Forwarded from 疫時代🌊Pandemic ᴛʀᴜᴛʜs
【有可能會引發反恐戰爭的 #驗屍報告 】
📄 Nanochips FOUND in the bodies of people who died from vaccination - a conference of German pathologists from the Institute of Pathology in Reutlingen (Germany) on September 20, 2021.
On Monday, September 20, 2021, a conference of pathologists was held at the Institute of Pathology in Reutlingen (Germany), which presented the autopsy results of eight people who died after vaccination. Please COV.
Analysis of the deceased's thin tissues, performed using dark-field microscopy, revealed high levels of foreign substances in which, superficially like microscopic electronic chips, appeared to have formed in the body. human body from nanoparticles obtained by vaccination.
These are honored German scientists from the State Institute of Pathology, and the results of their research are serious - they reveal an extraordinary terrorist threat that humanity has faced under the guise of so-called vaccination against COV.
Based on the results of these studies, the political question should be asked about the need for an international counter-terrorism operation to eliminate the terrorists involved in organizing a biological attack. into humans is carried out under the guise of vaccination against COV.
If the data obtained by scientists is reliable (in fact, there is no doubt), then an international counter-terrorism operation becomes necessary and mandatory.
|#轉帖 #Repost|#Death #Bioweapon #Threat #Terrorism #PostMortem #Autopsy #Report #Vaccine #Microchip #Chip #Study #War #生物武器 #恐怖主義 #威脅 #死亡 #屍體解剖 #屍檢結果 #疫苗 #納米芯片 #驗屍報告 #研究 #戰爭
疫時代 @PandemicTruths
📄 Nanochips FOUND in the bodies of people who died from vaccination - a conference of German pathologists from the Institute of Pathology in Reutlingen (Germany) on September 20, 2021.
On Monday, September 20, 2021, a conference of pathologists was held at the Institute of Pathology in Reutlingen (Germany), which presented the autopsy results of eight people who died after vaccination. Please COV.
Analysis of the deceased's thin tissues, performed using dark-field microscopy, revealed high levels of foreign substances in which, superficially like microscopic electronic chips, appeared to have formed in the body. human body from nanoparticles obtained by vaccination.
These are honored German scientists from the State Institute of Pathology, and the results of their research are serious - they reveal an extraordinary terrorist threat that humanity has faced under the guise of so-called vaccination against COV.
Based on the results of these studies, the political question should be asked about the need for an international counter-terrorism operation to eliminate the terrorists involved in organizing a biological attack. into humans is carried out under the guise of vaccination against COV.
If the data obtained by scientists is reliable (in fact, there is no doubt), then an international counter-terrorism operation becomes necessary and mandatory.
|#轉帖 #Repost|#Death #Bioweapon #Threat #Terrorism #PostMortem #Autopsy #Report #Vaccine #Microchip #Chip #Study #War #生物武器 #恐怖主義 #威脅 #死亡 #屍體解剖 #屍檢結果 #疫苗 #納米芯片 #驗屍報告 #研究 #戰爭
疫時代 @PandemicTruths
Forwarded from 疫時代🌊Pandemic ᴛʀᴜᴛʜs
——使用石墨烯神經覆蓋層,由疫苗中的任何東西激活,並通過 #5G塔 和其他頻率「遠程控制」1960年代,耶魯大學著名生理學教授何塞·德爾加多博士首次實現了對「人腦的無線操控」。
利用電磁場,德爾加多博士能夠改變人類和動物大腦中的 #電信號。他可以通過無線方式誘發不同的情緒,如冷漠、抑郁、狂躁、嗜睡甚至攻擊性。
德爾加多博士受雇於海軍研究辦公室,為中央情報局保護 #MKULTRA 計劃。中情局的官方解密文件討論了「利用何塞的技術進行”政治控製“」。
#Technology #科技|#MindControl #5G #EMF #RadioFrequency #CIA #Study #Research #Manipulation #腦控 #電磁波 #無限電頻率 #中情局 #操縱 #研究
疫時代 @PandemicTruths
Forwarded from Nikki Miu國際新聞台 (Nikki Miu)
#研究: #接種加強劑後感染武肺治癒時間更慢
一篇在上月發表於《新英格蘭醫學雜誌》的研究,比較了無接種 #武肺疫苗 、接種兩針及三針的人,感染武肺後所需的康復時間,以及帶菌時間的長短。
有醫學專家分析這項研究指,這結果也意味著接種了三針的人,即使不足10日已經康復,但因體內含菌量高,恐會成為 #超級傳播者 。
有醫生指,這也許能解釋為何 #輝瑞 的武肺實驗藥物 #Paxlovid #帕克斯洛維德 對已接種疫苗的人士無效。
是以 #福奇 連打四針,感染後服用Paxlovid,會發現病情不但反彈,而且比之前更嚴重。
一篇在上月發表於《新英格蘭醫學雜誌》的研究,比較了無接種 #武肺疫苗 、接種兩針及三針的人,感染武肺後所需的康復時間,以及帶菌時間的長短。
有醫學專家分析這項研究指,這結果也意味著接種了三針的人,即使不足10日已經康復,但因體內含菌量高,恐會成為 #超級傳播者 。
有醫生指,這也許能解釋為何 #輝瑞 的武肺實驗藥物 #Paxlovid #帕克斯洛維德 對已接種疫苗的人士無效。
是以 #福奇 連打四針,感染後服用Paxlovid,會發現病情不但反彈,而且比之前更嚴重。