Liquidity Alerts
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⚠️ New liquidity position found - $LIS ⚠️

Name: LIS
Address: EQCb_6sQiXnaC92uxxJOEVETIRzloSGkRFzYERHlyLNgobdG
Jetton's contract init: 2025-02-28 19:44:23
Ownership: revoked
Creator: EQB0KDXAPm6PaHWyFrx07fPJRgLIaKD69nmM-DY3c_caN1gd
Creator's wallet init: 2025-02-28 18:41:59

CryptoLisa token Deployed from sTONks

Supply total: 100000000
Holders: 66

Main holder's address: EQAm_wt7rcUF8RCzYDzrhHvK-LaSx63TVgzm8-kSsBhOwtgX
Main holder's jbalance: 9628201
Main holder's init: 2025-02-28 19:44:42

Ton reserve: 200💎
Token reserve: 9608132🪙
1 LIS ~= 0.000020815700 💎
1 TON ~= 48040.66 LIS

DEX import:
Rugpull score: 5 / 10
EXPERIMENTAL! more score => more rugpull possibility

#DYOR #NFA @liquid_dust
subscribe filtered @indicaton_bot
⚠️ New liquidity position found - $ARKHAM ⚠️

Name: Arkham ✔️
Address: EQDO2M49DBBw-hY-R2l0coRUDaBoOMU7n67GQHubUB9fMdsV
Jetton's contract init: 2025-02-20 23:24:33
Owner: EQBPvzY7NvkyGOX23Zt_E_4WUFSjMxJQokIbUqdcgRqY1CHG
Owner's wallet init: 2025-02-17 23:44:12

Arkham is a blockchain analytics platform that provides detailed insights into crypto transactions and wallet activities. The pl...

Supply total: 866586780
Holders: 40

Main holder's address: EQDQ6j53q21HuZtw6oclm7z4LU2cG6S2OKvpSSMH548d7kJT
Main holder's jbalance: 223332299
Main holder's init: 2024-10-15 22:18:34

Ton reserve: 207💎
Token reserve: 173986976🪙
1 ARKHAM ~= 0.000001189744 💎
1 TON ~= 840516.7922705314 ARKHAM

DEX import:
Rugpull score: 1.75 / 10
EXPERIMENTAL! more score => more rugpull possibility

#DYOR #NFA @liquid_dust
subscribe filtered @indicaton_bot
⚠️ New liquidity position found - $RACOMAXA ⚠️

Address: EQCY93Zfo9sHScPt_bXxJqLBGSza6QHezEk2FQnH-G0n7vvi
Jetton's contract init: 2025-03-01 19:57:09
Owner: EQAExy_BWTug9uq1eiRPKxc1lR0C4HXuu3HHruOO2IoXyEeJ
Owner's wallet init: 2025-03-01 19:15:17

Legit MVP TOKEN REIN  (launched on ⛽️ GasPump)

Supply total: 1000000000
Holders: 2

Main holder's address: EQAExy_BWTug9uq1eiRPKxc1lR0C4HXuu3HHruOO2IoXyEeJ
Main holder's jbalance: 799999999
Main holder's init: 2025-03-01 19:15:17

Ton reserve: 952💎
Token reserve: 199371979🪙
1 RACOMAXA ~= 0.000004774993 💎
1 TON ~= 209424.34768907563 RACOMAXA

DEX import:
Rugpull score: 10 / 10
EXPERIMENTAL! more score => more rugpull possibility

#DYOR #NFA @liquid_dust
subscribe filtered @indicaton_bot
⚠️ New liquidity position found - $RSRV ⚠️

Name: The Real Reserves
Address: EQA3YhRgCH2gEVK9m_KUcB5n-cbWJ0NFdXZ2N1hn_XO58Icl
Jetton's contract init: 2025-03-02 19:40:28
Ownership: revoked
Creator: EQB5N-nQUazNiQ_YfGI7jLLaBCuNHZUh_hWsYZl9NB9kcZeq
Creator's wallet init: 2025-03-02 19:27:17

The Real Reserves is a proposed meme token designed for the TON blockchain. It aims to satirize traditional financial systems by...

