisa, has announced the discovery of the burial site of the famous philosopher Plato in Athens using artificial intelligence techniques.

The exact location of Plato’s burial was calculated by analyzing ancient papyrus discovered in the lost city of Herculaneum near Naples, ‘Arkeonews’ reported.

The papyri were found in the eighteenth century, contain more than 1,800 manuscripts, and the manuscripts are preserved in a library belonging to a luxury villa in Herculaneum.

For the first time, artificial intelligence technology was used to read papyrus, and it helped to recognize the largest percentage of text, and this discovery was made while solving papyrus codes that tell the “history of the academy” of Philodymus wall.
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#Artificial_Intelligence #Athens #Graziano_Ranocchia #Italy #Lost_City_of_Herculaneum #Naples #Papyri #Philosopher #Plato
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The news that circulated about the launch of the first female AI presenter on Egyptian television aroused curiosity and questions from the public.

The head of the Egyptian television sector, Naela Farouk, denied the recent news about the launch of the first female broadcaster with artificial intelligence in the official broadcast.

Farouk confirmed in her interview with “Cairo 24” that the story circulating is unfounded, stressing the channel’s commitment to its current team of broadcasters, and that there is no intention to replace them with an artificial intelligence system.

She explained that the photos and videos that were posted were part of a promotional campaign for a seminar discussing the effects of social media and artificial intelligence, specifically the risks of the spread of disinformation.

#Artificial_Intelligence #Egypt #Egypt_News #Egyptian_Television #Mai_Attia #Naila_Farouk
Scientists from the Russian Saratov State Medical University are working on developing new computer programs that rely on artificial intelligence techniques, for use in detecting cancerous metastases in the bones.

According to experts at the university, the new software will help doctors detect cancerous metastases, known as “metastasis,” in people with bone cancer, and will enable them to monitor those metastases, make diagnoses, and choose treatment methods faster and more efficiently.

Experts said that cancerous metastases appear in the bones when infected with various types of cancer, and cause serious complications, including severe pain and bone damage, so it is important to detect them in the early stages.
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#Artificial_Intelligence #Bone_Cancer #Cancer_Metastases #MRI #Radgraphs #Russia_news #Saratov_Russian_State_Medical_University #Treatment_of_Cancer_Diseases
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Russian high-tech companies participated in the “GITEX Africa 2024” exhibition, which was held in Marrakesh, Morocco, from May 29 to 31.

This event is considered one of the largest exhibitions of digital solutions in Africa, where Russian companies presented their products in various fields such as cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, urban mobility, public administration, industrial process automation, and biometrics.

The participation of Russian companies came within the “Made in Moscow” event organized by the Russian Capital Export Center, with the aim of promoting the products of Russian companies specialized in high technology.
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#Alexey_Andreev #Artificial_Intelligence #Biometrics #Cybersecurity #GITEX_Africa_2024 #High_Tech #Made_in_Moscow_Event #Marrakesh #Moroccan_Ministry_of_Agriculture #Morocco_News #Russia_news #Russian_Kaspersky_Company #Urban_Mobility
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Moroccan influencer Kenza Lili, created by artificial intelligence, has recently emerged, gaining thousands of followers on social media within a short time.

The veiled young woman reached the final stages of the international “Miss AI” competition, after she succeeded in reserving a place for herself on a list that included 10 names from all over the world.

Kenza Lily, which was launched last December, is mainly active on Instagram, where she shares her diary with her followers through photos, stories, and videos in which she appears practicing the activities she loves, such as sports, travel, and going to the movies.

The “Miss AI” competition will be hosted in a virtual world and will include a jury of real people to choose the winning character based on criteria that include beauty, influence on social media, and the designers’ use of artificial intelligence tools.
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#Artificial_Intelligence #Beauty_Contest #Kenza_Lily #Miss_AI #Moroccan_Influencer #Morocco #Virtual_Contest
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This year’s Hajj rituals witnessed modern technologies and smart applications that contribute to facilitating and improving the pilgrims’ experience inside the holy sites.

The most prominent techniques that were used:

1. Self-driving air taxi: This technology was integrated to provide an efficient means of transportation within the holy sites, which contributed to reducing traffic congestion and facilitating the movement of pilgrims.

