Musicoin Official Announcement Channel
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Meeting topics:

- Ben joined BlockHack but by the time he was able to add the bounties for Musicoin, everyone was already working on other things so we didn't get much attention there. They were using an interesting platform though for adding bounties, Ben is looking to use it for our project too so people can pick up tasks and get rewarded in $music for completing these tasks.
- Our solidity developer is back and will continue his work on smart contracts and migration scripts.
- The other devs are still working on changing the email system on the website and other website updates.
- Ben will focus more on the roadmap, economic model, tokenomics and overall project coordination.
- Next week the community call will be on Wednesday instead of Thursday at the same time as usual.
Meeting topics:

- We are setting up Canny, though we need some help to fill up the dashboard. Feel free to add some feature requests here or upvote existing feature request that you want to see on the platform:
- Discussed the state of transferring the project assets
- Discussed ways to improve the communication and transparency to the community
- Development team is still working on website improvements, smart contract upgrades and Mailgun integration
Meeting topics:

- Ben had a call with Marcus from Gigmit to catch up on where we left off a while ago, it looks like both our projects could benefit from working together in the future as they have more than 200k artists on their platform and another few thousand event organisers. They also have a marketing team that could work with our marketing people to coordinate some campaigns as well.
- In the development call we have discussed the timeline estimates for the migration scripts and contract upgrades to work. The devs are optimistic about the integration itself but testing everything might take a few more weeks so we are certain that everything works, it's a big ecosystem where everything is linked together. Devs have started tracking their time as it could be useful information for future time estimates and rewards.
- We are thinking of a few ways to be more transparent about our development and other processes and how we can show our progress better, this could include public access to our Jira dashboard, developers making small videos about what they are doing and things like that. The thing is that we are working on one big part at the moment and it's not easy to visualise that to everyone because it's very technical, once we have relaunched and can work on features separately that should be a lot easier as well.
Meeting topics:

- The changes in our migration scripts and smart contracts are implemented, now we are writing more unit tests and doing some trial runs on our test chain to make sure everything works and to test whether the issue we had before is resolved by making these changes
- Developers are also still working on the mailgun integration and website improvements
- We have transferred our Jira dashboard to a Musicoin account and we got verified as an open source project meaning we can use some premium features for free now.
Meeting topics:

- Developers are testing the migration improvements and improving the Mailgun templates so the emails sent from the website would look more modern.
- Designers are sharing ideas for the new website which will be implemented after the relaunch.
- Discussed creating a survey to get some ideas from the community and get answers to some questions that could help us to define the new tokenomics and features.
- Ben did an interview with our marketing team in order to summarise the story of Musicoin, what has happened, what we will change and why we believe the project could be successful in the future. This is the last part we need for the marketing plan to be finalised so we expect to receive their full marketing analysis very soon.
Meeting topics:

- We might need a new Skale chain because the one we're using doesn't have speedy game mode enabled it seems. The Skale team is discussing our situation internally and we hope we will get our own chain again afterwards instead of a shared one. Downsides on moving to a new chain again are limited for us in this case while improved speeds would make our migrations and tests go a lot faster.
- We have received the marketing analysis report that is 67 pages long, Ben is reviewing this document at the moment and we plan to share more about the contents afterwards
- Ben had an interesting chat with a project that is creating a metaverse game and is looking to use our API in the future to provide music in their game where characters can go to rooms or concerts and listen to music together. In this conversation some additional features were discussed like extra character benefits if their wallet holds a certain amount of $music for example. This was just an initial conversation for now but it was very interesting and we hope we can partner up with them in the future.
Meeting topics:

- We have received our new skale chain and have set it up now, giving permissions to our deploy accounts and set up our token and token bridge (Ethereum <> Skale) on the new chain so we can resume our testing.
- Ben has gone through the marketing analysis and it looks good so far, there weren't many points for feedback really just a few small remarks which will be included into the document next.
Meeting topics:

