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سطح: #پیشرفته
🍀Haven :

🍁a place where people or animals can live peacefully or go to in order to be safe

💠 @lmapir
🌐 www.lmapgroup.com
سطح: #پیشرفته
🍀dilemma :

🍁A situation in which it is very difficult to decide what to do, because all the choices seem equally good or bad.

💠 @lmapir
🌐 www.lmapgroup.com
سطح: #پیشرفته
🍀Sweltering :

🍁extremely hot and uncomfortable

💠 @lmapir
🌐 www.lmapgroup.com
سطح: #پیشرفته
🍀 Adroit :

🍁Clever and skilful, specially in the way you use in words or arguments.

💠 @lmapir
🌐 www.lmapgroup.com
سطح: #پیشرفته
🍀 drizzling:

🍁the rain isn’t too bad it’s only drizzling

💠 @lmapir
🌐 www.lmapgroup.com
سطح: #پیشرفته
🍀 Realm:

🍁A general area of knowledge, activity or thought.

💠 @lmapir
🌐 www.lmapgroup.com
سطح: #پیشرفته
🍀 Patriotic:

🍁Having or expressing a great love of your country

💠 @lmapir
🌐 www.lmapgroup.com
سطح: #پیشرفته
🍀 Cosy:

🍁A place that is small, comfortable, and warm.

💠 @lmapir
🌐 www.lmapgroup.com
سطح: #پیشرفته
🍀Ponder:سنجیدن، تفکر کردن

🍁To spend time thinking seriously about a problem.

💠 @lmapir
💠 www.lmapgroup.com
سطح: #پیشرفته
🍀 Corpse: جسد - جنازه

🍁Example : The corpse was found by children playing in the woods.

💠 @lmapir
🌐 www.lmapgroup.com