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The resident of Kyzylorda Oblast Zhansara Bolegenova is one of the most famous masters for making felt in Kazakhstan.

Throughout her life Zhansara makes enourmous efforts not just to keep the heritage of people but also transfer to future generations.

This special project was prepared together by European Union and UNESCO within the frame of Silk Way project.

#UNESCOSilkRoadsEU #EU #UNESCO #unesco #unescokz #silkway #strengthsiswithinyou #strongwomen #women #centralasia #аsia #craft #felt
Did you know that during the time of nomads the establishments of yurts was carried out predominantly by women?

Zhyldys Asanakunova from Kyrgyzstan continues diligently this tradition today as well. She is not just produces the yurts itself but also is a founder and director of ethno village for tourists.

Zhyldys - a new heroine of our special project about women-craft makers in Central Asia, that is prepared together with European Union and UNESCO within the frame of Silk Way Project.

#UNESCOSilkRoadsEU #EU #UNESCO #unesco #unescokz #silkway #strengthsiswithinyou #strongwomen #women #centralasia #asia #yurt #kyrgyzstan
How does favorite craft help to resolve health issues and rapidly change one’s life?

Munira Akilova – new heroine of special project about women-craft makers of Central Asia, knows exactly how it does. She is working to revive and develop the art of suzane in the north of Tajikistan.

Munira shared with Manshuq Media all of the nuances of this art, including her own path from being the economist to becoming the designer as well as emphasized the importance of the art therapy.

Special project is developed jointly by European Union and UNESCO within the project on Silk Way.

#UNESCOSilkRoadsEU #EU #UNESCO #unesco #unescokz #silkway #strengthsiswithinyou #strongwomen #women #centralasia #аsia #craft #suzane #tajikistan
New heroine of our special project on women - craft makers of Central Asia - Nilyufar Musadzhonova from Uzbekistan.

Nilyufar does uzbekistani traditional embroidery craft for almost 20 years, and by know even teaches it. During the interview we talked about her path, art of embroidery and traditions of Uzbek people.

This special project was prepared together by European Union and UNESCO within the frame of Silk Way project.

#UNESCOSilkRoadsEU #EU #UNESCO #unesco #unescokz #silkway #strengthsiswithinyou #strongwomen #women #centralasia #аsia #craft #uzbekistan #artofembroidery
Сегодня 27 сентября – Всемирный день туризма. А ещё сегодня мы начинаем новый спецпроект совместно с ЮНЕСКО. Вместе с профессиональными гидами мы будем рассказывать всё самое интересное о странах Центральной Азии.

В первом материале спецпроекта — самая интересная информация для туристов, у которых есть только выходные для того, чтобы познакомиться с Ташкентом.
Спецпроект подготовлен совместно с Европейским Союзом и ЮНЕСКО в рамках проекта по Шёлковому пути.

#UNESCOSiIkRoadsEU #EU #UNESCO #юнеско #unescokz #шёлковыйпуть #силавнутритебя #туризм #tourism #Узбекистан #Uzbekistan #гид #guide #путешествия #journey
Если вы уже не раз бывали в Кыргызстане и думаете, что узнали всё, что можно, тогда для вас – наш новый материал.

О том, какие места обязательно нужно посетить в городе Ош, и почему многих туристов привлекает Кыргызстан рассказывает профессиональный гид с двадцатилетним стажем и национальный тренер по туризму Лада Хасанова.
Спецпроект подготовлен совместно с Европейским Союзом и ЮНЕСКО в рамках проекта по Шёлковому пути.

#UNESCOSiIkRoadsEU #EU #UNESCO #юнеско #unescokz #шёлковыйпуть #силавнутритебя #туризм #tourism #Кыргызстан #Kyrgyzstan #гид #guide #путешествия #journey
Если выбирать только один город для знакомства с Казахстаном — начать своё путешествие стоит именно с Алматы.

О том, почему иностранные гости и сами жители Казахстана стремятся попасть в южную столицу, в новом материале Manshuq рассказывает профессиональный гид Асель Курбон.
Спецпроект подготовлен совместно с Европейским Союзом и ЮНЕСКО в рамках проекта по Шёлковому пути.

#UNESCOSiIkRoadsEU #EU #UNESCO #юнеско #unescokz #шёлковыйпуть #силавнутритебя #туризм #tourism #Казахстан #Kazakhstan #гид #guide #путешествия #journey
In a collective special project with UNESCO, together with professional guides, we will tell all the most interesting things about the countries of Central Asia.

The first material of the special project contains the most interesting information for tourists who only have a weekend to get to know Tashkent.
The special project has been prepared together with the European Union and UNESCO within the framework of the Silk Road project.

#UNESCOSiIkRoadsEU #EU #UNESCO #unescokz #strengthiswithin #tourism #Uzbekistan #guide #journey
If you have been to Kyrgyzstan more than once and think that you have learned everything you possibly could, then our new article is for you.

Lada Khasanova, a professional guide with twenty years of experience and a national tourism coach, tells about what places you should definitely visit in the city of Osh, and why many tourists are attracted to Kyrgyzstan.
The special project has been prepared together with the European Union and UNESCO within the framework of the Silk Road project.

#UNESCOSiIkRoadsEU #EU #UNESCO #unescokz #strengthiswithin #tourism #Kyrgyzstan #guide #journey
If you choose only one city to explore Kazakhstan, you should start your trip in Almaty.

Asel Kurbon, a professional guide, explains why foreign guests try to visit the south capital of Kazakhstan in Manshuq article.
The special project has been prepared together with the European Union and UNESCO within the framework of the Silk Road project.

#UNESCOSiIkRoadsEU #EU #UNESCO #unescokz #strengthiswithin #tourism #Kazakhstan #guide #journey
A trip to Tajikistan is a trip to the Pamirs.

Journalist-historian Kurbonidin Alamshoev talks about why you should definitely visit this region in this Manshuq article.
The special project has been prepared together with the European Union and UNESCO within the framework of the Silk Road project.

#UNESCOSiIkRoadsEU #EU #UNESCO #unescokz #strengthiswithin #tourism #Tajikistan #guide #journey