Learn Uzbek ÷ Узбекский язык ÷ Inglizcha-O'zbekcha
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Adjectives / adverbs

oson – easy, simple
qiyin – difficult, hard
bemalol – easily, freely, with no trouble
salqin – cool, shady
ichki – inner
tashqi – external, outer

The Affix –roq

This affix serves to form the comparative degree of adjectives.

balandroq – higher, taller; louder
pastroq – lower

ko'proq – more (in count)
kattaroq – bigger (in size), older
ozroq – less (in count); a little
kamroq – smaller (in size)

qisqaroq – shorter
kaltaroq – shorter
uzunroq – longer, taller
uzoqroq – longer, more distant (by distance or time)


Confusion – 2

emoq – to be (it is an archaic verb; it is used only in some forms)
yemoq – to eat

sovuq – cold
suvoq – plaster

uy – house, home
oy – month

qaynatmoq – to boil, to cook
qaynota – father-in-law

egmoq – to bend, to lower
ekmoq – sow, to plant

agar – if
asar – work of art

qo’ymoq – to put, to place, to stop; as a compound verb, it is used to indicate the completion of an action: so'rab qo'ydi – he asked
quymoq – to pour

havo – air
davo – remedy, drug

kichik – small, little
kechik – ford; kechikmoq – to be late

salqin – cool
sekin – slowly; quietly
sokin – quiet, peaceful, still

ilon – snake
e’lon – notice, announcement

ozod – free, freely
ozoda – clean, neat

hayrat – surprize, astonishment
g’ayrat – zeal, enthusiasm

kiyim – clothing
kiyinmoq – to get dressed (kiymoq – to wear, to put on)
qiyin – difficult

kumush – silver
turmush – life,married life

sakramoq – to jump
saqlamoq – to save, to keep, to take care of


Superlative adjectives

So, the affix “-roq” serves to form the comparative degree of adjectives.

Superlative adjectives are formed in several ways:

1. By adding the exaggerate word eng (“most …”):
eng katta – biggest,
eng zamonaviy — most modern.

2. By adding the exaggerate word behad (“boundlessly …”»):
U behad baxtli. — He is boundlessly happy.

3. By adding the exaggerate words juda or juda ham (“very ...”):
juda qattiq — very hard,
Juda ham chiroyli chiqibdi! - It turned out very beautifully!

4. Using partial reduplication («very ...»). Sounds “p” or “m” is added to the first two sounds of the original adjective:
dumaloq – round => dum-dumaloq — very round, completely round,
ko‘k – blue (green) => ko‘m-ko‘k – very blue (very green),
sariq – yellow => sap-sariq – very yellow,
tekis – smooth => tep-tekis – very smooth.

Exception: the superlative form of the adjective oq (white) is written together and with two consonants “p”, that is, oppoq – completely white.



Gerunds in the Uzbek language are formed from all verbs. They can be used either by themselves or to create verb forms, as well as to form compound verbs.

There are two types of gerunds:

1. Present gerund. It is formed using the affix -a (after a consonant) and -y (after a vowel).

Typically, this form is used as part of a compound verb or other verbal constructions:

uxlay olmadim – I could not sleep (uxla + y)
topa olmaslik – inability to find (top + a)

It is also often used in double form, denoting repetition or duration of action:

Yo‘l yura-yura ular oxiri bir boqqa yetishibdi – They walked and walked along the road and finally came to the garden.

The negative form of the gerund contains the affix -ma, we place it between the root and the affix -a (-y): tushun+ma+y, qara+ma+y.

It is important to note the role of the present gerund in the formation of the verb form of the Present-Future tense:

uyga boraman – I'm going home (bor+a+man).

2. Past gerund. It is formed using the affixes -(i)b or -gach/-kach/-qach.

A gerund formed with the affix -(i)b can express an action preceding in time or accompanying the main action:

U kiyinib tashqariga chiqdi – He got dressed and went out;
Nonni olib xaltaga soldi – He took the bread and put it in his bag;
Ovqatlanib choy ichdim — I ate and drank tea;
Bola kulib otasiga qaradi — The child looked at his father laughing.