Supply total: 600000000
Holders: 2

Main holder's address: EQB5N-nQUazNiQ_YfGI7jLLaBCuNHZUh_hWsYZl9NB9kcZeq
Main holder's jbalance: 400000000
Main holder's init: 2025-03-02 19:27:17

Ton reserve: 350💎
Token reserve: 200000000🪙
1 RSRV ~= 0.00000175 💎
1 TON ~= 571428.5714285715 RSRV

DEX import:
Rugpull score: 8.25 / 10
EXPERIMENTAL! more score => more rugpull possibility

#DYOR #NFA @liquid_dust
subscribe filtered @indicaton_bot
⚠️ New liquidity position found - $WHALE ⚠️

Name: Whale Token
Address: EQBeFkXvp-FFKdetTltL7Vi1cDAZCMkawAdFC_6563845ODI
Jetton's contract init: 2025-03-03 15:33:37
Owner: EQA7ZfLS9p5KZPBtFsWkGjdb2WE9xDOg002T3yBXWvzuLtfa
Owner's wallet init: 2025-02-23 11:03:12

Where every game is fair, every transaction is fast, every player is a valuable part of the community, and every move is made to...

Supply total: 1000000000
Holders: 2

Main holder's address: EQA7ZfLS9p5KZPBtFsWkGjdb2WE9xDOg002T3yBXWvzuLtfa
Main holder's jbalance: 900000000
Main holder's init: 2025-02-23 11:03:12

Ton reserve: 200💎
Token reserve: 100000000🪙
1 WHALE ~= 0.000002 💎
1 TON ~= 500000 WHALE

DEX import:
Rugpull score: 7.25 / 10
EXPERIMENTAL! more score => more rugpull possibility

#DYOR #NFA @liquid_dust
subscribe filtered @indicaton_bot
⚠️ New liquidity position found - $BRAZA ⚠️

Address: EQCIVXMDN9oMMo9Ys6gLlZwBSYyNJlhg1WOs2fWNfPat4ekx
Jetton's contract init: 2025-03-04 16:35:54
Ownership: revoked
Creator: EQB62Fxd9qxMOn4QWuJmtbLAE6P32NIPbIy5Sskk3vhIM96P
Creator's wallet init: 2024-02-02 16:32:38

BRAZA is a meme token created on the The Open Network (TON) ecosystem.

Supply total: 100000000
Holders: 6

Main holder's address: EQCDT9dCT52pdfsLNW0e6qP5T3cgq7M4Ug72zkGYgP17tsWD
Main holder's jbalance: 39999973
Main holder's init: 2024-10-15 22:15:50

Ton reserve: 1500💎
Token reserve: 39999972🪙
1 BRAZA ~= 0.000037500026 💎
1 TON ~= 26666.648 BRAZA

DEX import:
Rugpull score: 2.5 / 10
EXPERIMENTAL! more score => more rugpull possibility

#DYOR #NFA @liquid_dust
subscribe filtered @indicaton_bot
⚠️ New liquidity position found - $CEX ⚠️

Name: CEX·IO
Address: EQCp5Ts7mvtECLXk-iBWHh-xs-Cyn33Lhghgp468DXcAFo7N
Jetton's contract init: 2025-02-26 23:37:06
Owner: EQASkmI92jLrgfTMeuFmnPfs4HVW884b4L2W09bsmvmAgWmo
Owner's wallet init: 2025-02-23 18:50:34

CEX·IO is a trusted and fully regulated cryptocurrency exchange platform established in 2013. Known for its secure and user-frie...

Supply total: 690484875
Holders: 42

Main holder's address: EQBVy8TEULGegKIesGkM3wGZgZdeK6skNee8s5T0vP0xHAsl
Main holder's jbalance: 208782488
Main holder's init: 2025-02-27 00:48:12

Ton reserve: 218💎
Token reserve: 208767103🪙
1 CEX ~= 0.000001044225 💎
1 TON ~= 957647.2614678899 CEX

DEX import:
Rugpull score: 2.25 / 10
EXPERIMENTAL! more score => more rugpull possibility

#DYOR #NFA @liquid_dust
subscribe filtered @indicaton_bot
⚠️ New liquidity position found - $SOTA ⚠️

Name: S.O.T.A
Address: EQCi9nWtRY5rdEWkZIPOe_9n1WXog8ObXCIf6RGmwFCnrrT8
Jetton's contract init: 2025-03-04 11:29:58
Owner: EQBpfaGXXiCYp1aE7DvJD0e8IVCdZ5mczwj8W2_put89ezy2
Owner's wallet init: 2025-02-21 18:19:56

State Of The Art (by Beeton) @sotatoken

Supply total: 10000000000
Holders: 6

Main holder's address: EQA9ySHVIMT4EBd0z-qA41L2YRivpZU95JaLwiwkzrA7VxbZ
Main holder's jbalance: 9990000000
Main holder's init: 2025-03-05 05:51:09

Ton reserve: 1000💎
Token reserve: 1000🪙
1 SOTA ~= 1 💎
1 TON ~= 1 SOTA

DEX import:
Rugpull score: 6.75 / 10
EXPERIMENTAL! more score => more rugpull possibility

