Meme: Me & Me.. Don't make it funny
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I stand with Palestine 🇵🇸🕊️


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The terrorist group of Israel bombed a UN school in Nuseirat camp where displaced people were sheltering, killing 18 people. This is the fifth attack on al-Jaouni school since October 2023, where around 12,000 displaced Palestinians were sheltering. Most of those killed were women and children.

The devastating attack has left the bodies of women and children torn apart, in a scene that has become the daily reality for people in Gaza. Even with the genocide live-streamed for all to see, governments around the world refuse to stop Israel’s crimes. Since October 7, Israel has killed over 41,118 people and injured at least 95,125.

Among the dead were six UN staff, raising the death toll of UNRWA staff to 213. Israel has continuously targeted UN facilities throughout the genocide. Over the past 11 months, they have damaged over 190 UNRWA facilities in 464 attacks. Israel has killed at least 575 displaced people sheltering under the UN’s roofs.

red. and Eye on Palestine

Despite being well aware of the locations of the remaining operational bakeries in northern Gaza, Israeli occupation aircraft bombarded the vicinity of one today, killing an innocent Palestinian who was heading home with bread he had secured for his family.

A letter from Yahya Sinwar, the head of the Hamas Political Bureau, to Nujaba Movement Secretary-General Sheikh Akram Al-Kaabi, the Islamic resistance in Iraq.

May Allah give strength to the suffering Palestinians and the leadership to continue this jihad.



In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

September 8th, 2024

His Eminence, Sheikh Akram Al-Kaabi, may Allah protect him.
Peace be upon you, and the mercy and blessings of Allah.

Allah Almighty said: "And He takes martyrs from among you."

We in the Islamic Resistance Movement, Hamas, have received with great appreciation and pride your gracious message of congratulations and condolences on the martyrdom of our dear leader and fighter, Mr. Ismail Haniyeh, Abu Al-Abd, the head of the political bureau of the movement, and his companion, the fighter brother Wassim Abu Shaaban, Abu Anas. We thank you for your solidarity, blended with sincere and noble emotions, and we ask Allah Almighty to bless your efforts and protect you and your country from all harm.

Our leader, the martyr, the symbol of the nation and Palestine, Abu Al-Abd, ascends in the battle of Al-Aqsa Flood, one of the most honorable battles in our Palestinian people's history, following the path of the martyr leaders. His blood, along with the blood of his sons, grandchildren, and family, joins the great sacrifices made by our people in Gaza, the West Bank, Al-Quds, and the occupied interior, to affirm that the blood of our leaders and fighters is not more valuable than the blood of our people and that this pure blood and the blessed convoys of martyrs will only increase our resilience and strength in confronting the Nazi zionist occupation until it is expelled and wiped off our land and sanctities, and until we establish our fully sovereign independent state, with Al-Quds as its capital.

The movement also reaffirms that it will always remain steadfast on the path of loyalty to the blood of the martyrs and that the lofty principles advocated by the martyr leader Abu Al-Abd will remain steadfast and present. Our movement and fighters will continue to adhere to them, foremost of which is the unity of our Palestinian people on the path of jihad and resistance, the unity of the word of our Arab and Islamic nation, and the rejection of division and discord, so that we may stand as one rank against the zionist enemy, the true enemy of our nation, and the greatest threat, driven by its expansionist ambitions to steal the nation's resources and capabilities.

We ask Allah Almighty to protect you, your family, and your homes with goodness, safety, and stability.

The office of the leader of the Hamas movement,
Brother and fighter Yahya Sinwar, Abu Ibrahim.
A US citizen Matt Nelson reportedly self-immolated in front of the Israeli consulate in Boston on 11 September in protest of his government’s complicity in the Gaza genocide and Palestinian ethnic cleansing.

Mainstream media has ignored the event.

In a video surfacing on YouTube, he says, “My name is Matt Nelson and I am about to engage in an extreme protest. We are all culpable in the ongoing genocide in Gaza.”

He also calls on the people of the US to continue to mobilize until the aggression on Gaza stops.

