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#Hematology_1 🩸#Anemia #Introduction

مصنع ال Blood cell في جسمنا هو ال Bone marrow( BM)

ال Stem cell الموجوده داخل ال BM لساتها Immature فهتمشي ب 3 خطوط انتاج ليطلع عنا ال RBCs وال WBCs وال platelet

1⃣ Erythropoiesis ;
ال erythropoiesis هو خط انتاج ال RBCs
ال bone marrow عشان يصنع RBCs هيحتاج مواد خام زي ال
Iron , B12 , Folic Acid
وهرمون ال erythropoietin (EPO) ليحول ال Immature stem cell ل Erythrocyte 🌸
مدة حياة ال RBCs هو 120 يوم , وبعدها ال BM بيصنع خلايا جديده عن طريق ال Proliferation

2⃣ Granulocytopoiesis ;

خط انتاج ال WBCs وهيحتاج ال BM ال GCSF 🔽
Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor

3⃣ Thrombocytopoiesis ;

خط انتاج ال platelet بمساعدة ال Thrombopoietin

ومده حياة ال platelet سبع ايام وبعدها ال BM بيصنع كميه جديدة

Anemia Collected post
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🔪Any Shock in a trauma patient or postoperative patient should
be considered to be due to 🩸hemorrhage until proven otherwise
#until_proven_otherwise 1
🔪Any patient with blunt pelvic trauma, blood present at the urethral meatus, hematuria🩸, inability to void, or perineal hematoma should be considered to have a urethral injury until proven otherwise.
#until_proven_otherwise 2
🔪Any stricture diagnosed in a patient with ulcerative colitis must be considered to be malignant until proven otherwise.
#until_proven_otherwise 3
all gastric ulcers are cancer until proven otherwise with adequate biopsy and follow-up.
#until_proven_otherwise 4
All blunt trauma patients should be assumed to have cervical spine injuries until proven otherwise
#until_proven_otherwise 5