Leela Gurukul - Tantra, Goddesses, & beyond 🌹
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Remember, this shall pass too.
Enjoy the impermanence of everything. Be kind to yourself, and have a restful weekend. 🦢🤍
it’s been a while! how’s your heart feeling today?

paro, the duck 🦢 wasn’t keeping too well, and i didn’t realize where the last few days went. she’s doing great now.🤍

we got a long weekend here in the USA 🇺🇸, which means fun and relaxation. but it also brings up anxiety, loneliness, & boredom for many.

i hope you build a harmonious relationship with your aloneness, and it brings you deep bliss. sending you love!
honoring your unconventional, raw ecstasy today 🙏🏽🤍
celibacy - recording the next episode today! got any questions around it!? 🪐
Have the most cozy, creative, and divine weekend ahead! 🙏🏽🤍🪐
I just came across this on twitter. I have been feeling strongly about this rebirth energy for all of us. I hope you show up for it with all courage, calmness, & love!
sharing a glimpse from today’s ritual. it’s shiva lingam - the effortless union of masculine and feminine 🪷🤍
a goddess blooms from the wounds where it once hurt.

may you learn to honor, heal, and bloom through your wounds.

sending abundant love and courage
⬆️ does a tantra-goddess has a human like personality? listen to the voice note for answer :)
Reminder to cultivate balance as we move to the weekend.

Goddess energy blooms in balance. When she’s out of balance, we see chaos and turbulence.

Come back to the balance today. Happy Friday 🪷🤍
Remember to indulge with awareness this weekend! :)

I got busy with the goddess rising program preparation in the last few days.

Will send you some new energy updates next week!

Hope everyone’s well. Sending love! 🪷🤍🙏🏽
The number one rule of karma is to remember that you have a choice in your actions. The ego, mind, and emotions may make you feel the choice doesn’t exist.

You are a conscious choice-maker. Use your powers 🪐
it’s alright if you have been feeling “too much” of everything lately.

the collective is going through a realignment, a correction time.

so much abundance and growth will unfold after the chaos settles down.

hang in there! 🪐🤍🙏🏽
What’s your word for 2023?

For me, it’s FREEDOM

Not sure if I need freedom ‘from’
but it feels like ‘freedom to’

freedom to be
freedom to play
freedom to express

what’s your 2023 word? 🦁
i hope you got a calming, creative, and clear start to 2023!

i have been reading your word for 2023, and each one feels so right and beautiful!

thank you for sharing.

sending you love and strength for the day! 🪷🤍
the first month of the year is a heavy one for many. someone told me recently, “january is the monday of the year 2023” :)

if that’s the case, the rest of the year will only get more fun and exciting! :)

sending you love and patience. 🪷🦁

as many of you probably know, i launched the goddess rising program this week. it’s a 10-week deep immersive tantra program devoted to cultivating your freedom, courage, and playfulness!

forgive me for the late reminder, but the early bird 🐦 offering expires tomorrow on this program. get it if this feels aligned with your flow!

this year is the year of the goddess rising! and i hope you tap into it with leela - or without 🤍🤗