This is the fifth self-immolation in the US in the past year, in protest of the genocide in Gaza.

A gentle reminder for every entity who betrayed Palestinian's right to live normally. For every traitor, there will be "a lover":

On September 14, 1982 (yesterday), Bachir Gemayal was assassinated. The criminal Bachir Gemayel was the head of the military wing of the Christian fascist Kataeb Party of Lebanon, the perpetrators of the Sabra and Shatila massacre with the protection of the IOF that led to the martyrdom of thousands.

Gemayel eliminated his competition in the Lebanese Front through various massacres to establish himself. He was elected President of Lebanon in 1982. His forces participated in numerous massacres including Black Saturday, the Karantina Massacre, and the Tel al-Zaatar massacre, where hundreds of Palestinian and Lebanese civilians were killed.

Given this bloody history, it's no surprise that he collaborated with the zionist enemy. Gemayel warmly welcomed Ariel Sharon, who informed him that the IOF planned to invade Lebanon to expel Palestinians and facilitate his ascension to the presidency. He was elected President in August in a questionable election that included IOF forces outside the council's headquarters. Immediately, he prepared a peace treaty with the occupation and massacres to expel Palestinians.

The face of our region would have been radically different today if not for a 24-year-old Christian man who refused to see a traitor in power and sought to teach every traitor a lesson. Habib Shartouni, whose name means lover, set forth on September 14th. An SSNP member, he planted 40-50kg of explosives in the Phalangist's headquarters.

A deadly civil war was raging at the time. Beirut was divided between the east and the west. Habib's compass was clear. Gemayel was set to give a speech the next day.

An explosion rang loud and clear, dispelling sectarian divisions, in rejection of traitors and revenge for blood.

The Naji Al-Ali cartoon in the image expresses it all: "Good morning, Beirut.

The equation was simple: the natural flow of life:
- For every drop of blood awaits revenge. For every martyr awaits a newborn. For every exiled awaits a return.
- For every traitor awaits a Habib or Love. Not to exclude the traitorous Palestinian Authority under Zionist-Slave Mahmoud Abbas and his gangster, also other Arab, Hashemites, and Emiratist traitors!

Original Content:
Samidoun Network, @samidounnetwork
This is how the terrorist Israel murdered civilians in Rafah, Southern Gaza, they brought no weapon, and just walked on the street!

Don't forget, the bomb comes from zionist America, the UK, and Germany!

Meanwhile, the Arab traitors enjoy this show and the Muslim world is just saying blah blah blah in IOC (Islamic Opera and Clowns) and at useless Arab League (actually a bunch of Arab clowns 🤡).

Keep doing this and abandon your brother and sister in Palestine, may Allah upside down your fate from now!

On this day, September 16, 1982, the Lebanese Phalangist militia, backed by terrorist Israel, perpetrated a massacre in the southern Beirut neighborhood of Sabra and Palestinian refugee camp Shatila that lasted 3 days (16 - 18 September) and claimed the lives of thousands of Palestinian refugees and Lebanese citizens.

Also on December 16th, 1982, the UN General Assembly declared the massacre "An Xct of Genocide."

Israel is nothing but a terror group from Eastern Europe with all zionist elements inside, the creator of ISIS to destabilize the region and to create Islamophobia across the world!

The Cradle Media

I'm upset!
The only website that dares to say "Israel is a terrorist and traitor among Muslims" is my website.

Don't say you will send the army to Gaza, even from the wording of your content you're so cowardly writing!

If you scroll down this link you will know what countries I mean, all are from Muslim countries, very very embarrassing!


If you're a Muslim and you do nothing for the slaughtered 41,000 Gazans or at worse, you're dancing with Zionist, then just wait, your time is near, Allah won't forgive Munafeeq!
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A suspected terrorist Israel attack has caused hundreds of handheld communications devices in Lebanon to detonate, killing at least 12 and injuring almost 2,750 people, 200 of whom have serious injuries (the latest updates).