#DYOR #NFA @liquid_dust
subscribe filtered @indicaton_bot
⚠️ New liquidity position found - $COW ⚠️

Name: COWboy
Address: EQD8jQ2hCUioizqXbxNVmFPgL30hvrBWFwtUCYsuQr-H21j7
Jetton's contract init: 2025-03-05 14:32:04
Ownership: revoked
Creator: EQAqQLTeL56z5164psyprbeygSIpCySeqTvyYSdiWcGs3kqH
Creator's wallet init: 2025-03-05 14:23:18

Supply total: 1000000000
Holders: 4

Main holder's address: EQAqQLTeL56z5164psyprbeygSIpCySeqTvyYSdiWcGs3kqH
Main holder's jbalance: 500000000
Main holder's init: 2025-03-05 14:23:18

Ton reserve: 345💎
Token reserve: 494278029🪙
1 COW ~= 0.000000697987 💎
1 TON ~= 1432689.9391304348 COW

DEX import:
Rugpull score: 8.25 / 10
EXPERIMENTAL! more score => more rugpull possibility

#DYOR #NFA @liquid_dust
subscribe filtered @indicaton_bot
⚠️ New liquidity position found - $CUCT ⚠️

Name: Cucumber Therapist
Jetton's contract init: 2025-03-06 16:35:04
Ownership: revoked
Creator: EQAqQLTeL56z5164psyprbeygSIpCySeqTvyYSdiWcGs3kqH
Creator's wallet init: 2025-03-05 14:23:18

🥒 Cucumber Therapist (CUCT) 🥒  The wisest cucumber psychologist in crypto!  Meet Cucumber Therapist (CUCT)—a thoughtful and humo...

Supply total: 1000000000
Holders: 2

Main holder's address: EQAb2o1RsOLL-cshUh7PE6_8HCiAwVs8DAZUvp2Amk2RWnU8
Main holder's jbalance: 500000000
Main holder's init: 2025-03-06 17:12:29

Ton reserve: 340💎
Token reserve: 500000000🪙
1 CUCT ~= 0.00000068 💎
1 TON ~= 1470588.2352941176 CUCT

DEX import:
Rugpull score: 8 / 10
EXPERIMENTAL! more score => more rugpull possibility

#DYOR #NFA @liquid_dust
subscribe filtered @indicaton_bot
⚠️ New liquidity position found - $Sinok ⚠️

Name: Sinok
Address: EQD1wiY26d7fGSvSIyoKyuXIKNxdmxah3ta37mMmtOi2eHFk
Jetton's contract init: 2025-03-08 14:48:14
Ownership: revoked
Creator: EQBdeR9pkxIr3_9J83vJZl7EIIRgmMpl2L-cY8wYOMGHNeWY
Creator's wallet init: 2025-03-08 12:45:17

Description: Deployed from sTONks

Supply total: 100000000
Holders: 51

Main holder's address: EQAg5pNdXvKTsFPDsRqn6JJhJXisYrEGyEJGBdLVl9-J8F2A
Main holder's jbalance: 22147083
Main holder's init: 2025-03-08 14:48:38

Ton reserve: 204💎
Token reserve: 19689853🪙
1 Sinok ~= 0.000010360666 💎
1 TON ~= 96518.88725490196 Sinok

DEX import:
Rugpull score: 5 / 10
EXPERIMENTAL! more score => more rugpull possibility

#DYOR #NFA @liquid_dust
subscribe filtered @indicaton_bot
⚠️ New liquidity position found - $MISHKA ⚠️

Address: EQBFCGBup2roJwmluJr5LkBX3JbgVuLk3JqUk4KIcmA8ebbb
Jetton's contract init: 2025-03-10 16:10:28
Ownership: revoked
Creator: EQDuDYnE-6VBR4nZ3hY2ByAsSWed_7U4KRmd0hZu-WoeQUe9
Creator's wallet init: 2024-10-17 18:38:06

НОВАЯ МЕТА? @mishkatoken Deployed from sTONks

Supply total: 100000000
Holders: 88

Main holder's jbalance: 11243345
Main holder's init: 2019-12-02 14:27:58

Ton reserve: 217💎
Token reserve: 11076101🪙
1 MISHKA ~= 0.000019591731 💎
1 TON ~= 51041.940092165896 MISHKA

DEX import:
Rugpull score: 1.75 / 10
EXPERIMENTAL! more score => more rugpull possibility

#DYOR #NFA @liquid_dust
subscribe filtered @indicaton_bot
⚠️ New liquidity position found - $CQT ⚠️

