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Full Stack Software Engineer

Deep Consulting Solutions

Remote Job
Full Time
Flexible Schedule
Location: Anywhere in the World

Salary: 3000-3500$ + Monthly Bonuses + Motivation System

You can apply here:

Role and Responsibilities:
As an Engineer, you will be responsible for delivering the solution as per requirements put together by our Creative and Business Analysis Teams. Depending on your level of responsibility, you will be responsible for either the entire project with other engineers working in your project team or for a part of it. Your ultimate deliverable will be to effectively build a solution that will be implemented in the client's business and run successfully going forward.

In doing so you will:
- Design and architect or participate in design of complex solutions involving web apps: front+back, custom CRM/ERP's, programmable telephony, and occasionally mobile apps.
-Deliver and Implement your solutions.
-Create effective monitoring of the solutions for effective usage and scalability.
-Anything else you deem necessary to accomplish your result.

You must be:
- A mature and responsible individual driven by results and not activities.
- An individual with genuine interest in technology.
- Willing to learn, grow, and admit mistakes.
- Able to communicate with other people on the project's team effectively.

You must have the following skills/experience:
- Node.js, React, SQL and NoSQL databases.
- APIs.
- Effective Written and Verbal English.
- Basic Understanding of DevOps and SDLC.

Telegram @Irina_itrecruiter
Skype Irina_itrecruiter

Формат: #офис
Локация: #николаев, #украина
Занятость: Полная
Опыт: от 2 лет
Язык: #английский
Зарплата: От 700 длр США
Отрасль: Разработка сайтов и веб приложений

Больше 10 лет мы успешно продаем свой продукт на западный рынок. Сейчас мы в поиске менеджера в отдел разработки. Команда до пяти человек ( разработчики/тестировщик/дизайнер), одновременно около пяти проектов Напиши мне!


- Опыт менеджмента it проектов от 1 года
- Английский на уровне свободного общения с носителем языка
- Базовые знания в сфере разработки


- Сбор потребности у клиента
- Постановка ТЗ разработчикам
- Контроль деллайнов
- Решение конфликтных ситуаций


- Оплата от 700 длр США+ доплата за
- Опыт PM от двух лет
- Fluently English
- Опыт разработки
- График пн по, с 14:00 до 22:00
- Офис на Советской
- Корпоративные мероприятия раз в квартал
- Средний возраст 30 л



Вакансия актуальна до: 30/06/2020

Откликнуться: @skalkoska

#менеджер #project_manager
#вакансия #удаленно #украина #nodejs #developer #senior #fulltime #remote

Всем привет😃
Ищу Senior Node.js developer
Место: Украина
Формат работы: удаленно
Занятость: full-time
Зарплатная вилка: от 4000 до 5500$ на руки
Компания: MoveUP

Контакты @Julia_RN

Our company is a storytelling platform that distributes entertaining and engaging stories across social media and the open web to 45-50M readers that consume 500M page views a month.
We help content creators thrive, by providing a robust set of monetization and content distribution technology. We help content creators understand who is engaging with their content and find similar readers across the web.

Our team is currently composed of 7 developers in Ukraine including the TL
The team works remotely from home

Required skills
— 4+ years programming experience
— Strong JavaScript and Node.js knowledge
— Solid grasp of SQL
— Familiarity with git
— MongoDB experience
— Familiarity with Linux command line
— Intermediate+ English
— Willingness to work in a dynamic environment
— High understanding of AWS (S3, EC2, Redshift) or GCP (k8s, BigQuery)

As a plus
— Front-end experience (especially React, plain JS, jQuery) is a big advantage
— Knowledge of Docker
— Python experience
— Cloudflare experience

— Designing and developing new features in close collaboration with the business team
— Working with various 3rd-party APIs (AWS, GCP, Cloudflare, Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, etc.)
— Taking part in the infrastructure improvement
— Maintaining and refactoring existing code