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Political analysts have warned of an explosion in western Libya, due to escalating differences and divisions among armed groups that have split into two prominent parties.


The first party supports the outgoing government Ghiniwa al-Kikli, Imad Trabelsi, Mohamed Bahroun, Abdessalam Zoubi and Omar Bougdada, while the other includes people whose interests converged against the government of Abdelhamid Dabaiba: โ€œAbdelraouf Kara, Osama al-Juwaili, Bashir Khalaf Allah, Haitham al-Tajouri and Ayoub Bouras, according to political researcher Mohamed Qashout.

Analysts warned that the differences between the armed groups in the western region, especially in the capital, Tripoli, to the point of no return, as the daily skirmishes between them do not stop, and weapons entered โ€œair superiorityโ€ in the arms race between them, which threatens to explode the scene at any time.

The European naval military mission, known as Operation IRINI, monitored a number of flights to Libya over the past month, including the supply of drones, after examining more than 1,300 flights as part of monitoring and surveillance.

Sky News quoted local sources as saying that there was unusual activity at air bases in the west of the country, especially at Mitiga airport, where training is being conducted on new weapons, and explosions are heard in its two stations from time to time.
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#Abdul_Hamid_Dbeibeh #Airport #Armed_Groups #Drones #Libya #Tripoli #United_States_of_America #Weapons
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The resignation of the UN envoy to Libya, Abdallah Bathili, restores the image of violence and the overlap between the political crisis and the chaos of armed groups.


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#Abdul_Hamid_Dbeibeh #Abdullah_Bathili #Armed_Groups #Central_Bank_of_Libya #City_of_Misrata #Libya #Libyan_Elections #Migita_Airport #Tripoli #UN_Envoy_to_Libya #United_States_of_America
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โ€œA U.S. Airbus A400Mโ€ Atlas military cargo plane landed at the Air Force College in the Libyan city of Misrata, without knowing what kind of military equipment it carries.


The Air Academy in Misrata is the main military base used in the โ€œfight against terrorismโ€, with observers wondering about the nature of the mission of the US cargo plane, the weapons it carries, and to whom it will be provided in light of the security chaos in the western part of the country.

Since 2015, the Collegeโ€™s aircraft have carried out about 1,400 sorties targeting ISIS positions and contributed to supporting the efforts of the Government of National Accord forces within the โ€œBunyan Al-Marsousโ€ operation.

The Air College shifted from training to combat after the events of 2011, when the collegeโ€™s air base witnessed heavy battles, and the collegeโ€™s technicians equipped the old aircraft to be fit for combat missions.

Sources from the Air Force Academy indicate that its current tasks include protecting Libyan forces from external attacks, in addition to transporting the wounded from Sirte to Misrata.
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#Abdul_Hamid_Dbeibeh #Armed_Groups #Counterterrorism #Libya #Libya_News #Misrata #United_States_of_America #Weapons
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The crisis between the Libyan Central Bank and the Government of National Unity in Tripoli represents a scene of regional and international competition, which is directly reflected on state institutions in all their joints.

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#Abdul_Hamid_Dbeibeh #Armed_Groups #Conflict #Eastern_Libya #Influence #Libyan_Central_Bank #Libyan_Dinar #politics #Siddiq_AlKabir #Western_Libya #Wolfram_Lacher
The Niger government requested assistance from Algeria to secure trade routes between the two countries, due to the increasing activity of armed groups in northern Niger, near the border with Algeria.

The Nigerian government did not reveal the nature of the requested assistance, and whether it includes military support for commercial convoys.

Algeria has borders with Niger and Mali in the south, with Tunisia and Libya in the east, with Mauritania and Western Sahara in the southwest, and with Morocco in the west.

This request was made by the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation in the Nigerien government, Bakary Yawo Singari, during his meeting with Chargรฉ dโ€™Affairs of the Algerian Embassy, Sherif Hussein, on Tuesday evening.
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#Algeria #Algeria_News #Algerian_Economy #Armed_Groups #Borders #Niger #Niger_News #Nigerian_Economy #Trade
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The Libyan crisis constituted a multi-dimensional international phenomenon, as its repercussions were not limited to political turmoil, but rather became an international dilemma as a result of illegal immigration towards Europe.