Name: CryptoQuest
Address: EQCjFF6PHm1Olhn5ZuhDFDGUqlk9wzzzmUJ6HI220ScvdO59
Jetton's contract init: 2024-05-08 22:27:53
Ownership: revoked
Creator: EQCJ3cejLAFG8wLJ4R12qWnrOvXnFF5o1sZHRfvwLfbLXKzI
Creator's wallet init: 2022-12-17 22:35:11

CryptoQuest is your Quest in The Open Network (TON)

Supply total: 21000000
Holders: 2

Main holder's address: EQCJ3cejLAFG8wLJ4R12qWnrOvXnFF5o1sZHRfvwLfbLXKzI
Main holder's jbalance: 11000000
Main holder's init: 2022-12-17 22:35:11

Ton reserve: 500💎
Token reserve: 10000000🪙
1 CQT ~= 0.00005 💎
1 TON ~= 20000 CQT

DEX import:
Rugpull score: 3.75 / 10
EXPERIMENTAL! more score => more rugpull possibility

#DYOR #NFA @liquid_dust
subscribe filtered @indicaton_bot
⚠️ New liquidity position found - $aPine ⚠️

Name: Antique Pine
Address: EQAjWFZaH0Xib0VGEwe3148Hg7arST5mhJwDB3YTIS0OFUxJ
Jetton's contract init: 2024-09-18 07:39:57
Owner: EQAULcjDZ4TK9huUxR4Vl_Tfa8JRooU3bhvPrmHJHZIPGWkS
Owner's wallet init: 2022-03-28 11:04:07

Antique Pine for ambassador program RPine @rpine_xyz_news

Supply total: 200000000
Holders: 70

Main holder's address: EQAULcjDZ4TK9huUxR4Vl_Tfa8JRooU3bhvPrmHJHZIPGWkS
Main holder's jbalance: 131351343
Main holder's init: 2022-03-28 11:04:07

Ton reserve: 1163💎
Token reserve: 24492542🪙
1 aPine ~= 0.000047483842 💎
1 TON ~= 21059.79535683577 aPine

DEX import:
Rugpull score: 2.25 / 10
EXPERIMENTAL! more score => more rugpull possibility

#DYOR #NFA @liquid_dust
subscribe filtered @indicaton_bot
⚠️ New liquidity position found - $BTCHAT ⚠️

Name: MR. Bitcoin Hat
Address: EQCeHgemFuH-P63bflfTC2fQhP4xtnyoqCTEmo64r7VF54j7
Jetton's contract init: 2025-03-11 09:21:56
Owner: EQC4sm9EkgLb8-AmfAza3qvFO0UPDdEEYnwWlyxetd39TKnY
Owner's wallet init: 2025-01-30 11:05:22

MR. BITCOIN HAT built in 2025 by gaspump bot (launched on ⛽️ GasPump)

Supply total: 1000000000
Holders: 2

Main holder's address: EQC4sm9EkgLb8-AmfAza3qvFO0UPDdEEYnwWlyxetd39TKnY
Main holder's jbalance: 799999999
Main holder's init: 2025-01-30 11:05:22

Ton reserve: 953💎
Token reserve: 199163515🪙
1 BTCHAT ~= 0.000004785012 💎
1 TON ~= 208985.8499475341 BTCHAT

DEX import:
Rugpull score: 6.75 / 10
EXPERIMENTAL! more score => more rugpull possibility

#DYOR #NFA @liquid_dust
subscribe filtered @indicaton_bot
⚠️ New liquidity position found - $DUSTT ⚠️

Address: EQDzWr7lO6RVVQ5D0x0CfpG5ZDPnx-8tv45gUTjpry18uzz7
Jetton's contract init: 2025-01-27 11:26:01
Owner: EQB06NZXzY77PnEndleqWp_flscT048ERTaHyH8Q1hR46c6C
Owner's wallet init: 2025-01-11 22:37:34


This tokin is Heart of the Money_Flow Ecosystem. The Root Token is more than just a digital asset; it symbolizes the trust and ...