Former NSA intelligence contractor, Edward Snowden on X:
"As information comes in about the exploding beepers in Lebanon, it seems now more likely than not to be implanted explosives, not a hack. Why? Too many consistent, very serious injuries. If it were overheated batteries exploding, you'd expect many more small fires & misfires".

It is implanted explosives that caused this suspected act of zionist terrorism.

Such an attack by its very nature will target ordinary people going about their daily lives, whether shopping for groceries, driving to work, or taking their children to the park.

Hezbollah has vowed that the 'treacherous and criminal' actions of the Zionist entity will be met with just retribution.

This is ten-year-old Lebanese girl Fatima Jaafar Abdullah (R.A.) - she was killed in the Jewish terror attack launched against hundreds of people in Lebanon today.

Shahida Fatima (R.A.) is one of 12 people murdered by 'israel' in this latest act of terror.

Martyred in his mother's lap. Recovering a child martyred in an occupation bombing on a house in Gaza City by the terrorist group of Israel, supported by zionist America, British, and Germany, not excluding the Arab traitors of ruling Egypt, UAE, Jordan, Arab Saudi, Bahrain, and Morocco!

استشهد في حضن والدته.. انتشال طفل استشهد في قصف للاحتلال على أحد المنازل في مدينة غزة

A Palestinian woman lost her temper as a terrorist Israeli Breaker Excavator destroyed her home in the town of Beit Awwa in the south of the occupied West Bank for greater stolen lands and illegal settlements, according to international law and so many UN resolutions.

A place where the traitorous Mahmoud Abbas and his PA idiots have no intention of defending their very own people!

They clapped at Israel's terrorism in Lebanon!

Remember these hateful Western media and terrorist Israel supporters:

The New York Post
The Sun - UK
The Mirror - UK
Dave Portnoy - Jewish Barstool
Linda Yaccarino - CEO of X Twitter and many more but not mentioned here.

Don't read their fake news, don't subscribe to their hateful media, and unsubscribe from now if you're a payer of this garbage.

Terrorist Israel committed new massacres against children, babies, and women today in Gaza and Beirut.

Weapons come from zionist America with the silent support of Arab traitors!

Why? Because the first to report Hezbollah's Ibrahim Aqil assassination (allegation) is the Hebrew media and the Muslim betrayal of Saudi media!

This traitorous kingdom of Su'udiyah knew everything in every terrorist Jewish Israel attack before we realized it was happening!

This is Zionist Saudi Arabia!
This is Takfiris Wahhabist!
This is the Arab Traitor!
This is Muslim Betrayal!

He mocked thousands of victims of terrorist Israel's pager attack in Lebanon, may Allah punish him in a way that he never expected before, including the Zionist-Wahhabist regime of Saudi Arabia as a whole!

The betrayal against Muslims of fucking Saudis regime and its parasite media of Al-Arabiya at the highest level of Munafeeq!

If you're a Muslim please take care, don't buy its propaganda, all posts from this snake are poisons!

Original Content:
The Cradle Media
Lebanon Under Attack!

Terrorist Israel is not enough to destroy and kill civilians in Gaza and the West Bank, this time, it continued to bomb Lebanon and murder babies, children, and women.

Of course with the help of zionist Americans, British, and Germany. Don't forget the participation of Arab traitors in the slaughtering process and the silence of the Muslim world!

“All in sacrifice for Palestine. All of the south is sacrificed for you, Palestine”

Amidst the Israeli bombing, a Lebanese man shows his support for Palestine, reaffirming the choice of resistance to end the Israeli genocide in Gaza.

Let's be honest, by ideology, Lebanese are mostly Shia and then Sunni and Christian Orthodox, but they have helped the Sunni Palestinians like the true brothers here and hereafter.

Unlike the Arab traitors such as the garbage rulers of UAE, Egypt, Jordan, Bahrain, and Saudi Arabia, the people of Lebanon will be remembered as the defenders of Islam, the Mujahid regardless of their religion. May Allah grant Jannah Firdaus for them.

And in Lebanon, the Muslims and Christians are living and dying in brotherhood, this is the point that the terrorist Jewish Israelis don't want to know about!
