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Биржа Coopex создает кооперативную-децентрализованную биржу, где лучшие трейдеры вознаграждаются.
#COOPEXCoin #ICO #Blockchain #ETH #crypto
Команда COOPEX вознаграждает лояльных пользователей, которые будут помогать бирже - каждый месяц они объединяют 75% торговых сборов, чтобы покупать и записывать токены # COOP у пользователей. Токены COOP также позволяют пользователям голосовать за списки и события обмена, делая ваш голос услышанным и ценным.
https://coopex.market/ #COOPEXCoin #ICO #Blockchain #ETH #crypto
Sure, there are similar projects out there that -on the surface- seem to have beaten us to the punch. I'll name a few #veracity #dtube #steemit #viuly #musicoin...but all fail in comparison to what VibraVid is doing. We have short term goals, and long term integrations. VibraVid and the #beatzcoin #cryptocurrency were designed to optimize self #marketing and a user #rewardsystems. If you dig a bit deeper, you will see how we separate ourselves from the competition! #blockchain #crypto
Site: www.beatzcoin.io @vibravid
Are you a good writer & looking to earn some #COOP tokens? Check out our article #bounty on @bounty0x and make sure to submit your article before August 3rd! Earn up to USD $200 in COOP tokens for a quality article and top tier publication!
link: https://beta.bounty0x.io/bounties/414956
https://coopex.market/ #COOPEXCoin #ICO #Blockchain #ETH #crypto
Сервисы биржи Coopex:
- Используйте наш быстрый и отзывчивый торговый интерфейс для обмена новыми токенами с крупными монетами. Мы планируем перенести токены Ethereum и ERC20 на децентрализованный обмен в будущем. Мы также планируем ввести маржу и рычаги торговли вскоре после официального обмена в августе.
- Обменные листы
Мы предоставляем услуги биржевого листинга для ваших любимых проектов, и мы не взимаем плату за листинг. Интересует листинг на COOPEX? Посетите официальный сайт: https://coopex.market/
- Выкуп маркера
Один раз в месяц COOPEX будет собирать не менее 75% комиссионных за обменную валюту и использовать их для покупки на рынке и сжигания токенов обмена COOP. Мы также изучаем реализацию программы дивидендов для держателей токенов. Мы проведем голосование владельца токена вскоре после официального обмена, чтобы принять решение.
- Биржовой API
Мы предоставляем API для разработчиков, которые строятся поверх нашего обмена (в настоящее время разрабатываются).

https://coopex.market/ #COOPEXCoin #ICO #Blockchain #ETH #crypto
At COOPEX, we're creating a healthy #blockchain ecosystem & cryptocurrency exchange. As such, we're taking 50% of our ICO funds and putting them towards marketing. Plus, our hard cap is only USD $900k!
https://coopex.market/ #COOPEXCoin #ICO #Blockchain #ETH #crypto
COOPEX offers trading pairs with many different coins and tokens. We plan to primarily list new ERC20 tokens and pair them with industry-leading coins such as Ethereum, Bitcoin, and Bitcoin Cash. We have also partnered with the Texas Blockchain Foundation and Blackstone LaunchPad to promote the growth of our ecosystem.
https://coopex.market/ #COOPEXCoin #ICO #Blockchain #ETH #crypto
Have any favorite ERC20 tokens you'd like listed on COOPEX? At the world's first cooperative decentralized crypto exchange, we're offering zero listing fees for ERC20 tokens & other projects on popular #blockchain platforms (ex. NEO & EOS).
https://coopex.market/ #COOPEXCoin #ICO #Blockchain #ETH #crypto
At COOPEX, the world’s first cooperative decentralized exchange, we’re tackling not only core issues that have plagued centralized exchanges over the years, but ones that have been slowing the mass adoption of decentralized exchanges. The Cooperative Exchange boasts a user-friendly interface, targeting both novice and seasoned traders, while offering secure and diverse trading options.
https://coopex.market/ #COOPEXCoin #ICO #Blockchain #ETH #crypto
Have any questions you'd like to ask the #COOPEX team? Come join our telegram at (link: https://t.me/coopexmarket) t.me/coopexmarket to chat w/ us. At The Cooperative Exchange, we're not only making users' voices heard, we're rewarding them too. #DEX, #ETH, #trading, #ERC

https://coopex.market/ #COOPEXCoin #ICO #Blockchain #ETH #crypto
At COOPEX, we're not looking to raise millions for our ICO, just enough to get started with & maintain our exchange. Furthermore, we're putting 50% of our ICO funds towards marketing, as we're trying 2 create a fair & transparent #blockchain ecosystem.

https://coopex.market/ #COOPEXCoin #ICO #Blockchain #ETH #crypto
At #COOPEX, we're striving to even the #blockchain playing field for new & smaller projects by eliminating listing fees for all #ERC20 tokens. Check our white paper link: https://coopex.market/Coopex_Whitepaper.pdf
to see all the nightmare listing cases

https://coopex.market/ #COOPEXCoin #ICO #Blockchain #ETH #crypto