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My chest x-ray this morning was normal!!!

I will learn about my blood work later this week or early next week. It has been normal the last two times it was checked in the past year.

I continue to have some gastrointestinal issues and weakness in my legs with pain primarily in my left leg when I apply pressure to it.

I pray for God to heal me and I ask for your prayers too.

These physical issues have existed for many months. But I am okay.

I think I understand how Apostle Paul must have felt when he prayed repeatedly for God to remove the thorn from his side.

But God did not remove it in order to keep Paul humble.

Paul pressed on despite the thorn.

I press on despite my physical issues and the pressures of the mounting lawfare attacks.

I will never quit.

I will never surrender.

Overall, I feel pretty good. When I walk, I stumble a bit, but I do not fall. I am walking better than the character Bribes!!!

I also know that when I am weak, He is strong.

Thank you for your support for me and #FightBack and most importantly, for your prayers.

I have friends who are suffering much more than I am, just in different ways. I pray for them every day.

So I am blessed.

God bless each of you.

Lin 🙏🙏🙏
At the July 20 #FightBack rally & fundraiser at The Inn At Cotton Hall, I will only speak briefly. I expect #FightBack board members John Exum and Drew Trammell will also deliver some brief remarks.

Pastor Ray McBerry is the keynote speaker.

I want attendees to focus on Pastor McBerry’s remarks.

I will NOT be giving my COMPLETE AND TOTAL ENDORSEMENT to any person running for political office.

Besides, what candidate for political office would want my “endorsement” anyway???

I am just a retired trial lawyer and now an innkeeper.

I will be conveying my COMPLETE AND TOTAL SUPPORT for President Trump and for my position that we must end rigged elections, child sex trafficking, and modern day human slavery.

I hope you will join me and many other REAL Patriots and attend the July 20 #FightBack rally & fundraiser.

God bless each of you.

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸

#FightBack and I tried to help Kylie.

And then Kylie turned on me like a snake with the help of several members of the deep state FAKE media.

I lived and learned.

Have you???

Who was REAL and who was FAKE???

Who told you the TRUTH and who LIED to you???

Who was the deceiver???

Me or Kylie???

Do the research.
Connect the dots.
Draw your own conclusions.

Just sayin.’

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸

Will you sit quietly on the sidelines out of fear while our country is completely taken over by communism and One World Government???

Or will you speak TRUTH boldly and fearlessly and in doing so, #FightBack???

If not for yourselves then for your children, grandchildren, and generations to come???

The choice is yours to make.

I pray you choose wisely.

Lin 🙏🙏🙏
I hate the number of emails and texts I receive from politicians begging for money.

Are they really asking me for my money or is it artificial intelligence (AI)???

If I had the financial means to contribute to a candidate in whom I believed, I would do so without needing to be asked.

Such a waste of my time deleting these “pleas” for money.

Maybe I should respond by asking them to support #FightBack in the battle against lawfare???

They would not respond because they are not REAL people!!!

I do not actively ask for donations to #FightBack.

I do tell you what #FightBack is doing to fight the lawfare battles being waged against me.

You can decide for yourselves whether you wish to donate without me asking you to do so.

I do ask for your prayers.

I know what has the most impact.

God will provide for the needs of #FightBack if our cause is just. And I believe it is.

The enemy is not coming after me, the enemy is coming after you.

I am just a retired trial lawyer and now an innkeeper who is standing in the enemy’s way.

God bless each of you who stand with me, John Exum, and Drew Trammell.

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸

Freemasonry is a goliath in the State of Georgia and around the nation.

Freemasons are allowed to choose whatever “god” or “higher power” they wish to worship and serve, including their fellow freemasons.

There is only one God - the God of the Holy Bible. The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

Jesus Christ is God.

Freemasons and their branches do not bear good fruit.

Freemasonry is the veil for the worship of satan.

Thank you for your prayers and support of #FightBack as I do battle with the freemasons in Georgia.

I am not fighting back against freemasonry for myself. My eternity is secure.

I am fighting back against freemasonry for you.

God bless each of you.

Lin 🙏🙏🙏


I appreciate your many messages today that expressed the hope that the U.S. Supreme Court ruling on immunity for a President’s official acts while in office would help me in the lawfare being waged against me in the State of Georgia.

It does not help me. I am an innkeeper and I hold no official public office.

In fact, I actually fear that the ruling will simply spawn a new round(s) of litigation over what constitutes an “official act” by the President.

I am fighting an entrenched, rich, and powerful enemy in Georgia - freemasonry and its related branches.

I will not quit fighting even though I know I cannot beat these “people” in the present legal system.

I also know to fight the battle on my knees.

God is in control.

Jesus Christ is God.

Because He lives, I was able to face today. And because He lives, I can face tomorrow if He keeps me in earth for another day to #FightBack.

Thank you for your prayers and support of #FightBack.

God bless each of you.

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸

What organizations that seek contributions do you trust with your money???

Make sure the organizations are transparent.

Do you REALLY know the organization’s leadership???

#FightBack is transparent as to the use of your contributions.

#FightBack has been independently audited each year since its formation in 2020.

I think you know me.

I have NEVER sought to profit off our nation’s pain and suffering as we fight to regain our freedoms.

But do the research.
Connect the dots.
Draw your own conclusions.

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸

This month, I paid out of my own pocket the $40K monthly security expenses normally paid by #FightBack.

I am not complaining!!!

The mounting legal bills to fight lawfare took priority over security expenses.

Fighting lawfare is more about you than it is about me.

Providing security is more about protecting Tomotley, the Moos, the puppies, and visitors than it is about me.

God protects me.

I just want you to know that I would never ask you to do something I would not be willing to do myself.

No one on the board of directors of #FightBack takes a dime in compensation for our service on the board, nor do I as the CEO.

I do not love money.

I do love America and our Constitution and Bill of Rights.

And I love You the People.

I love Jesus Christ more than anything else in this world.

Thank you for your prayers and support.

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸

Are the freemason judges and lawyers in Georgia so naive or cocky to think they can trample on my Constitutional rights and the rule of law and I will go quietly in the night???

If they can do it to me, they WILL do it to you.

When they do, will you go quietly in the night or will you #FightBack???

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸
