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If you follow Mike Flynn, please remind him that Volatile Vernon “I Have A Gun” Jones has made millions of dollars while being in political offices by his own admission for 30 years.


Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸
Forwarded from Paula Revere (Paula Revere)
Media is too big
Forwarded from Paula Revere (Paula Revere)
Media is too big
Another day in our lives and in our fight for freedom draws to a close.

Time for rest.

If God blesses me with another day tomorrow, I will be back on the battlefield. I will never quit.

I try my imperfect best to shine light on darkness. I believe TRUTH prevails over lies.

Our nation must face the TRUTH - the good, the bad, and the ugly. Only TRUTH will set us free and only TRUTH will keep us free.

I believe that Jesus Christ is the TRUTH.

I extend grace to ALL who may believe otherwise. We can agree to disagree.

But we are ALL Americans who love freedom. While holding true to our individual faiths, I believe we can unite to fight for freedom in America while keeping our eyes focused on eternity.

Rest well. God bless each of you. God bless the United States of America and the Republic for which our flag stands.

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸
“Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.”
- John 14:6
The remarks I posted last evening were from a Doug Billings conference which was held on November 6, 2021 in Springfield, Missouri.

I requested the video from the videographers and just recently received it. I thought Doug Billings was going to post the speeches or portion thereof but I could not find them online.

So I posted them.

Sorry for any confusion.

Enjoy your Monday. God bless each of you.

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸
My thanks to my sister in Christ, Wendy Rogers, for her very kind words below.

My life’s journey has taken many twists and turns but I know my path has finally straightened out. I know where the road leads and ends. With my Father in Heaven.

I have more work to do as I am blessed with another day.

Wendy is a warrior for TRUTH. Despite many obstacles and traps placed before her, she keeps fighting to FIX 2020 and represent We The People. Wendy is on the right path.

Please support Wendy Rogers.
Forwarded from Wendy Rogers
Some reasons why I support Lin Wood.
-He has been fighting against tyranny, the fake news, and the deep state since 1996 - before it was cool.
-He was the first one to hold an event to push for audits after November 3rd.
-He helped Nicolas Sandmann defeat CNN by winning a $275 million settlement and defeat the Washington Post winning a $250 million settlement.
-He was one of the few people who said Kelly Loeffler was not a Trump supporter and he was right - she betrayed President Trump after promising she would stand with him.
-He helped wrongly accused Olympic Park bombing suspect Richard Jewell sue CNN and NBC and won a settlement.
-He helped Kyle Rittenhouse post a very high bail when others wouldn't lift a finger.
-He is a brother in Christ and a bible-believing Christian who loves the truth.
-He has always been loyal to President Trump and has never wavered in his support.
Forwarded from Wendy Rogers
People keep asking me about patriot infighting. I try not to get involved in others' disputes among the brethren (as the Bible teaches) and I love my brothers Lin Wood, General Flynn, Clay Clark and Patrick Byrne. I defended Lin Wood when he was wrongly attacked by the communist-led PR campaign hit piece on national TV. It was wrong. I had to say something because I always do my best to expose the #MockingbirdMedia. I don't have all of the answers. Jesus must come first. If we follow Him all of this infighting ceases because He can sort it out. I am going to keep fighting to do audits, elect pro-audit candidates, decertify and work with anyone who wants to help me.
The Motley Piggies love Monday mornings!!!
Several days ago, I graciously extended an invitation to Mike Flynn (which by definition would include his brother Joe), Patrick Byrne, Doug Billings, and Clay Clark to meet publicly with me to discuss and hopefully resolve what some have seen as a division in the conservative Patriots ranks.

The response: Crickets.

I now withdraw my invitation which I believe is not going to be accepted by the invitees.

Patriots who have unanswered questions about The Flynn Family, their comrades, Doug Billings, Patrick Byrne. and Clay Clark should address them directly to or with Mike, Joe, Doug. Patrick, and Clay.

After considerable thought and reflection over the past several days, I am no longer willing to deal with any of them on any level.

I wish Mike, Joe, Doug. Patrick, and Clay the best of luck in their future endeavors.

FIX 2020 OR BUST!!!

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸
I will be speaking tomorrow with my brother in Christ, Stew Peters, about the intentional effort by the Deep State to assassinate my reputation and that of #FightBack with demonstrably false accusations.
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The Stew Peters Show

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

LIVE at 6 PM Eastern
Many weeks before the Kyle Rittenhouse trial, #FightBack Co-Founder and Board member Lawson Pedigo, a tax lawyer in Dallas, reached out to Kyle’s criminal defense attorney and the Rittenhouse attorney to let him know that #FightBack would consider payment of unpaid attorney fees and legal expenses, if any, after the bail funds were returned to #FightBack.

Attorney Robert Barnes was involved in discussions with Lawson on this subject. Robert was trying to help Kyle at the time but I understand Robert was later dismissed by the family.

It was made clear to ALL that #FightBack would be willing to reimburse these fees and costs from that portion of the bail funds which had been raised specifically for Kyle’s bail.

Shortly after the trial, Lawson reached out again and was informed that criminal attorney Mark Richards had unpaid fees in the approximate amount of $90,000. Lawson reiterated the willingness of #FightBack to reimburse that unpaid portion of Mark’s fees upon return of the bail funds to #FightBack by the court clerk. See Lawson’s email below documenting his discussions on behalf of #FightBack.

There are many lies being told about #FightBack’s efforts to help Kyle.

No good deed goes unpunished.

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