Life Tactics
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One of the most important areas we can develop as professionals is competence in accessing and sharing knowledge.

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[Forwarded from Anshul]


• Be clear and direct:

Be as clear as you can about what you think, feel, and want. Give details that can help parents understand your situation.

• Be honest:

If you're always honest, a parent will be likely to believe what you say. If you sometimes hide the truth or add too much drama, parents will have a harder time believing what you tell them. If you lie, they'll find it hard to trust you.

• Try to understand their point of view:

If you have a disagreement, can you see your parents' side? If you can, say so. Telling parents you understand their views and feelings helps them be willing to see yours, too.

•Try not to argue:

Use a tone that's friendly and respectful makes it more likely parents will listen and take what you say seriously. It also makes it more likely that they'll talk to you in the same way.

1. Generate New Possibilities

Taking risks is important because you put yourself on the line! You can create a whole new set of opportunities for the future. You might achieve what you originally set out to do, but you also may unlock doors that you hadn’t even considered. It’s important to keep an open mind so something truly great and unexpected doesn’t pass you by.

2. You Will Always Gain

Even if you fall flat on your face, taking a risk will be beneficial. You gain valuable insight and experience from failure. At the very least, putting yourself out there and trying something new will change how you approach similar situations in the future.

3. Inaction Leads Nowhere

If you do nothing, then nothing will happen. Of course, that’s a comfortable approach but it will limit how much you grow. If you find yourself dreaming of a new job, new relationship, or new destination, put a plan together and go after it. All that can happen is you fail and gain insight to help you the next time.

4. Overcome Fears

Some people hesitate to go after what they want because it leaves them vulnerable and exposed to hurt, disappointment, and even ridicule. You may fear that if you fail, this means you are a failure, but in fact, by taking risks you will learn to overcome your fears. You will likely find that you care less about what people think and about what could go wrong, which is a powerful shift in thinking.
Forwarded from Life Tactics (Khushii)
Some habits of billionaires, that we should follow:

• They're open to learning from others mistakes. They not only learn from their mistakes but also from others too.

• They wake up early and follows strict routine.

• They don't waste their money in buying useless things rather they invest their money.

• They don't waste their time. They always use time blocking technique.

• They always spend their time with people that can help them grow.

• They don't focus on earning more money rather they focus on providing better services to the people.

• They read a lot . Every successful person reads more than unsuccessful people.

• They take lots of risks. Calculated risks and big risks too.

• They have a improving mindset. Every time they will be their improved versions.

•  They work harder and smarter than normal people.

 • They are always serious about their health.

Credits :'-
It is needless to say that we have grown to a family of 1.7K subscribers, including you and your friends. We are thankful to each member of this channel's family for their liking to this channel. I promise to enhance the content quality for the upcoming articles, but till then stay hooked onto this channel :)!

Warm Regards
ADMIN (Life Tactics)
Here are 5 tips for how to create social media graphics that pop :)!

🖍Use the right image size for the social media platform.
You want your graphics to fit the space they’re in, right? Then pay close attention to the dimensions of what you create.

For example, Instagram feed images work well as a square. According to Instagram, if you share an image with a width from 320 to 1080 pixels and height from 566 to 1350, they won’t need to alter the image resolution.

🖍 Keep your graphic designs simple.
You do want your social media graphics to be eye-catching, but you don’t want them to be too complicated.

Don’t overuse text. The great part about posting to social media is that you have the opportunity to share a graphic along with a text update, so you’ll want to keep the blocks of text out of your graphic.

🖍Choose your colors wisely.
Coordinating your colors can help make your graphics easier to read.

If you have set brand colors you want to stick to, then you might not have as much flexibility with color, but if you don’t have a set of colors to follow, there are a lot of different options to choose from.

• Watch more public speakers and observe them with full attention.

• Focus on a problem solution perspective.

• Keep your language simple.

• Don't give everything away in presentation.

• Build empathy with your audience.

• Talk with appropriate speed not too slow and not too fast.

• Speak every word clearly.


#skills #learn #speak
8 Digital Skills You Can Learn From Home, and Absolutely Free!(PART-1)

1. Learn Touch Typing

You can significantly improve your keyboard skills through a free touch typing lessons. Touch typing is all about increasing your typing speed and accuracy by relying on motor reflex rather than your sight.

2. Learn Basic Coding

Perhaps there's no other skill out there that you can learn for free and may potentially lead you to a very lucrative career.  Learning how to code may lead you to your first start-up company. Or, it may lead you to create the next big app.

3. Improve Your Reading Speed

Improving your reading speed increases your efficiency. With enough practice, you can double and even quadruple your current reading speed. Just imagine the possibilities.

