Applied English انگلیسی کاربردی
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⚠️ select 🆚 elect

🔵Elect: on the basis of a voting system, is official.

⚪️ Select: chosen normally on the basis of merits not necessarily by voting.

The top 5 students were selected.
The president will be elected.

📝⚠️ For simplicity, use reasons & causes in middle of a sentence.

Tests were performed "to understand X."

"To understand X", tests were performed.

For the understanding of X, tests were performed.

⚠️ use adverbs immediately wherever you wanna describe a verb.

The host cooks whenever he has guests and is in mood "fast & carefully".

The host cooks fast & carefully whenever...

⚠️Cuz u are gonna describe "cook"

🔠 Future Perfect

⚪️ Will + have + PP

👉To show an action/state will be performed in future by an exact time/date.

By this time next week, I will have started my new business.

⚠️ Training 🆚 Internship

👉 Both mean "kar-amoozi", but:

⚪️ Training: improving skills and normally is paid, is mostly for employees.

🔵 Internship: not paid, is for learning in practice what we learn theoritically in law, medicine & engineering.

So, students go for an internship!

⚠️ among 🆚 between

🔵 Use "between" for connection of two entities.

⚪️ Use "among" when more than 2 are concerned.

Distance between Tehran & Isfahan.
you are among the best students.
Rumors between people.

⚠️ Though and Although

🔵 Both used to show contrast. Never use "but" in the second clause as we use in Farsi.

Although you studied hard, you failed.
Although you studied hard, but you failed.

⚠️⚠️ Never use redundant words in a sentence. Below, two negatives have redundancy.

I never didn't see your teacher.
I never saw your teacher.
I didn't see your teacher .

⚠️ Use #simple sentences rather complex lengthy ones.

For the evaluation of your grades obtained in schools 🤔

To evaluate your school grades

⚠️ When writing, avoid unnecessary phrases that will NOT add information!!!! Write #simple

Let's summarize the results of ...🙄
We should bear in mind the fact that X affects Y .😮
We summarize the results of...
It is shown X affects Y.

⚠️ still 🆚 yet

Both mean "Hanooz" in Farsi.
🔵 Still, in the middle of positive sentences.
⚪️ Yet, normally at the end of Negative or Question sentences.

I am still looking for my book.
Have you worked on your project yet?
My guests have not had dinner yet.

⚠️ 🔠 Grammar note!

If you need to translate when answering grammar questions, then your grammar is "weak".

Grammar questions should be answered with no translation.

⚠️Be careful of "," & ";": ";" is used when your sentence is finished but the one following your sentence is somewhat related to the prior one. If two sentences are not related, use full stop (.)

I was tired; however, I worked till morning.

📄Reading comprehension strategies
Note 1:
🕒When reading a text, just skip nouns with capital letter initials. They are just extra info. Speed up your performance in standard testing. If necessary, return and revisit them.🤔

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🤔 Don't care about capitals. They good just to take your time.

📄Reading comprehension strategies

🕒Note 2:
When reading a text, try to predict the sentence coming after based on your information in Farsi. Speed up your performance.

در صورتیکه در فهم، خواندن و عملکرد در درک مطلب ضعف دارید، 3 رکن را باید تقویت کنید: 1- گرامر 2- دامنه لغات 3- مهارت ها......................سعی می کنم مهارت هایی را هربار یادآوری کنم.
When we have a job or academic interview, be careful what matters is how we contribute to them not how they would help us.

Many of us are good presenters just to repeat what we have carried out in our research, say like a technical report, but never we try to convince audience say our future costumers if not purchasing our ideas at least to get the message of our research.

Hello friends. I will restart this channel soon. I m surprised many members still exist here🙏🙏🙏🌹