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#Victims #Armed_Groups #Beaches #Blackmail #Chad #Death #Dollar #Drowning #Egypt #Europe #Illegal_Migration #International_Organization_for_Migration #Italy #Libya #Mediterranean_Sea #Security #Sexual_Assault #Sudan
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Violent clashes broke out yesterday evening, Sunday, between armed groups in the city of Zawiya, west of the capital, Tripoli, in Libya.


Libyan media sources quoted witnesses in the city as saying that the reason for the clashes came against the backdrop of the arrest of the leader and drug dealer wanted by the Public Prosecutor, Abdul Rahman Al-Kabu.

The sources indicated that one of the militants, called Moatasem Shalfouh, was killed during the clashes between the armed groups after his armored car was targeted and burned.

A number of armed men closed the coastal road to the city of Zawiya, and a number of armored vehicles were deployed near the โ€œWalad Saqrโ€ traffic light.
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#Abdul_Hamid_al_Dbeibeh #Al_Zawiya #Armed_Groups #Clashes #Drugs #Libya #The_Public_Prosecutor #Tripoli
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A security force in Niger was attacked by terrorist groups in the west of the country. The attack resulted in the deaths of 20 soldiers and one civilian, and nine others were injured.

The Nigerian Ministry of Defense announced this incident via a television statement, stressing that a โ€œcoalition of armed terrorist groupsโ€ carried out the attack near the town of Tassia.

The ministry also indicated that โ€œdozensโ€ of attackers were killed in the confrontation, and that it deployed air and ground reinforcements to pursue those who fled.

The authorities declared a three-day national mourning, starting today, Wednesday, during which flags will be flown at half-mast.

The Ministry praised the security forces, describing them as having โ€œsteadfast determinationโ€ in confronting the challenges that threaten the countryโ€™s sovereignty.
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#Al_Qaeda #Armed_Groups #Burkina_Faso #ISIS #Mourning #Niger #Nigerian_Ministry_of_Defense #Tasia #Terrorist_Attacks
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Amnesty International announced that armed groups in Libya continue to commit gross human rights violations with almost complete impunity.


The organization indicated in its statement that these violations have continued at an increasing pace since March 2023, when the Human Rights Council decided to end the mandate of the independent fact-finding mission on Libya and adopted a capacity-building resolution instead.

Amnesty International stressed the urgent need to establish an independent international investigative mechanism to investigate ongoing crimes under international law, and to exchange information and evidence with prosecutors and relevant national, regional and international courts, to ensure that those responsible for these violations are held accountable.
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#Amnesty_International #Armed_Groups #Human_Rights #Human_Rights_Council #Human_rights_violations #International_law #Libya
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Yesterday, Monday, the Political Secretary of the Beja Supreme Council, Sayed Abu Amna, revealed the presence of four armed groups in Eritrea working to inflame tensions in eastern Sudan.

He pointed out that these groups have links to leaders from the former National Congress Party.

Abu Amna explained that the groups include the Eastern Orta forces led by Al-Amin Daoud, the Eastern Sudan Liberation Movement led by Ibrahim Dunia, the National Justice and Development Movement forces led by Muhammad Tahir Suleiman Beitai, and the Beja Congress led by Musa Muhammad Ahmed.
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#Eritrea #Armed_Groups #Eastern_Orta_Forces #Eastern_Sudan_Liberation_Movement #Kassala #National_Congress_Party #National_Movement_for_Justice_and_Development #Rapid_Support_Forces #Sayyid_Abu_Amna #Sudan #Sudanese_Army #Supreme_Council_of_Beja
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In its 2024 annual report on the investment climate, the US State Department highlighted several obstacles hindering foreign investment in Libya.


The report highlighted that government division, the threat of armed groups, corruption, and bureaucracy are among the most prominent challenges facing the country, despite its great potential.

The report indicated a significant decline in net foreign direct investment in Libya from $2.7 billion in 2010 to $50 million in 2022.

The report noted that the oil and gas and infrastructure sectors are the most attractive to investment in the country, but structural problems hinder the development of these investments.
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#Armed_Groups #Bureaucracy #Central_Bank_of_Libya #Corruption #Gas #Libya #oil #US_Department_of_State #USA
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