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We still don’t have election integrity in Florida…

November will be interesting. I think Val Demings is going to beat Marco Rubio, which means we will lose one of our Senate seats to the Dems in Florida.

The GOP base has become disillusioned due to the lack of leadership in the Republican Party , there isn’t a lot of excitement for GOTV since the GOP hasn’t taken election integrity seriously, they are allowing for FBI raids to terrorize Trump supporters, nothing has been done to stop voter fraud in Florida, and Demings is campaigning and out raising Rubio.

I seem to be one of the only people who actually wants to talk about the unrealistic “red wave” statements. Do these Republican elected officials realize that TRUMP is more popular than all of them combined and his election was stolen?

They seem to think they are immune…
Some people have told me I’m
Being a pessimist.

Remember, a pessimist is an optimist with experience.

I’m just looking out for you by telling you the truth about what political consultants and candidates say behind closed doors about the GOP when they aren’t kissing ass for endorsements and lying to all of you on TV and on social media about the declining state of our country and our fourth world elections systems.
It’s hilariously tragic how the idiots at the RNC actually think there is going to be a Red wave when they are doing nothing to stop the Raid of Trump, his donors, and his supporters by the Feds.

People are literally being intimidated into not voting and the GOP establishment is chirping “red wave, red wave” like a bunch of clapping seals.

The party is in for a rude awakening this November…

Why won’t the Republican Party do anything about the FBI raiding Trump supporters at gun point?

It’s almost like the party doesn’t care about the base! Imagine that.
Forwarded from Donald J. Trump
Breaking News: Mike Lindell, “THE Pillow Guy,” was just raided by the FBI. We are now officially living in a Weaponized Police State, Rigged Elections, and all. Our Country is a laughing stock all over the World. The majesty of the United States is gone. Can’t let this happen. TAKE BACK AMERICA!
Unpopular but true opinion:

There really aren’t that many good, inspiring candidates on the GOP ticket ahead of November.

There are lots of establishment candidates, but when you get down to it, I’d say there are not many true America First candidates on the ballot across the country as we head into the midterms.

Why? Because of widespread voter fraud and the GOP establishment using Republican donor money to campaign against actual America First candidates.

There’s so many RINOS on the ballot ahead of November, it’s hard to tell the difference Between the RINOS and Dems.

It’s a big problem for our country…
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Twitter was warned by FBI that it employed Chinese spy.

I hope some well funded PAC (and honestly I don’t even care which side of the political aisle it comes from) destroys Kevin McCarthy’s chances of being Speaker of the House.

I pray for his political career to implode everyday. For the sake of our country, Kevin McCarthy must never be Speaker of the House!
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Honestly, I hate Kevin McCarthy.

He doesn’t care about the Republican Party base. He uses donor money to smear and campaign against America First patriots and he has continued to stab Trump in the back!

McCarthy would be worse than Nancy Pelosi.

He is literally the most LEFT LEANING Republican in Congress.

Republicans would be insane to make him Speaker of the House.
The anger that millions of us have for the GOP establishment is justified. I am angry for all of the Americans who continue to not have proper representation.

It makes my blood boil. Because I truly do care about the people. I’m
Very angry about the lack of leadership in our party and I’m very angry about voter fraud.

People deserve to have their voices heard and their votes shouldn’t be canceled by fraudulent mail in ballots.
I’m truly just very angry and sad about what our country has become. Our country is being destroyed and the party that I’ve dedicated my entire adult life to supporting isn’t doing anything about it.

The current Republican party has let everyone in the base down. And it’s sickening. They are allowing for our country to be destroyed while they work to sabotage America First fighters.
Forwarded from ALI ALEXANDER
Members of Congress don’t need podcast shows. They need to be writing legislation, threatening our enemies, and learning House and Senate Rules.

We are a society obsessed with style and how things appear instead of the substance of things and reforming broken systems. We aren’t a serious people.

Just in time for the midterms here in Florida where the DMV is giving illegal aliens drivers licenses!!

That’s right. Here in Florida we have a lot of illegal aliens and a lot of voter fraud.

But you will never hear about it on the news!

Can’t talk about that pesky thing called the truth!
Comments in the chat have been momentarily shut off.

Will be back on soon.
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The FBI ambushed Mike Lindell at a Hardee’s drive through.
Forwarded from JACOB WOHL
When Mexicans hear that Republican governors will give them free flights to the Northeast, where they can make much more money than in endemically poor border towns in Texas, they’ll be flooding in like never before.