4. Learn To Negotiate

Learning how to negotiate can significantly improve your career, relationships and/or business. People with zero negotiation skills often get steamrolled in almost any area of life.


#skills #learn
8 Digital Skills You Can Learn From Home, and Absolutely Free!(PART-2)

1. Learn A Second Language
Learning a second language not only makes your more attractive, but it can also further your career. There are a lot of free online courses on learning a different

2. Learn Photoshop
Every industry will have to work with digital art sooner or later. Even making a simple advertising pamphlet will require some digital art skills. That means, learning how to use Photoshop is a skill that will pay off in the future.

3. Learn Investing
These days, currency trading and stock trading is popular on the Internet. It's a skill that can help you reap great rewards. If you become really good at it, you can even quit your job and go full-time.

4. Learn Excel
Excel is one of the standards when it comes to spreadsheet software. In fact, being good at Excel will significantly improve your chances of landing a job. Also, there are a lot of other valuable skills based on excel.


HARD WORK always pays off !

Here are 5 tips for how to create social media graphics that pop :)!

🖍Use the right image size for the social media platform.
You want your graphics to fit the space they’re in, right? Then pay close attention to the dimensions of what you create.

For example, Instagram feed images work well as a square. According to Instagram, if you share an image with a width from 320 to 1080 pixels and height from 566 to 1350, they won’t need to alter the image resolution.

🖍 Keep your graphic designs simple.
You do want your social media graphics to be eye-catching, but you don’t want them to be too complicated.

Don’t overuse text. The great part about posting to social media is that you have the opportunity to share a graphic along with a text update, so you’ll want to keep the blocks of text out of your graphic.

🖍Choose your colors wisely.
Coordinating your colors can help make your graphics easier to read.

If you have set brand colors you want to stick to, then you might not have as much flexibility with color, but if you don’t have a set of colors to follow, there are a lot of different options to choose from.
Thought is energy that drives the action necessary to overcome obstacles between you and that which you desire. As all know there are two types of thoughts,they are positive thoughts and negative thoughts. A mind can be dominated and works according to only one type of thought. It depends on you whether to fill your mind with positive thought or negative thought. Thought without persistence often leads to failure.

☘️Ray Kroc the founder of McDonalds was first the salesman of milkshake mixers. The one thing that separated from him was the thought to open McDonalds and vision of his work. Thoughts are one the component of your success.☘️

Social media helps you:

• Maintain your brand's online reputation.

• Establish a personal connection with your customers.

• Target the right people at the right time.

• Get cost-effective returns for your marketing.

Family: @marketing_and_personality
Ironically, overthinking can make you smarter by improving recollection, critical thinking and raising attention span.

Family: @marketing_and_personality
Hold yourself responsible for everything since this will make you better than ever before.

Forwarded from Life Tactics (Khushii)
Successful people maintain a positive focus in life no matter what is going on around them. They stay focused on their past successes rather than their past failures, and on the next action steps they need to take to get them closer to the fulfillment of their goals rather than all the other distractions that life presents to them.

“Don't focus on negative things; focus on the positive, and you will flourish.„

✓F- Follow
✓O- One
✓C- Course
✓U- Until
✓S- Successful

• Investing will help you build wealth.
If you’re serious about building wealth then you need to create an investing plan that suits you and your goals.

• Investing will get you to retirement or early retirement l.

• Starting investment early improves your spending habit.

• You even make money even while sleeping.

• You will have more than one source of income.

#life_tactics Credits: @Anshul_220401
Become An Affiliate Marketer

In simple terms, affiliate marketing means selling goods and services from another person or company. It is like a referral service. You set up a website or blog and join affiliate programs that are relevant to your audience. You can connect to these programs through affiliate networks, which provide you with a link that you include on your site. When someone clicks the link and buys the product, you get a portion of the sale as a commission.
Create a BUDGET and keep an eye on your spending ❗️

It’s important to have a good understanding of what money you have coming in and what expenses you have going out. Some of these will be easier to monitor, as they’ll be fixed such as your mortgage or rent. But others might be a bit more sneaky, such as what you spend on entertainment or eating out. Try keeping a spending diary for a few weeks – that means writing down everything you spend, right down to your morning coffee. You might be surprised where your money goes and find areas where you can spend less and put more into savings.

👉There is a time where daydreaming can be useful and productive, but other times it can cause you to loose focus and forget important information.

👉Daydreaming can also be harmful to your mental health if you are constantly having negative thoughts.

👉 Excessive daydreaming takes you out of reality.

👉 Longing for unrealistic, overvalued, unreachable goals or being reluctant to relinquish them (once failed) are both likely to cause mental distress.