- The Skale bride (IMA) has been set up and while we had a nice UI to go with it before that was built by Skale, they have now changed it to a widget we can put anywhere we want on our website. It's still in development but we can test it out already and provide some feedback for improvement and in the meantime we are still testing our migration scripts and smart contracts.
- Someone from our community is helping us improve our project management and tools around that, making it easier for us to show our progress in the future.
- A new developer is interested in helping us test our code and make some improvements in return for bounties, this would be a good time to test out as our bounty platform and put some bounties on there which can then be paid for people doing certain jobs (doesn't have to be development for that matter). These bounties would be compensated only in $music for now, though in the future it could be possible to also provide other rewards.
- Ben had an introduction call with the team of Ruby Exchange to see how we can work together, since they are also building on Skale we can explore how we can make our chains talk to each other to make it easier to trade $music on their DEX with zero gas fees. They also offered to help us with technical issues in case we run into them and help us improve our tokenomics.
- We discussed passive revenue streams for the project like adding liquidity to Uniswap or other DEXes, staking, etc... . The only issue is that we don't have any other assets to pair it with at the moment, but once we have them there are a lot of possibilities for generating passive income for the project which we can then use to improve our project like development, hosting, marketing, listing, ...
Meeting topics:

- We had some issues while testing out the new Skale widget, we're looking into it and providing feedback to Skale to help them improve it.
- We're looking for some extra hands for testing and reviewing our contract code and it's a good idea to have more eyes on it in general. So we have put our first bounty on DeWork, if it goes well we will add other bounties later for various tasks. You can take a look at our channel here:
- We're working on a pitch deck in order to apply for grants so we can fund our project. The plan here is to apply to multiple grants at the same time unlike we have done in the past. There are a lot of grant programs available in various places, even in bear markets.
- We're looking into systems we can use for community voting in the future, snapshot looks like a good tool for us since you can basically vote with any token on there and in theory it should also be possible to use that on our Skale chain as well.
Meeting topics:

- We got to play with the Skale widget and it looks really easy to use, next we will set it up with our own token though at the moment it's not working yet for some reason.
- So far we didn't get much response on so we should continue posting our bounties in more developer groups and might need to reconsider the amount of the bounty as well.
- We got a whole list of grant we can apply for (thanks to there's also the possibility of working on grants together since we plan to implement our music into their metaverse game and would be working together on that.
- It looks like we're getting more scam posts in our Telegram group so we are looking to create a strategy for those. In the meantime please don't click on links posted in the group by strangers.
Meeting topics:

- Tests are still ongoing, we might need more eyes to review our code so if you're a solidity developer or have a good knowledge of how blockchains work feel free to reach out as we could provide some incentives for you to review our code.
- Still some issues with the Skale widget, the engineers are helping us to fix it
- We got contacted by a few big exchanges and it looks like they are legit so far, though we will need to investigate further. They have offered us listing packages on a discount, though with our current budget we can't go through with it at the moment. At least now we know how much it would be and can keep that in mind for the grants budget sheet and when we have the funds we can contact them again.
- We continue the work on grant proposals and we already have a decent list of grants we can apply to, at least for the first round.
Meeting topics:

- We have added some improvements to our contracts to allow non-custodial wallets (like metamask, walletconnect, torus, web3auth, ...) to be used by artists and listeners in the future. They will be added to the platform at a later stage but will allow users to own the keys of their wallets which is always preferred though this will start off as an optional feature. These improvements were also required to allow easier integrations of our platform into other projects in the future. At the moment developers (both team, external and potential new devs) are reviewing the code in order to check for potential issues. When we get a green light from them we can do another run of the migration on testnet using the new speedy transaction mode and we can see how long it would take this time. If all goes well this time we can finally open up our testnet for everyone.
- In the last month we have also faced some issues with the new V2 chain, but we have already received another one which should not have these issues. Fortunately we have set up our code in a way that we can basically deploy on any chain, though it does take some overhead when we have to switch to a new chain.
- In order to get more external devs on board we are thinking about decentralizing the development (and eventually other areas too) a bit more, the best way to do this would be to create bounties for certain tasks that anyone who has time and experience can pick up and can be rewarded when the task is done. For now we can only create bounties in $music but when we have some funds again (from grants for example) we can also use other currencies.
- We have received a lot of offers from exchanges to get listed, these offers go from around $2k all the way up to $60k depending on the exchange and the options. We don't have the funds to go through with this at the moment and we believe it would be better to do this when the platform is live again anyway but at least now we have an idea of what it would cost so we know what kind of budget we will need.
- Together with Plutoverse we are working on grants, starting off with the Skale gaming grant for which we already had an introduction call between the projects.
- From now on we will do this community call once a month on the last Thursday of the month. The next call will be on October 27 though important updates will be shared along the way.
Meeting topics:

