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Make noise, make change! Team of front-line aid workers/activists working inside war-torn Syria since 2012. News | Activism | Charity

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4 weeks now since British aid worker Tauqir Sharif was re-arrested by the group HTS. He hasnt been given the right to contact, a visit, no evidence has been brought forth on the alleged accusations, has not sat infront of a judge. 4 weeks and they continue to keep him with no charges, no trial and no justice!

Delayed justice is injustice and we are calling for him to be released and HTS to make a change for the future of Idlib and implement a system that gives prisoners their rights.

#freetox #freebilal #prisonersrights #prisonersrightsidlib

A whole month has now passed and information on Tauqir still stays with the security forces of Idlib. The security forces of HTS have given us countless messages of false hope. It's been impossible to reach them and get details on what is happening to him. They have left us completely in the dark and have become impossible to reach.

The people who follow the orders and carry out arrests with such force. Like what happend to Tauqir, 3 hits to the head when we know in Islam this is not allowed. Torture, again something forbidden in Islam. Keeping him in impure clothes stained with his own blood to pray in...and the list goes on.

Its absolutely vital we push for a change, because today its Tauqir and Bilal tomorrow it will be more of our brothers. If we remain silent it won't stop.

#FreeTox #FreeBilal #PrisonersRightsIdlib
30 days have gone...

Those who claimed he was your brother where are you now... Tauqir would go to the other side of the world and back again to help relieve anyone of hardship.

“If anyone relieves a Muslim believer from one of the hardships of this worldly life, Allah will relieve him of one of the hardships of the Day of Resurrection. If anyone makes it easy for the one who is indebted to him (while finding it difficult to repay), Allah will make it easy for him in this worldly life and in the Hereafter, and if anyone conceals the faults of a Muslim, Allah will conceal his faults in this world and in the Hereafter. Allah helps His slave as long as he helps his brother.” Related by Muslim.

#freetox #freebilal #prisonersrightsidlib
A message from the mother in law of Tauqir in Syria

In the Name of Allah the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

Peace, Mercy and Blessings of Allah be upon you;

30 days have passed since the arrest of the Husband of my Daughter, Abu Hussam Al-Britani. We do not have any news on him. His family and wives have not been granted any visits or communication with him.

We request from HTS to release Abu Hussam Al-Britani, Bilal Abdul Kareem and anyone wrongfully imprisioned and oppressed.

O HTS, be like those whom Allah said regarding them: "The people have gathered against you, so He increased them in faith, and they said: Allah is sufficient for us, and is the best disposer of affairs."

Allah SWT also said: "O My servants, I forbade injustice to myself and I have made it forbidden among you, so do not oppress because injustice is a darkness on the Day of Judgement".

And the Prophet Peace Be Upon Him also said: "Protect your selves from the Hell-fire even if with half a date".

O HTS, be from those whom Allah said that they are among the benefactors, and do not be among those whom Allah said regarding them: "I will torment them severely".

Abu Hussam and Bilal came to the blessed land of Sham to support this religion and to say the word of truth in the face of every oppressor.

O HTS, fear Allah regarding the prisoners. O Allah, make us among the righteous. O HTS, we say to you to pardon and forgive.

Salam alaykum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh.

#FreeTox #FreeBilal
The moment of change

20 – 11 – 2016 is an unforgettable date. On a cold Saturday morning, while I am sitting in my tent that does not protect from the cold of winter, someone called for me and told me that there is a foreign person outside asking me to translate something. I went out and sat with the immigrant man speaking to me in English while I was trying to answer him in Arabic and English. At the end of the conversation, he asked me about my studies and my experience, and I answered him that I study English literature and I am good at working on computer programs and media. All of this dialogue took place without knowing who this person was, and when I asked him he told me that he was Abu Hussam Al Baritani. He asked me to visit him in his office, so after a while I checked him back to give me a computer test and I passed it. He told me to start working with him in an administrative position in the Relief Department. I agreed and started working on January 16, 2017.

Day after day he used to encourage me and always reminded me that we are here to serve the ummah and that we are all from dust we will return one day to it. At first I told myself that it was just words to make me stay in his foundation work, but I did not lose sight when I was late for work and he came and asked me why I was late. I told him that the heater in my tent broke down and I was trying to fix it before it gets dark. He told me to go and take a new heater funded by him. In the same context I remember when the sectarian regime of Asad bombed Khan Sheikhoun with chemical weapons. He gave me an amount of money and asked me to buy oxygen and breath equipment and get a car. It took three hours to complete the needs of hospitals and food and to prepare the kit thinking that he would send it with someone. When I finished, I saw him say goodbye to his family and friends and came to the car to drive by himself. What surprised me is that he was a man who left everything and went to Syria to risk his life in order to help the injured. I still do not lose sight of those terrifying moments that we spent in a hospital, which is located in a cave on the outskirts of Khan Sheikhoun, where planes began bombing while we were within the area.

When I came up with an idea to help civilians, he was always fair to me. In Atma camps in the depression of mud and cold, in the heat and torment, in all these times, we were side by side. I never felt that he was arrogant nor felt him treating us as a manager treats his employees. The words that I heard from him were making me stronger and ready to stay at work for the next day. I spent most of the time on the roads, delivering his support to hospitals and the needy from Khirbat al-Jawz and Jisr al-Shughur to Jabal al-Zawiya, Khan Sheikhoun and Qalaat al-Madiq.

I will never forget the moments when he told me to prepare cars loaded with emergency baskets in order to receive the displaced from Ghouta in Qalaat al-Madiq and that we will sleep there waiting for them. Within three days, he had prepared two reception centers in Atma and Qah that could accommodate nearly 60 families, and provided all the necessities of life such as water, food and hygiene. This man whom I have always known is fair to the Syrians and loves to help them and has a kind heart.

I saw him day and night wandering around the camps and the needy. I am astonished by his personality, I asked him: man when do you sleep? He told me that he is here to help and not to rest. To be hand in hand for the sake of serving the ummah and to achieve our goals of empowering the generation on the right path through education. Abu Hussam Al-Britani (Tauqir Tox Sharif), we are waiting for you to continue our journey, we hope to see you so soon.
Your loving brother:
Ibrahim Al-Nahar

#FreeTox #FreeBilal #PrisonersRightsIdlib

Ibraheem alnahar:

لحظة التغيير
هذا التاريخ الذي لا يغيب عن ذاكرتي لطالما عانيت قبل هذا اليوم.
Media is too big
He left his own mother because he heard the cries of the mothers of Syria... he heard the cries of our brothers and sisters calling for help and Allah made a way for him to be here and to help those suffering

Now his mother cries for him,
now his children cry for him, for his release and safe return. To be back here safe with us so he can carry on what is our obligation.

May Allah hasten his release ameen

#freetox #freebilal #prisonersrightsidlib #حرية_لابو_حسام
مئة يوم منذ اعتقال الصحفي بلال عبد الكريم.

مئة يوم في سجون الهيئة.

مئة يوم بعيد عن اهله و احبابه.

الى متى؟

حسبه الله و نعم الوكيل.

#FreeBilal #FreeTox #PrisonersRightsIdlib