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Make noise, make change! Team of front-line aid workers/activists working inside war-torn Syria since 2012. News | Activism | Charity

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“I actually feel broken inside, I feel like my heart has been pulled out.

I know we are not the only ones who have suffered this pain, but so many before and so many now.

I do believe we are not special, that we will be tested. To mind comes the story of Yusuf (AS) he was accused and rumours were spread about him. Even those he loved turned against him.

False news spreads fast. Allah is the All Knower Alhamdulilah.

You are my little baby brother, the one I always protected as a big sister.

These eight years you have been apart from us and only by the mercy of Allah we did not feel it. Yes, we missed you and yes, we wished you were at so and sos wedding or birth and felt sad you couldn't be here when grandad or taya passed away. But we felt contentment and comfort knowing you were doing something amazing for the orphans and widows. In a strange way, we felt our sacrifice of not having you here meant we were also in a way getting rewarded for what you were doing.

We are proud and so honoured to have you as our little brother.

Except now is the first time our worry is exploding, we are engulfed in fear and are agonising over your treatment. Have you eaten properly? Are you sleeping properly? Do you know what's happening? Are you mentally and physically fine?

It's not a UK prison, it's a syrian prison, will you get the same rights as you do in the UK. At the moment it does not seem so, it took 5 days for mum to hear from you and that was a quick 5 min call which was heavily monitored. Things can all seem nice and smooth in public but there are always other things happening in private.

I know baby brother it's not easy, I know you're confused, I know you dont even know what it is that you have supposedly done. I also know that rumours will spread, the fitna has already started but rest assured we all have your back and you have our unconditional support.

We all are witness to your work and nature and above all Allah is with the truthful and protector of the oppressed.”

- Umm Mujahidah (Tox's eldest sister)

#FreeTox #الحرية_لأبو_حسام

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We apologise for the lack of updates. Unfortunately we have been unable to provide any further updates on Tox as we are in the dark as much as you are.

We pray for his swift release and we pray he is completely unharmed. We really appreciate everyone’s support. Please remember Tox and the family in your duaa.

💔🤲🏻 #FreeTox #الحرية_لأبو_حسام
A heartfelt message from sister Racquell’s (wife of Tox) family in the UK to those who are holding Tox:

"Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem

Asalaam Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah Wa Barakatuhu.

I pray that these few lines reach you in the best of Emaan and health. Ameen.

SubahanAllah! Only Allah SWT knows the pain and distress inside a person’s heart and mind. These past few days have been very stressful. The distance between myself and my daughter and grandchildren makes this situation harder to bear. I cannot hold her tight and reassure with words of comfort. Racquells father, brothers and sisters, aunts and other family members are all very distraught. Allah SWT knows all we can do is constantly ask Him for an end to this situation.

Tauqir has always been a ray of positive light. He has brought so much to so many lives. Even before venturing off to Syria he was a person who had plans to help the youth and others wherever they may be. My daughter Racquell was always the same. Always had the desire to help wherever and whenever she could. The bigger the project and/or challenge the more eager they were. I knew from very early on that they would be a serious and strong team together.

Alhamdulillah. All they have strived for and completed has only been for the sake of Allah SWT. They saw the need there and didn’t hesitate to give up so much to aid the people of Syria.

To know Racquell and my beautiful grandchildren are now without their strength and support (Tox) is very hard. As a mother and grandmother to see the distress, difficulty, worry and concern she is having to bear – my heart feels as if it is tied in knots.

I sincerely ask that the brothers who are holding Tauqir, release him. Look at all of the previous achievements he has been able to complete since he has settled in Syria. He loves Syria and the Syrian people.

Alhamdulillah he has enabled families to feel stable again, he has made it possible for the children to gain an education with a chance for a future. He has eased the pain for so many – countless men, women and children. He has also fed many and most importantly, he has managed to bring smiles and laughter back into the lives of so many who have been affected by the trauma of the war in Syria.

To the brothers who are holding our dear beloved Tox, remember- he is not your enemy – he is your brother in Islam who sincerely loves his brothers in Islam. He does the truth, he speaks the truth and only acts upon the truth.

I pray Allah SWT returns him to his loving family and loved ones. I pray that the pain that is being felt in his mothers heart is eased with the speedy return to his family.

Oh Allah SWT, we thank you for everything. All of the blessings you have bestowed upon us and all of the blessings you have given us in Creation. Ameen. Oh Allah You are Ar-Rahman, you are An-Nur, You are Al-Hasseb. Peace and blessings be upon Muhammad SAW and the family and companions of Muhammad SAW now and forevermore Ameen. Oh Allah – I pray to You to please return Tauqir back to his family and loved ones. I pray to You to hear and answer all of our Duas. Ameen. I pray to You Allah to keep Tauqir in good health strength and energy. Ameen. I pray to You to give Racquell, his children and his loved ones strength, patience and comfort. Ameen. I pray the same for for all those who have been imprisoned unjustly all over the world - wherever they may be like sister Aafia and brother Naveed. Please Allah SWT comfort them all and keep them and their families strong. Please hear their Duas and answer them. Ameen.

Please. Release Tauqir “father of the orphans “. He has work to complete. His children, the widows and orphans are all waiting for him.

Jazak Alahu Kairun.

The Hayden-Best family"

#FreeTox #FatherOfTheOrphans #Syria #الحرية_لأبو_حسام