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Speak TRUTH. Every lie will be revealed. Be fearless.
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“And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever; Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you. I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you. Yet a little while, and the world seeth me no more; but ye see me: because I live, ye shall live also. At that day ye shall know that I am in my Father, and ye in me, and I in you. He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him.”
- John 14:16-21
Our nation and countries around the world are in crisis as a handful of powerful individuals seek to establish One World Government.

At DAVOS 2020, George Soros stated publicly the only obstacle was President Trump.

You know the rest of the story to date.

We must FIX 2020 OR BUST.

Once we have FIXED 2020, our country under the leadership of President Trump (our duly elected President) can then begin to fix the other major issues we face;

1. Child sex trafficking.
2. Illegal Covid mandates.
3. Securing our borders.
4. Protecting our Bill of Rights.
5. Reinstating the rule of law.
6. Bringing to justice ALL involved in acts of treason, election fraud, genocide, and other crimes against humanity.
7. Repairing domestic and foreign policies to put America First.

The list goes on.

The stakes could not be higher. The burden on America for itself and the free world could not be greater.

Is the best yet to come or the worst?

The choice is the choice of We The People. We The People are the government in our nation. A government of the People, by the People, and for the People.

We must turn our faces back to God if our freedom is not to perish from the face of this Earth.

I pray we choose wisely.

Thank you, Dawn. Your message below touches my heart deeply. I give God ALL the praise and glory for your husband’s decision. His decision is celebrated in Heaven.

I believe that followers of Jesus Christ are children of God and we are supposed to sow seeds. God choses the seeds He will grow to harvest.

Some of our seeds are sown on rock, some in weeds, some in fertile soil. Only God knows the future so only God knows which seeds He will grow after they are planted.

We are rewarded in Heaven for the seeds we sow and all of the good acts we performed. But after we receive our crowns for our good works, we place them at Jesus’ feet.

All good comes from God. He is to be praised for ALL the good we do on Earth, not us.

God is great. God is good. We thank Him and praise Him every day for the great and good things that He does.

We serve a magnificent, all powerful God. A God of love and mercy but also a God of wrath and vengeance.

We should ALL seek His love to avoid His wrath.

God bless you and your husband. Thank you again for your very kind words.

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸
Forwarded from Dawn
My husband is getting baptized today and we have you to thank! You have shown us the way Lin Wood. If nothing else, you have brought my husband to the light. I thank God for you Lin!! 🙏 🇺🇸
I agree wholeheartedly with President Trump’s statement below. - Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸
Or maybe somebody did make it up?
My “brother from another mother,” Joe Oltmann, does not mince his words.
Forwarded from Joe Oltmann (Joe Oltmann)
Good morning…

Truth does not matter to the radical left. I want to point out the obvious. Tech and MSM silence those who stand against their propaganda while saying show the proof. They lie over and over again while saying show us the proof. As more proof comes forward they silence and attack, abusing powers and lying and bullying to shield the public from the absolute truth.

I gave up everything for truth. Even after the piece of trash Eric Coomer admits to being a radical extremist, a skinhead, a drug addict, an Antifascist (ANTIFA), and capable of fixing the election… even after that, they say I lack credibility. Even after he doubled down on his hate and lied over and over again, and got caught lying, they said I lacked credibility. I don’t lack credibility… I have always stood in the gap for what is right and I have been consistent in caring and standing for those in need. Eric has been consistent in being a liar. Consistent in being vile and hateful. His actions. His words not mine. And yet he has just been arrested again… but I lack credibility… lol. Nah, they are liars. They need to own it. They are traitors… they need to own it.

This fight is not about me. It is about the soul of our nation, opportunity for our children and restoring integrity and accountability to our nation. It is about honoring those who died defending it, and preserving the Constitution. It’s a fight between good and evil. It is a fight between right and wrong. This is the fundamental fight for the spirit of God.

You don’t like that I want to hang traitors to our nation? Sorry, not sorry. Men, women and children have died, suffered unimaginable pain and anguish at the hands of those who stole our voice and installed an illegitimate government. They have allowed evil to torment our communities, robbed our children of their childhood and destroyed entire cities and states. They have eroded the ethos of our nation, persecuted the good people of our country while elevating evil.

