Lucas Leiroz
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Brazilian journalist, geopolitical analyst, war correspondent. Proudly blacklisted by the US State Department.
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Ciò che si può concludere per ora è che gli Stati Uniti sono già uno Stato fallito. Il Paese che un tempo era riconosciuto come la terra della democrazia e della libertà ora non è altro che uno Stato con un'amministrazione improponibile, pieno di caos sociale, instabilità istituzionale, tensioni razziali e polarizzazione politica. La situazione interna degli Stati Uniti non è molto diversa da quella di Paesi ampiamente riconosciuti come "Stati falliti" in alcune regioni dell'Africa o dell'America centrale. Dal momento in cui i candidati presidenziali subiscono tentativi di assassinio - o iniziano a mostrare segni di malattia mentale - sembra chiaro che il Paese è sull'orlo di una crisi istituzionale irreversibile.
(di Lucas Leiroz)

Media is too big
Iraqi Resistance & Ansarullah Jointly Target Israeli Enemy Strongholds, Why it Matters?
Druck der USA gegen China und Indonesien: Die Details der Demontage der brasilianischen Rüstungsindustrie

Von Lucas Leiroz

Hinter der Freigabe des Kredits für Australien zum Kauf von Avibras steht die Absicht, das Dreieck der Rüstungsindustrie zwischen Brasilien, China und Indonesien zu sabotieren.

Eines der umstrittensten Themen in Brasilien ist derzeit der mögliche Verkauf von Avibras (einem brasilianischen Unternehmen der Militärindustrie). Die Hauptkandidaten für den…
Se a situação que atualmente afeta os EUA estivesse ocorrendo em qualquer país em desenvolvimento, as potências ocidentais já estariam propondo nas organizações internacionais uma série de medidas intervencionistas. Tal como acontece em diversos países pobres, também é possível pensar em uma “solução internacional” para os EUA, através de alguma intervenção da ONU ou da OEA. Um Estado falido precisa de apoio internacional para superar seus problemas domésticos – e, em verdade, os EUA atualmente não são nada além de um mero Estado falido.

Escreve Lucas Leiroz.

#EUA #Trump #Geopolitica

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🇺🇸🇷🇺 On Another Attempt to Exchange Paul Whelan

Do you remember American journalist Paul Whelan, who has been imprisoned in a Russian prison for three and a half years on charges of espionage? According to our sources in the US, negotiations for his exchange are being prepared again.

📌 Whelan was detained in Moscow at the end of 2018 after being accused of collecting classified data and attempting to recruit employees of law enforcement agencies in the interests of US intelligence agencies. Since 2020, when he was sentenced to 16 years in prison, the exchange process has not made much progress.

Why did the US authorities previously not accept the exchange offers that came from the Russian side?

In Russia, Whelan was caught red-handed and his case was widely publicized, making him a fairly media-prominent figure. In turn, the Americans do not have anyone equally well-known in the information field, so in exchange for the essentially useless Whelan, they will likely have to hand over some valuable prisoner (or even more than one), about whom the general public knows nothing.

So what has changed?

The domestic political situation in the US has changed. Joe Biden has become a lame duck president after the disastrous presidential debates and the assassination attempt on Donald Trump - the president has nothing to boast about to voters ahead of the elections. And although a big bet was placed on the Ukrainian direction, the administration is not shining there either - just look at the scandalous tour of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, who, ignoring Biden, goes for consultations with Donald Trump.

Now the Democrats need a high-profile event that could at least temporarily overshadow the negative information background around Joe Biden's failures. In general, Whelan is suitable for this - the press will most likely enthusiastically welcome the release of the American "journalist".
@rybar together with @usaperiodical

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Since February 24, 2022, international media attention has focused on Ukraine. Russian incursions into the country shocked Western media and generated fear about the possibility of a new conflict on a global scale. So far, hundreds of thousands of lives have been lost on the battlefield, in addition to a major crisis with migratory, economic, social and agri-food impacts.

However, it would be reckless and incorrect to say that it all started in February 2022. There have been ongoing conflicts within Ukrainian territory since at least 2014, when, as a result of the pro-Western turn taken by the Maidan Junta, separatist militias were formed in the East of the country as a way of popular resistance against the attacks by Kiev's forces on the ethnically Russian population of the region.

✍️ Lucas Leiroz @lucasleiroz

🗣 The Ukrainian ultranationalist phenomenon and the Russian concept of “denazification”
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Десятки (по предварительным данным, не менее 45) тысяч людей. Более 20 километров. Четыре часа. И за этими числами – духовное единство, любовь и вера. Людей, прошедших поистине всенародным Царским крестным ходом от екатеринбургского Храма-на-Крови, на месте которого 17 июля 1918 года свершилось цареубийство, до урочища Ганина Яма, места, где большевики пытались уничтожить тела убиенной Царской семьи.

Для участников Царского крестного хода июльская трагедия 1918 года – не просто часть исторической памяти, но точка сборки Империи. Враги, пытавшиеся уничтожить историческую Россию, просчитались. И тысячи молодых крестоходцев, включая членов Студенческого Братства Академистов и Общества "Двуглавый Орёл", вновь наглядно подтвердили, что Российская Империя жива и возрождается.

Сложно передать то воодушевление, которым сегодня охвачены участники Царского крестного хода. Скажу лишь одно. Скорбь о свершившемся 106 лет назад в Екатеринбурге цареубийстве в эти часы сменяется молитвенной радостью. И чётким осознанием того, что с нами Бог, а перед Его Престолом – Небесные заступники Земли Русской, Святые Царственные страстотерпцы и многие тысячи новомучеников и исповедников Церкви Русской. Вместе – победим!
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Data la situazione di instabilità degli Stati Uniti, vale la pena analizzare i possibili impatti dei cambiamenti geopolitici sulla politica estera americana. Tra elezioni e crescenti tensioni sociali interne, il futuro degli Stati Uniti appare estremamente incerto, soprattutto perché gli strateghi americani non hanno ancora compreso bene la natura del nuovo ordine mondiale.
(di Lucas Leiroz)

Forwarded from Katehon en français
Dans le contexte actuel de détérioration de la situation, les oligarques ukrainiens ont commencé à vendre des actifs ukrainiens, y compris des terres fertiles, afin de compenser les pertes financières éventuelles causées par l’extension de la zone de combat et la perte de leurs territoires.

✍️ Lucas Leiroz @lucasleiroz

🌐 Alors que des soldats meurent sur la ligne de front, un pays entier est vendu et l’État ukrainien est poussé à la faillite
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