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Hotel Name: La source guest house
Phone/Contact: +251 920 843945 @superevot
Location: Meskel flower road around tulip inn
Extra Details: It has parking, the place is quiet and free breakfast is available
Hotel Name: La source guest house
▫️Room Type: Normal room
▫️Phone/Contact: +251 920 843945 @superevot
▫️Price: 514.00 - 1106.00 Birr per Stay
Location: Meskel flower road around tulip inn
▫️Extra Details: It has high speed wifi,hot shower,free breakfast
Hotel Name: La source guest house
▫️Room Type: Twin bed
▫️Phone/Contact: +251 920 843945 @superevot
▫️Price: 514.00 - 1106.00 Birr per Stay
Location: Meskel flower road around tulip inn
▫️Extra Details: It has high speed wifi,hot shower,free breakfast
Hotel Name: Tulip inn hotel
Phone/Contact: +251 920 843945 @superevot
Location: Meskel flower road
Extra Details: It has parking it has very nice bar and restaurant
Hotel Name: Tulip inn hotel
▫️Room Type: Normal room
▫️Phone/Contact: +251 920 843945 @superevot
▫️Price: 80.00 - 120.00 USD per Stay
Location: Meskel flower road
▫️Extra Details: Its too clean ,high speed wifi, its silent, peacefull place, it has free breakfast
Hotel Name: Tulip inn hotel
▫️Room Type: Suit room
▫️Phone/Contact: +251 920 843945 @superevot
▫️Price: 80.00 - 120.00 USD per Stay
Location: Meskel flower road
▫️Extra Details: Its too clean ,high speed wifi, its silent, peacefull place, it has free breakfast
Hotel Name: Amel pension
▫️Room Type: Normal
▫️Phone/Contact: +251 920 843945 @superevot
▫️Price: 300.00 Birr per stay
Location: Meskel flower around Nazra hotel
▫️Extra Details: Its clean
Hotel Name: Amel pension
Phone/Contact: +251 920 843945 @superevot
Location: Meskel flower around nazra hotel
Extra Details: It has parking