Vengeance belongs to God, but accountability belongs to the people of our great nation. The evil radical left is exactly what they say they are fighting against. They are the evil of our society. If you cannot see it, I cannot help you. But it is not a mistake that everything they touch turns to crap. It literally is eroding before your eyes while they blame Christians or conservatives who are no where to be seem within 100 miles.

So yes, I stood up and risked it all. It was never mine anyway… and I was never a fan of evil bullies. I saw all too clearly what they did to our communities and I’m frankly sick of the pain this trash causes. So I choose the good people and I reject the ideology that frankly destroys hope and binds our society in lies.

So know this is truth. The election was stolen. Dominion Voting Systems, Es&S, Runbeck, Smartmatic… they are all election companies colluding to steal your voice. We have the evidence… we always have. That is why you have all these distractions. That is why you have all these fires and conflicts of division.

Stay frosty. Stay focused and speak truth. We are winning. It’s the 4th quarter, and where we find out what we are made of. This is the final test of character and commitment. Men, step up. It’s time. Pray.
Rumors flying in Georgia that RINO Republican David Purdue may challenge RINO Republican Brian “CCP” Kemp and RINO Republican Vernon “I Got A Gun” Jones for the Republican nomination for Governor.

Purdue never fought for President Trump and has never made any effort to FIX 2020. Purdue has a laundry list of issue that make him unelectable in Georgia as do Kemp and Jones.

If Georgia gets rid of the Dominion cheat voting system, Kandiss Taylor will be in the driver’s seat to win the nomination.

Kandiss is the ONLY candidate who talks the talk AND walks the walk. She has never wavered in her support for President Trump and is fighting to FIX 2020.

An honest election in Georgia will deliver to We The People an honest candidate for Governor - KANDISS TAYLOR!!!

FIX 2020 OR BUST!!!
When it comes to Purdue, Kemp, and Jones in Georgia, follow the money.

When it comes to Kandiss Taylor in Georgia, follow the Bible!
Backroom Brian “CCP” Kemp, Dump Stock David Perdue, and Volatile Vernon “I Have A Gun” Jones are establishment politicians who have spent many years in government and have only contributed to our nation’s demise while sticking millions of dollars in their pockets.

They are old faces in politics.

We ALL know Stacey “Communism For America” Abrams has been a career politician and comrade of Democrats. When it comes to Stacey, just follow the money too.

She is an old face in politics.

We have many problems in the Republican Party. Many. They are the RINO-Republicans. We need to identify them and get them out of government.

The old faces of Democrats and RINO Republicans believe in all the power (and the money) being held in the hands of the “selected” officials, not in the hands of We The People.

These old faces are Communists in disguise.

We The People know we need FRESH FACES in government who are honestly elected by the People to serve the People.

Kandiss Taylor is a FRESH FACE. Kandiss is not a career or establishment politician. Kandiss fights for President Trump and takes action to FIX 2020. She loves Jesus Christ and We The People. We need God-fearing people in government.

Kandiss is THE FRESH FACE Georgia needs.

While I am still waiting to hear from Mike Flynn on my invitation to participate in a public Q and A discussion at my home in South Carolina, I am pleased to know that Mike finally agrees that Georgia needs a FRESH FACE in politics.

That FRESH FACE is Kandiss Taylor.

On this issue, Mike has finally seen the light.
Our nation and ALL Patriots need God-fearing
leaders who do their best to speak TRUTH, who say what they mean and mean what they say.

We The People have had more than enough “leaders” who deceive us, profit off us, spy on us, and play Deep State games with our hard-earned money, our lives and our futures.

We must drain the swamp.

We must look to FRESH FACES for our leadership. Career intelligence spooks and career politicians cannot be the wave of the present or of the future.

Unless you want more of the same old swamp.

We need consistently honest leaders who are transparent on ALL relevant matters and who are willing to answer ALL relevant questions.

The people have the right to be fully informed on all relevant issues by any person who seeks to lead us.

We also need leaders who acknowledge their past mistakes, correct them, and vow to learn from them in order to better represent We The People.

Don’t be sold another bill of goods. We must change and make wise choices if we expect God to restore the soul of our nation.

Just sayin.’

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