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1.2 million views. The theft of my election has been seen all around the world.

Everyone is watching the silence from the GOP establishment as November approaches.

Florida is the largest battleground/ swing state in the nation, and election integrity is the #1 most important issue for Republican voters.
Dan Webster is illegitimate in the eyes of voters in Florida 11.

Nobody will vote for him and now he’s being sued by his own constituents for stealing the election.

He must resign and a special election must be held without mail in voting.
If Biden isn’t impeached by 2023, I think this country is over.

There comes a point where so much damage has been done that there is no point of return.

Can’t really say the American people have much to look forward to anymore.

I honestly cannot think of a single thing that the American people should be happy about in the current state of America.

Things are that bad and they will only be getting worse so long as he is in office.
I think it’s time for people to just be focused on long term survival and sustenance.

It’s irresponsible for politicians to sell people false hope. Things are only going to get worse.
It’s not like we have Republicans on the ballot who will be in leadership positions to improve our country.

The GOP wants to “take back the House” and install Kevin McCarthy as Speaker of the House.

He’s going to be just a bad as Pelosi. There aren’t enough republicans with a backbone in office to oppose McCarthy being Speaker.

So nothing will change. It’s irresponsible for politicians to tell the people life will get better.
People need to stock up on food and Ammo and find a way to take care of themselves and their family. Nobody in Washington is coming to save anyone and the country is on the verge of total collapse.

I wish I could say I had hope in anyone in Washington. But I don’t.

America cannot survive 2 more years of this.
Meanwhile, the RNC continues to beg Americans for more money with 6,738,986,000 spam text messages per day.

I’m sure their next text will read something like “we know you’re struggling and starving, but send us more money so we can continue to do nothing or we will revoke your lifetime Republican status and mark you down as a Biden supporter.”
Meanwhile in the real world.

I wonder how many people are suffering from jab induced generalized anxiety disorder all around the world now that the truth about the “vaccine” is Public.

Seems like the jab is going to create a long term GLOBAL mental health crisis.
My Reflections on 9/11, 21 years later:

Today marks 21 years since the 9/11/01 Terrorist attacks that forever changed our country, effectively creating the launch pad for the creation of the modern day American police state, disguised as the “war on Terror”.

If we look back in time, we see that the Patriot Act was nothing more than a template for how the US Government was going to make the people comfortable with a surveillance state and a weaponized DOJ.

Over these last 21 years, we have watched the US government befriend Islamic terrorists, work with them, celebrate them, while the White, Christian, American patriot is now viewed as the biggest terrorism threat in America.

I was 8 years old when the towers fell. I was taught and raised in the War on Terror to view Islam as my enemy.

My thoughts on the world were still forming.

Before that day, I felt safe and at peace with our nation and never thought that something so horrible would be possible.

But on September 11, 2001, my world view changed forever.

And 21 years later, my world view has also changed as I now realize the American government poses a bigger threat to our freedoms and way of life than any Islamic terrorist organization ever could.

There is no denying that America has changed forever.

While the world mourned and we still mourn for the 2,977 victims murdered on that day, those tasked with the future security of America geared up.

Young men and women enlisted in the military, willing to risk their lives to protect us – and many of them have lost their lives, their limbs or their loved ones.

And for what? A disastrous Afghanistan pullout? The failed experiment of trying to export Democracy and human rights to Islamic nations governed by Sharia Law? Or the shredding of our Constitutional Rights by our own elected officials.

On 9/11/01, Americans were encouraged to be and celebrated for being patriots. Now, being a patriot seems like the quickest way to be designated as a racist or a domestic terrorist by our own “free” country.

That’s why we can never forget the lives lost on 9/11 with every step we take to make sure terrorism at the hands of Islamic terrorists, as well as the many anti-American terrorists in our own federal government, never takes another American life.

So much has radically changed in our nation within the last 21 years.

Our vigilance has taken a step back while political correctness, toxic and Lethal diversity, and tolerance have moved to the foreground.

My world view remains the same as the 8 year-old girl who watched those planes hit the World Trade Towers that day in that I still view America as a nation under attack.

But this time, our biggest enemy isn’t hiding in a cave in a far away land speaking Arabic. Our biggest enemy is sitting in a Building located at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, plotting and planning the eternal destruction of the United States of America and American Patriots with the tools made available through the creation of the Patriot Act.

What was sold to us 21 years ago today as a response to keep us safe from terrorism has been viciously flipped on us to treat us as if we are the real terrorists.

I never thought that 21 years after 9/11 I’d be saying that the biggest terrorists are those within our own government and the top brass of the FBI and DOJ.

Perhaps many of us as children, growing up, became pawns for the US government’s War on Terror propaganda machine.

But I see it. And 21 years later, I still feel profoundly affected by 9/11/01 and the horrific implications it has had on our country.

I refuse to forget.
Believe it or not, but 9/11 was used as and exploited as a tool by our own government to weaponize the Patriot Act against freedom loving Americans as Nazis, White Supremacists, and Domestic terrorists.

Taxpayers thought they were funding a bolstered national security in the aftermath of 9/11. But we have only funded our own destruction with the creation of a police state under a two term Republican administration.
21 years later and Islamic jihadists are sitting in Congress infiltrating classified committee hearings, jihadists are literally on the FBI and CIA payroll, and American Patriots are being tortured in the DC gulag.

That’s the legacy of the weaponization of 9/11 on our country.

We live in a total police state. The government just wanted to wait 21 years to let us all know that we are actually the real terrorists they declared war on 21 years ago through one of the largest and most heavily funded propaganda campaigns in United States history.
The only thing Americans of all affiliations can all agree on is that 9/11 didn’t happen the way the Feds said it happened.