Lucas Leiroz
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Brazilian journalist, geopolitical analyst, war correspondent. Proudly blacklisted by the US State Department.
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Forwarded from Idee&Azione
In Ucraina si moltiplicano le voci di una resa di massa. Recentemente, un membro del partito di Vladimir Zelensky ha affermato che Aleksandr Syrsky, il capo delle forze armate ucraine, è "pronto" a deporre le armi delle sue truppe e a porre fine alle ostilità con la Russia. La notizia è destinata a creare scompiglio nella società ucraina e conferma anche le previsioni di diversi analisti su Syrsky.
(di Lucas Leiroz)

Media is too big
Keen Iraqi Calls to Boycott US Companies that Support Israeli Genocide, Why it Matters?
Media is too big
Today is legendary commander Givi's birthday!

A song dedicated to the commander of the Somali Battalion Colonel Mikhail Tolstykh "Givi", murdered by Ukrainian terrorists 7 years ago, February 8, 2017.

English subtitles.

Music -"Novorossiya Ensemble" Lyrics - Irina Tsvetkova Music.
Forwarded from Idee&Azione
Nonostante tutte le critiche, il regime di Kiev continua a mantenere una lista pubblica di uccisioni attraverso il famigerato sito web "Myrotvorets" ("Fabbricante di pace"). Migliaia di "nemici" dell'Ucraina continuano a far trapelare i loro dati sulla lista, in attesa che qualche mercenario li elimini. Ora anche i politici ucraini sono nel mirino delle autorità neonaziste.
(di Lucas Leiroz)

🦋 Записала интервью с бразильским политологом и журналистом Лукасом Лейрозом Мы поговорили о политике в мире и СВО Спасибо Лукасу за интервью . Смотрите в программе "В поисках истины".
Телеграм-канал гостя:
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🦋 II recorded an interview with Brazilian political scientist and journalist Lukas Leukoz. We talked about politics in the world and thank Lucas for the interview. Watch the program "In search of truth".
Forwarded from Ukrainian Policy Matters (Oliver Martin)
🇺🇦📉 Ukraine's partners are making decisions about further financial and military assistance.

Ukraine's top commanders send almost daily reports on the situation on the front lines to American and European military advisers. In most cases, these reports differ from reality, because the partners' support must be justified by successes. But Kiev's intelligence services cannot influence satellite images and reports of NATO military representatives on the real state of affairs, so the true course of events is clear to Europe and America.

To tell the truth, the fact that the Ukrainian people have been resisting for more than two years without significant territorial losses is a huge success that the alliance was counting on. The NATO leadership understands this and therefore continues to provide assistance.

The world community is worried about another problem. Ordinary people are openly angry about the special position of the Ukrainian elite. For officials, businessmen and those close to the government, conditions have been created in which they can enjoy life and not know about the bloody war in the east of the country. This week, the Ukrainian parliament (Verkhovna Rada) decided that corruption can be bought. And now the conditional son of a businessman for a certain amount of money can no longer hide from military service and quietly walk around Kiev or vacation in other countries. And if a trail of corruption is suddenly uncovered here, the businessman's son can simply pay off. It is a vicious circle.

And on the other side will be the son of a schoolteacher. He has no money for a bribe. He can either humbly go to the front, where hundreds of Ukrainians die every day, or he can hide and be afraid of going to jail for it. And most importantly, the son of a schoolteacher knows exactly why the son of a businessman will never go to the front. Hence the irritation of ordinary Ukrainians.

Today, Kiev's partners are more interested in Ukraine's sociological problems. Because the division of society can grow to the point that no subsidies will help in the fight against Russia. The world community is waiting for Zelensky to make effective decisions in this matter. But so far there are none, that is why the partners mostly make only promises. Nobody wants to invest in a failed case.
Forwarded from Katehon auf Deutsch
Oligarchen und "Finanzhaie" nehmen sich ukrainisches Land und Ressourcen, um die Militärhilfe zu kompensieren.

Die ukrainischen Oligarchen haben angesichts der sich verschlechternden Lage damit begonnen, ukrainische Vermögenswerte, darunter fruchtbares Land, zu verkaufen, um mögliche finanzielle Verluste zu kompensieren, die durch die Ausweitung der Kampfzone und den Verlust von Gebieten, die ihnen gehören, entstehen.

✍️ Lucas Leiroz @lucasleiroz

🌐 Während Soldaten an der Front sterben, wird die Ukraine vom Westen annektiert
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Em 2023, todos juravam que EUA e Israel reduiziriam o Iêmen a pó.

Quase um ano depois, o Mar Vermelho virou um lago iemenita, drones caem em Tel Aviv e a "teoria da conspiração" atual é de que o Iêmen causou o apagão cibernético.

Quem é mesmo o "invencível" do Oriente Médio?
Lucas Leiroz
Em 2023, todos juravam que EUA e Israel reduiziriam o Iêmen a pó. Quase um ano depois, o Mar Vermelho virou um lago iemenita, drones caem em Tel Aviv e a "teoria da conspiração" atual é de que o Iêmen causou o apagão cibernético. Quem é mesmo o "invencível"…
E, sim, estou me referindo ao IÊMEN - o país. Os Houthis são apenas o grupo étnico que venceu a guerra civil, exilou o governo proxy saudita e hoje governa de facto o país. As ações militares no Mar Vermelho são das forças armadas iemenitas, não de uma simples milícia étnica.
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Я вообще не понимаю, почему до сих пор некоторые люди при анализе событий вокруг Украины рассуждают о ней как о государстве. Будто бы у этого puppet state есть какая-то субъектность и их мнение имеет хоть какое-то значение. Не имеет.

Зеленский — диктатор, выполняющий заказ США, его вообще нет смысла вовлекать в переговорный процесс. Переговоры идут на уровне Россия — США и на мнение хохлов всем плевать, потому что рабов никто не спрашивает.

А некоторые нам говорят про некую Украину. Нет никакой Украины. Это просто территория с фейковыми флагом, конституцией, ложными ценностями и неработающими институтами. Не путайте настоящее государство со страной 404.
А мораль басни под названием «Украина» проста: хочешь оставаться государством на постсоветском пространстве — спрашивай у Москвы разрешения на все свои движения. Иначе будет бо-бо.
Forwarded from Middle East Spectator
🇺🇸 BREAKING: President Joe Biden officially announces he is dropping out of the Presidential race

Todos os dias circulam vídeos na internet mostrando soldados russos abatendo drones ocidentais usados pelas forças armadas ucranianas. Há registros de uso de rifles de caça, pedras, pedaços de madeira e até mesmo de simples garrafas d’água contra drones americanos na Ucrânia. Aparentemente, qualquer coisa pode ser usada para abater um UAV ocidental, sendo este um artefato militar frágil e vulnerável.

No mesmo sentido, tanques ocidentais e sistemas de artilharia outrora temidos no mundo inteiro se provaram verdadeiros tigres de papel no campo de batalha. Tendo domínio absoluto do espaço aéreo na zona de conflito, as forças russas usam livremente aviação, artilharia e drones contra veículos blindados e sistemas de lançamento de mísseis nas posições ucranianas. Moscou constantemente elimina software militar da OTAN, destruindo não apenas o maquinário inimigo, mas também todo o mito da “superioridade” bélica americana.

Escreve Lucas Leiroz.

#Ucrânia #EUA #Rússia
