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Speak TRUTH. Every lie will be revealed. Be fearless.
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I dealt with Harmeet Dhillon in the Fall of 2020 when she offered to “help” me when I thought #FightBack and I were trying to “help” Kylie Rittenhouse.

Harmeet was not helpful and then she abruptly quit.

But not until “her” law colleague sent #FightBack and me a legal bill for “her” legal “efforts.”

Are you pickin’ up what I am layin’ down???

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸

Well, well, well . . .

Time for rest.


A few final thoughts for the day and night:

I cannot win my battles in the courts of law. They are ALL corrupt.

So I am forced to fight my battles in the court of public opinion. To let We the People decide if I am guilty or innocent.

I am comfortable with the decision of We the People about me. Not the already decided, prejudiced condemnation of the ruling elite.

Who loved Jesus Christ in earth??? The multitudes.

Who hated and condemned Jesus Christ in earth??? The political and false prophets religious elite.

Who loves President Trump and who hates him???

There is nothing new under the sun.

The ruling elite hated and persecuted the perfect Son of God.

They will hate and persecute me as an imperfect son of God for His name’s sake. They will hate and persecute President Trump.

Speak out BOLDLY against those who persecute me and President Trump. Let them hear your voices. They fear We the People. God gave the power to the people, not to the ruling elite.

Be Fearless.

I hope your day was a good one.

I hope you rest well.

God bless each of you.

Press on.

I will.

For you the people and most importantly, for God.

Jesus Christ is God.

Good night.

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸

Uh oh, Marjorie!!!

Do you think President Trump did not see your demand on Twitter that I be arrested and jailed for the good faith efforts by #FightBack and myself to help Kylie Rittenhouse before I realized that Kylie was part of an enemy PSYOP???

I called you out, MTG and in doing so, I took you to the woodshed.

Now it appears that you are under President Trump’s spotlight to be taken (if you have not already been taken) to the Trump quicksand from which there is no return.

One can survive the woodshed.

No one survives quicksand.

Just sayin.’

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸

The Holy Spirit is THE ultimate 100% effective “proton pack” to defeat the spirit of the antichrist!!!

Remember, a spirit is a ghost that you cannot see, but that spirit is REAL.


The Holy Ghost has already won the battle!!!

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸

It is difficult to defend against so many fiery lawfare darts being thrown at me by the enemy!!!

I can barely keep up with the number of them!!!

The enemy starting throwing its fiery darts at me in late 2020 and has been throwing them continuously and at an ever increasing pace continuously since the first fiery dart was thrown!!!

The enemy has unlimited financial resources at its disposal to support its efforts to inflict death by a thousand cuts!!!

Sometimes it feels like I am trying to hang on to my head to survive the enemy’s knives!!!

Other times, it feels like I am constantly trying to avoid the many stones being thrown at me.

Knives and stones.

Oh well, at least crucifixion is not lawful in present times!!!

I thank the donors to #FightBack who help support my efforts to survive the lawfare battles.

If the enemy destroys me, the enemy will be emboldened to destroy you next.

I will maintain my loyalty to and unwavering support of President Trump.

And my faith in Jesus Christ will not be shaken. In fact, my faith in Jesus Christ grows stronger every day.

God bless each of you.

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸

Amy Lane’s Inn At Cotton Hall Report:

“We hosted a beautiful wedding yesterday at Cotton Hall! Two more in June then we’re on to the #FightBack event!”

Thank you and God bless you, Amy.

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸

Do you realize that government operatives capture everything “in the air.”

Texts, emails, your cell phone calls, and what you say (and do) in the vicinity of your cell phone (even when you think it is off)???

The “good” news is that if the “black hats” get that information, so do the “white hats.”

And if you are writing and speaking TRUTH, you have nothing to fear.

Except fear itself.

We have lost our right to privacy.

We must #FightBack to get our privacy rights back.

Engage in self-help.

Get rid of Alexa and Siri and location trackers!!!

Just sayin.’

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸

I had an early morning appointment today with my eye doctor (who loves Jesus Christ!!!).

My eyes are doing well. Almost 20/20 vision in both eyes!!!

Now if I could just get the rest of my body where my eyes are!!!

4 1/2 years of non-stop false attacks take a toll on a person’s body!!!

But I can see still see clearly. And I thank and praise Jesus Christ for giving me eyes to see.

7 different lawsuits now converging in June, July, and August to attempt to overwhelm me and my lawyers.

Prior to 2020, I had NEVER been sued in civil litigation.

What happened???

2020 happened and the election of 2024 is right around the corner.

There are no coincidences.

Pray for me as I will pray for you.

Pray that God will defeat my enemies.

God bless each of you for your prayers and your donations to #FightBack.

You lift me up when I am down.

So I press on.

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸

Forwarded from Terry S. TrueAmericanVeteran
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.



My chest x-ray this morning was normal!!!

I will learn about my blood work later this week or early next week. It has been normal the last two times it was checked in the past year.

I continue to have some gastrointestinal issues and weakness in my legs with pain primarily in my left leg when I apply pressure to it.

I pray for God to heal me and I ask for your prayers too.

These physical issues have existed for many months. But I am okay.

I think I understand how Apostle Paul must have felt when he prayed repeatedly for God to remove the thorn from his side.

But God did not remove it in order to keep Paul humble.

Paul pressed on despite the thorn.

I press on despite my physical issues and the pressures of the mounting lawfare attacks.

I will never quit.

I will never surrender.

Overall, I feel pretty good. When I walk, I stumble a bit, but I do not fall. I am walking better than the character Bribes!!!

I also know that when I am weak, He is strong.

Thank you for your support for me and #FightBack and most importantly, for your prayers.

I have friends who are suffering much more than I am, just in different ways. I pray for them every day.

So I am blessed.

God bless each of you.

Lin 🙏🙏🙏