Supply total: 44000000
Holders: 22

Main holder's address: EQCqvlAyQf-u_KkquPmaaWsB9JAKHJikHdAMnE7kHfphDEir
Main holder's jbalance: 42045019
Main holder's init: 2025-02-03 00:41:33

Ton reserve: 202💎
Token reserve: 740644🪙
1 DUSTT ~= 0.000272735619 💎
1 TON ~= 3666.554455445544 DUSTT

DEX import:
Rugpull score: 2.25 / 10
EXPERIMENTAL! more score => more rugpull possibility

#DYOR #NFA @liquid_dust
subscribe filtered @indicaton_bot
⚠️ New liquidity position found - $LAB ⚠️

Name: Memes
Address: EQDpI5eab9udB2UJzcUw6mZFi9vqXB46cocP21ZWmfi0Fq3w
Jetton's contract init: 2025-03-06 20:54:25
Owner: EQDCK-2cz4UiT_6kLfMwrzn7xvWGUdRE69xIB1T-E6oo7H4J
Owner's wallet init: 2024-09-13 17:43:18


Supply total: 940711650
Holders: 256

Main holder's address: EQDDja-NbRsXiyn1Ao-H0260OQEMSEAkTgOUpFAALRkkMotc
Main holder's jbalance: 159535742
Main holder's init: 2025-03-12 14:15:01

Ton reserve: 1000💎
Token reserve: 189971440🪙
1 LAB ~= 0.000005263949 💎
1 TON ~= 189971.44 LAB

DEX import:
Rugpull score: 1.75 / 10
EXPERIMENTAL! more score => more rugpull possibility

#DYOR #NFA @liquid_dust
subscribe filtered @indicaton_bot
⚠️ New liquidity position found - $SSH ⚠️

Name: Sharjeel
Address: EQDi-ankPtVdCesVfHu1lFOdQyn3bRsu4lxKqbguGfI9K6qO
Jetton's contract init: 2025-03-05 12:51:30
Owner: EQCAxAiQn4dpv7e6-8gWssfgCJMCQMyI0QmxT8oKKNb-6Tjt
Owner's wallet init: 2024-11-17 17:24:20

new token

Supply total: 940667561
Holders: 58

Main holder's address: EQDsAedXU0wXUbFjq1e_6kfm11u9xz_ckyLJeLpK2yISyuie
Main holder's jbalance: 146474877
Main holder's init: 2025-03-12 18:55:27

Ton reserve: 1108💎
Token reserve: 171357565🪙
1 SSH ~= 0.000006466011 💎
1 TON ~= 154654.84205776174 SSH

DEX import:
Rugpull score: 2.25 / 10
EXPERIMENTAL! more score => more rugpull possibility

#DYOR #NFA @liquid_dust
subscribe filtered @indicaton_bot
⚠️ New liquidity position found - $PAWS ⚠️

Name: PAWS Official Token
Address: EQCLaYF_yj9PN04ClE-zUQaqedfGGuaoLt5mmBuRIsC-5BbO
Jetton's contract init: 2025-03-13 01:53:15
Owner: EQAW9lMLUbGig53tsmfnCx3ow5xL2BwiKdilicYDV-SJMsEW
Owner's wallet init: 2025-03-13 01:02:08

PAWS, a gaming app within the Telegram ecosystem, has been gaining significant traction lately.

Supply total: 500000000
Holders: 1

Main holder's address: EQBsaOqBehBxilGROdUZab04iLWCi8z5wMciMTfDhAJs9QSV
Main holder's jbalance: 500000000
Main holder's init: 2025-03-13 02:00:08

Ton reserve: 1300💎
Token reserve: 500000000🪙
1 PAWS ~= 0.0000026 💎
1 TON ~= 384615.3846153846 PAWS

DEX import:
Rugpull score: 9.25 / 10
EXPERIMENTAL! more score => more rugpull possibility

#DYOR #NFA @liquid_dust
subscribe filtered @indicaton_bot
⚠️ New liquidity position found - $TEFT ⚠️

Address: EQBbmc59iiuASzJR9Bp_l_IsQe-OO5f3FUPTWi7v85iJMuuK
Jetton's contract init: 2024-12-30 18:44:41
Ownership: revoked
Creator: EQCY-6nNr3M2gQL4OvBp2ysKVrRrERJ6uZLFw7b9RHZMGYk5
Creator's wallet init: 2024-04-29 20:08:25

The TAPELITEFORCE TOKEN – created by the community, for the community.

Supply total: 1000000000
Holders: 107

Main holder's address: EQAzMVu-kxpiSVEjrW5SXez1mjrGjwxYbaiQqxu8-YrVOcPD
Main holder's jbalance: 300000000
Main holder's init: 2025-02-18 11:59:24

Ton reserve: 207💎
Token reserve: 50999564🪙
1 TEFT ~= 0.000004058858 💎
1 TON ~= 246374.70531400965 TEFT

DEX import:
Rugpull score: 0.5 / 10
EXPERIMENTAL! more score => more rugpull possibility

#DYOR #NFA @liquid_dust
subscribe filtered @indicaton_bot