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世界新秩序不是陰謀論——介紹一本威爾斯少有人知的書的來歷 NWO is not a conspiracy theory - The origins of a little-known book by H.G. Wells

幾乎每個人都知道奧威爾的《1984》,但並非每個人都知道 “#公開的陰謀” 的圖畫的畫者是 #威爾斯。H.G. 威爾斯,一個擁有虛構傳記的人,從社會底層升為最高共濟會成員,成為 #全球主義者 思想的指揮,以實施我們目前所看到的 #新世界秩序。Almost everyone knows about Orwell and 1984, but not everyone is aware that the drawings of 'the #OpenConspiracy' were drawn by none other than #Wells. H.G. Wells, a man with a fictitious biography, was raised from the bottom of society to the highest Masons to become a conductor of the ideas of globalists for the implementation of the New World Order, which we are now seeing.

他是第一個談到現在達沃斯和其他論壇上齊唱讚歌的阿塔爾斯和斯瓦比亞人的作者,這些都是赫胥黎“巢”中的雛鳥。——從威爾斯開始,然後是奧爾德斯·赫胥黎和奧威爾——他們被允許以藝術的形式,把關於新世界秩序的想法帶到世上來。別說你沒被警告過。如果你想了解更多,請閱讀下面的鏈接。He was one of the first to talk about the fact that Attals and the Swabians are now singing in unison at their Davos and other forums. And then these were the chicks of Huxley's "nest" - starting with Wells, then Aldous Huxley and Orwell - who were allowed to bring ideas about a new world order into the world in an artistic form. And don't say you weren't warned. Read the article on the link below if you want to know more.

#書本 #Book
#陰謀 #Conspiracy
#NWO #OneWorldGovernment
#世界大同 #威爾斯 #公開的陰謀 #OpenConspiracy #Wells #全球主義者 #新世界秩序

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