2. Intelligent and medical robots: Robots have been used to provide medical and counseling services. Robots have played a major role in providing fatwas with simultaneous translation in 11 languages, in addition to basic medical services and medical directives.
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#Artificial_Intelligence #Hajj_Season #Mecca #Saudi_Arabia #Saudi_News
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Today, Muslims throughout the Islamic world celebrate Eid al-Adha, which is one of the most prominent religious celebrations in Islam and coincides with the performance of the Hajj pilgrimage in the Holy Lands of Mecca.

This occasion is characterized by profound social and religious aspects, as Muslims slaughter sacrifices and distribute them to the poor and needy, and exchange congratulations and visits between family and friends.

Travels in Middle Eastern countries such as Saudi Arabia, the Emirates, and Egypt are characterized by distinctive dishes such as “Fatta” and “Mambar,” where Fattah is a main dish consisting of meat, rice, and red sauce, while Biryani is very popular for its wonderful combination of rice, meat, and spices.

In North African countries such as Morocco and Algeria, Eid al-Adha is characterized by the “steamed wheat flour” dish, which combines meat, vegetables and spices in an earthen pot, to form a dish with a distinctive flavor and delicious texture.
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#Artificial_Intelligence #Hajj_Season #Mecca #Saudi_Arabia
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The director of the Russian “Gamaleya” Center for Microbiology, Alexander Gintsburg, announced the development of a new cancer treatment vaccine that will be allocated to each patient individually using artificial intelligence.

Gintsburg stated that an integrated laboratory has been equipped to design software based on high-level Russian artificial intelligence, which contributes to determining the appropriate composition of the vaccine based on a detailed analysis of data related to tumors for each case.
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#Artificial_Intelligence #Cancer #Mikhail_Murashko #Russia #Russia_news #Russian_Gamaleya_Center_for_Microbiology #Russian_Ministry_of_Health #Scientific_Discoveries #Vaccines
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Morocco and Turkey signed two agreements in the fields of energy and mining aimed at “improving bilateral relations in various energy fields and implementing joint projects.”

This came during an official visit by the Turkish Minister of Energy and Natural Resources, Alp Arslan Bayraktar, to Morocco, and the signing took place in the capital, Rabat, in the presence of officials from the Ministry of Energy Transition and Sustainable Development, the National Office of Hydrocarbons and Minerals, the National Office of Electricity and Potable Water, the Moroccan Agency for Sustainable Energy, and the Agency. Moroccan Energy Efficiency Institute, and the Research Institute for Solar Energy and New Energies.
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#Alp_Arslan_Bayraktar #Artificial_Intelligence #Energy_Sector #Green_Hydrogen #Leila_Benali #Mining #Morocco #Natural_Gas #Renewable_Energies #Turkey
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Scientists from Boston University have developed an artificial intelligence algorithm capable of analyzing speech and identifying early indicators of Alzheimer’s disease, with an accuracy of up to 78.5% in predicting cases of cognitive impairment.

The algorithm was trained using data from transcribed audio recordings of 166 people with mild cognitive impairment, aged between 63 and 97 years.

The research team, which was familiar with individuals whose condition had progressed to Alzheimer’s, used the information to enhance a machine learning model that reveals specific speech patterns associated with the development of the disease.
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#Alzheimer_s_Disease #Artificial_Intelligence #Boston_University #Science #Speech_Analysis #Technology
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Kenza Lili, the first Moroccan virtual influencer developed by artificial intelligence, won the title of the first Miss AI in the world.

The work team that designed the sweater achieved an achievement that surpassed 1,500 other contestants from all over the world, thanks to innovative technology that gave it a unique personality and exceptional interactive capabilities.

In the jury’s statements, they praised the technical innovation behind Kenza’s attractive personality and ability to communicate effectively with the audience.

In her speech on the occasion of the victory, Kenza expressed her deep gratitude to the innovators in the field of artificial intelligence and her support for its positive impact on society.
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#Artificial_Intelligence #Kenza_Lily #Miss #Morocco #Morocco_News
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