- We have submitted our grant proposal for the Skale gaming grant in collaboration with Plutoverse so now we are awaiting their response.
- We're testing the migration scripts now, adding improvements to them as we go depending on test results. Once we are comfortable with the results we can run the migration again and setup our servers for the testnet.
- Some issues were found in the configuration of the production server causing the website to shut down sometimes, we're investigating these issues.
- We have found some developers that want to help us to audit, or at least review, our code for potential issues though it depends on their availability in the coming weeks. In case we get a grant and depending on the size of it we may be able to get our contracts audited by specialists, though they are expensive.
- It seems hard for some people to join the community calls so we will create a poll in the chat where you can indicate whether the day or the time (or both) is not convenient for you to join, based on that we may find a better time so more people can join in. On top of that it's the time of the year where some regions change to winter time so we can keep that in mind as well.
Meeting topics:

- While we only saw a delist message on the Korean version of BTXPro we think it might be possible that they are just delisting us on the Korean website and not but we are awaiting their response on the matter in order to know for sure. Either way we have discussed a few things we can do and even a worst case scenario in which we can take tokens from the multisig and reimburse affected users, ofcourse we hope this will not be necessary.
- What we can do in the meantime is create some more trading activity on their exchange, it's a small exchange so even small trades would make a difference and might make BTX keep us listed.
- For small token holders holding only a few thousand tokens we might create a solution for them to send their tokens to an account we own using BTXPro's transactions to other users of the platform, which are free, we can then get all the tokens out at once and distribute them back to their self hosted wallets. We can do this by setting up a contract where people can withdraw tokens to their own wallets for example though there are other ways of doing so as well.
- Our goal is to stay listed on their Exchange as we have had a good cooperation with them in the last few years and hope to continue that.
- Other than that there seems to be a general problem on BTX at the moment where their withdrawals are not working, this has nothing to do with our project specifically but is affecting all the Ethereum assets on their exchange, we hope they will fix this as soon as possible and we are willing to provide some help if needed. We're also eager to hear from them about what's going on and what their plans are and will keep our community posted on this issue.
Good news! Ben was able to get in touch with BTXPro international ( and they have confirmed we will NOT be delisted from and they are working to resolve the withdrawal issues. We will be delisted on, which is their Korean exchange, due to local regulations. Apparently the 2 exchanges are not the same thing and Ben was told they will not delist us on in the near future. That being said it's never a bad idea to take your tokens off an exchange and put in your private wallets unless you want to trade them or want to earn rewards on the exchange. With all we've seen in the past few weeks we are working on a solution for small holders to get their tokens out of the exchange by using email transactions, which are free. More about this in our monthly call today in ~ 2 hours
Meeting topics:

