Mette’s Experiments 🧪
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Life is an experiment.
This channel contains events and writings by Mette.
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Rebirthing the Sensual Self 2024 🌒
11-14 Apr 2024. Die Farm. Berlin.
By @mettekoppelaar

After an incredibly beautiful edition of this retreat last year, I'm thrilled to announce an (extended) edition of this transformation-oriented weekend.

Are you ready to let go of the old &
rediscover your playful sensual self?

Check out all info:

Maybe I’ll see you there :)

- Mette

PS. Join the Telegram channel to stay in the loop or PM me if you have any questions :)
Rebirthing the Sensual Self is full, but you can join the waiting list.

Info and form:

The waiting list isn’t long and some spots usually open up in the days before the event (or even on the starting day itself), so it makes sense to do this if you still want to join.
If you're in no need of rebirthing your sensual self, but would still like a bit of Mette in your life;
I'll guide the opening workshop at the upcoming Naked Tea Party 🫖

The Naked Tea Party
* f e m i n i n a *
9 March 2024
At the pankow house

To join, fill out the application form.

Heads up that I won’t be wearing such a shiny outfit. It’s a naked tea party after all… 🤷‍♀️
Now that most spots for Rebirthing The Sensual Self have been allocated, I've read the intentions of the majority of the group and started fine-tuning the program. It's exciting because it feels like I get to experience the weekend already. I'll share some more about the program for those who are still considering to apply:
Rebirthing the Sensual Self: 11-14 April 2024, Berlin 🌒

After we’lve all arrived on Thursday, we have dinner together. Then, we open the container and turn our focus inwards. We'll go to bed in silence, wake up in silence, and have various processes around letting go and being present in the now. Talking is still welcome during some practices for the purpose of self-reflection in connection, but the space will be mostly non-verbal until the start of Friday's lunch.

Friday afternoon we slowly shift the focus towards connection. We'll practice being attuned to our yesses and no's and will have a body welcoming practice in the late afternoon. Friday evening is about staying within our integrity in non-sexual physical connection with others.

Saturday is about knowing what you want—and asking for it. It's also about communicating your boundaries and about negotiating interactions that work for everyone involved. In the evening, we'll get to practice all we've done in an open space. Sexuality is welcome as one of the various things that you could be doing that evening. So is dressing up, drawing, dancing, or simply having a cup of tea.

Sunday is a lazy day with lots of options. Movement, going for a walk, brunch, sauna, and chilling in the garden are some of the things you might find yourself doing on this last day. The Sunday tends to be characterized by integration and wholesome connection.

Are you considering to be one of the last six to join?

Check the website:

Or join the channel or message @koppelaar to find out more.

We're looking forward to reading your application if you feel the calling ☀️

Mette, Aya, Hannah & Silvia
“Spots are filling up fast.”

As an organizer, this is such a tempting phrase to post. People are in doubt. They say they want to join. But I still have a few free spots and I would love to be sold out. So let’s create a little FOMO. Let’s create a little pressure. And maybe more will join.

“I would LOVE it if you joined” is another one. In conversation with a potential participant, it’s so tempting to point out just how happy it would make *me* if only they’d sign up. I only say it if it’s true. But, still, it implies how unhappy it would make me if they didn't. Just a little pressure. And maybe they will join.

It’s so incredibly tempting to look for the yes. To hint, nudge, and persuade. To create scarcity and set expectations. To frame the “yes” as good, and the “no” as bad. But it leads to awkwardness. People feel pressured and stop replying, only to apologize the next time I see them in person.

Many of us know about consent. You ask permission before you touch someone. Duh. But it is so much more than that. It’s the act of genuinely welcoming the “no”. The practice of appreciating the beauty of the “no” and of genuinely looking for it. Inside the bedroom and out. Because when the “no” can freely flow, things don’t have to get awkward. It tells us we are safe. It tells us we are welcome as we are. It allows us to keep relating. Even when we don’t want the same things.

From 11 to 14 April, I’m organizing a retreat near Berlin:

☆ A sensual weekend journey through the cycle of rebirth 🌒

A place to let go of the old & rediscover your playful, sensual self. We centralize the beauty of saying no & invite full authenticity. Sensuality & sexuality are welcome, yet we focus on human connection in every sense. It’s in a cozy farmhouse near Berlin, with up to 27 curated humans. There are 4 spots left. Will you take one of them? I very much welcome your “no.”

All info:

Thanks for reading!

(Photo: Rebirthing the Sensual Self 2023)
This Tuesday 14 May, I will lead a Forum practice at The Being Lab around the topic of Stepping into your power.

After some warm-up exercises, we’ll start the forum: a variation of circling which will give anyone the opportunity to address a large group from the center of the circle. You can use voice and movement and can receive embodied reflections (mirrors) from those who witnessed your expression. It's a powerful practice that offers a literal possibility to step into your authentic expression, that let’s you celebrate the times you did, and that can help you face your struggles around doing so. It tends to have a beautiful impact on individuals and the group.

When: Tuesday, 14 May, 19:00-21:00. Doors close at 19:15 - please don’t arrive later.
Where: Gemeindesaal, Schillerpromenade 16, 2nd floor (
Cost: donation-based (suggested €10 cash or donate online), in support of The Church Of Interbeing project. (I‘m personally not making any money from this)

See you there? :)