- has confirmed that they are not delisting us on the international exchange (.com) though due to local regulations we are getting delisted from their Korean exchange. They are fixing the withdrawal problems that we've been experiencing in the last couple of weeks so everything should be working again soon.
- For Korean users the website officially states that withdrawals will end on the 25th of November (tomorrow) though they told us that withdrawals will be possible after that as well so there's no reason to panic but it would be best to take your tokens out as soon as you can
- As we have learned from the past few weeks and the whole FTX fiasco we recommend everyone to take their tokens out of exchanges (in general) unless you're using them on the exchange because you never know what's going to happen. We know that for some people in our community the fee to withdraw their tokens on BTX is quite high in respect to their token allocations, for those people we are working on a solution where we will collect the tokens in 1 account and withdraw them all together. This would result in only 1 or 2 withdrawal fees for all the tokens and we can then distribute the tokens to everyone using a merkle contract. People could then withdraw their funds from that contract at their convenience and it would only cost a small transaction fee on mainnet. This is completely optional ofcourse but might be of interest for some
- We haven't heard back from the Skale grant yet, as is not out of the ordinary for things like this. In the meantime we will explore other grant programs.
- In order to allow more people to join our monthly call we are looking to do these calls in the weekend starting next month. More information will follow when we have found a good day and time
- We talked about encouraging the community to add liquidity on Uniswap and other decentralized exchanges or use them to trade more. Adding liquidity is also a way to generate some profits from fees that are earned from providing liquidity so this might be one of many potential sources of income for the project in order to become sustainable in the future
- We talked about the SEC and the last crypto events in general
Meeting topics:

- is still having some issues, they are splitting off from their Korean entity and are going to become Dove Wallet again. It's very possible that this is the reason some parts are not working well at the moment and we hope their issues will be resolved very soon.
- No updates on the Skale grant yet, though we have reached out to hem to ask for an update. We continue to look for other grants to apply to though in a bear market there aren't as many available as usual.
- Ben is working on getting some help on this project, due to the size of this project it's just too much for 1 person to do alone as there are many aspects to take into account. From now on we aim to decentralise the team more and Ben is tasked with delegating more responsibilities to other people. Ben is working on a document describing what kind of people we're looking for to join us, either volunteers or interns for now, and set up a new structure for the project to make it easier to onboard new members and make it possible for anyone to just pick up tasks that should be done. People working on this project will be compensated in tokens, though we have to discuss which amount we can apply to that and adjust accordingly as we go.
- We're looking to also implement a better way to receive feedback or ideas from people looking to help us move forward and have a system in place to do handle those requests.
Meeting topics:

- Ben has started a document that describes the previous tokenomics and add some ideas on what we improve in the future. Text needs to be written out a bit more and then it will be shared for everyone to leave feedback on it
- Ben is also working on a proposal for the devs to pay them a certain amount of $music tokens per hour of work, once approved we can switch to this model. For this we have ran some calculations to see how long we could pay developers from the remaining funds in the multisig (after the second swap). To close off previous things the hackathon reward will be distributed to the developers that have helped us so far in order to close this chapter and move to a new reward system instead. Any work from now on can then be paid in $music at a vast rate (not pegged to dollars). Ben thinks that this will increase motivation and would provide contributors with a stake in the project of which the value is directly influenced by the state of the project. Contributors can choose on their own how much time they can put in and be rewarded for everything they do. This reward system will be first used for developers but can easily be expanded for other jobs that need to be done, for example someone could earn tokens to manage socials, hunt for grants or anything we can outsource really
- The current codebase is not really inviting developers to join. There is some very old code depending on old libraries that are not supported anymore and it's also hard to setup the project locally which makes collaborating on it more difficult and time consuming. Using newer technologies will drastically improve this and older parts we don't need anymore can be left out. Ben is thinking about creating a small proof of concept this way, once that works we can port the older code into the new architecture with some minor changes. This would also allow us to create a new API which would also be easier to share with other projects so they can implement functionality with our platform. At this time this is just an idea and needs more analysis from Ben but it should be worth the effort.
- BTX is still having issues so Ben will continue to send them messages and suggest people having problems send emails to their support as well.
- Ben is also polling on the Skale grant, there should be some news soon either good or bad but we have to move forward
Hello everyone, we have created a document that explains everything there is to know about the upcoming swap, this document also contains a timeline with the estimated work involved which will be updated as we go so this document can be used to check the progress as well. The timeline is generous though realistic in order to be able to stick to these estimates in case some parts take longer than expected. If you have any additional questions feel free to ask them on Telegram or add a comment to the document and then we can get back to you and add more information if necessary