The form with the affix -(i)b is very widely used in compound verbs. The first part of a compound verb carries the main semantic load, the second part is an auxiliary verb indicating the nature of the action:

yopilib ketgan – closed
deb qolmangiz – don't say that
ko’rinib turadi — it's visible
sotib olmoq – to buy
yordam bermoq — to help

olmoq - to take. There are many compound verbs with "olib", for example:
olib bermoq — to pass, to transmit;
olib bormoq — to wear; to carry; to lead; to conduct;
olib kelmoq — to drive; to bring; to bring in;
olib ketmoq — to lead away; to take away; to carry away.

There is another form of verbs - with the affixes ib+di. It is used in the narrative genre and can be translated as both present and past tense.


Ibn Sino qishloqda yashab, tabiblik qilar ekan. Kunlardan bir kun shu qishloqlik bir yigit bilan bir qiz turmush qurishibdi. Ular yaxshi hayot kechirishibdi, oradan to’qqiz oy-u to’qqiz kun, to’qqiz soat-u to’qqiz daqiqa o’tgach, farzand ko’rishibdi.

Ibn Sina lived in a village and practiced medicine. One day a young man and a girl from this village got married. They lived a good life, nine months and nine days, nine hours and nine minutes later they had a baby.

A gerund formed with the affix -gach/-kach/-qach shows that one action is immediately followed by a second:

Bolani uxlagach, xonamga kirdim – After putting the child to bed, I went to my room.


Details - components - mechanisms - 1

quvur - pipe, pipeline

to'sin - beam

tirgak - prop, support

poydevor - foundation

pishang, dastak - lever

g'ildirak - wheel

chambar - circle, ring, hoo

parrak - wheel (of a mill, etc.), propellor

charx - spinning wheel; wheel (of mechanism)

o'q – arrow, bullet; axis

mix - nail

mixparchin - rivet

sim - wire

zanjir - chain

qayish - strap

qanot - wing

xalqa - staple, mesh

xomut - horse collar

tugun - knot

tuzilish - device, construction (tuzmoq - to form, tuzilmoq – to be composed)


Verbs of motion

yurmoq – to walk, to go, to move
bormoq – to go (to); to reach

kelmoq – to come, to arrive
ketmoq – to leave
qolmoq – to remain, to stay behind, to be left; to stop
qaytmoq – to return, to go back

yugurmoq – to run, to rush
chopmoq – to run, to gallop, to race (an animal)
qochmoq – to flee, to run off, to escape

ko'chmoq – to move somewhere else
kechmoq – to pass through, to go through
o’tmoq – to pass (by, through, over, from, to), to go through; to step over
o’tkazmoq –to conduct, to guide; to spend time

kirmoq – to enter, to go into
chiqmoq – to get out; to ascend

qo'nmoq – to alight, to land
tushmoq – to fall, to go down, to descend
o'tirmoq – to sit, to sit down
turmoq – to stand, to stand up; to be found

kezmoq – to stroll, to wander
aylanmoq – to spin, to turn; to take a walk

uchmoq – to fly; to ride something
Bolalar yaxmalakda chang'ida, chanada va konki uchadi – Children go skiing, sledding and skating on the ice
suzmoq – to swim

yetmoq – to reach, to arrive; to suffice, to be enough
U katta toqqa yetib keldi – He reached a big mountain

Several compound verbs:

chiqib qolmoq – to appear

qochib ketmoq – to disappear

olib ketmoq – to take away

olib kelmoq – to bring

olib bormoq – to carry; to lead

o’tib ketmoq – to outstrip

borib kelmoq – to go (and come back)

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Oq sigir turib ketdi, qora sigir yotib qoldi
Anonymous Quiz
ot, it
qor, yer
juma, shanba

beri, buyon, qadar

beri – hither; from such a moment or place
buyon = beri

Qachondan beri ishlaysiz? – Since when have you been working?
O'tgan yilning oxiridan beri – Sunce the end of last year
qurilishi tugaganidan beri – since the completion of the construction
beri davr ichida – in the period from
beri roq – … closer here
beri kel – come closer here
do’kondan beri – before reaching the store

bundan buyon – from now on
o’shandan buyon – since then
Bundan buyon faqat meva va sabzavodlar bilan kun kechiraman – From now on, I will only eat vegetables and fruits
Bu bino teatrining binosidan buyon shaharimiz kattaligi bo'yicha ikkinchi – This building is the second largest in the city after the theater building

qadar – up to a certain moment or place

o’n minut qadar – to ten minutes, about ten minutes
bir qadar — to some extent
shu qadar — to such an extent
Bino 3-qavatga qadar g‘isht – The house up to the 2nd floor is brick


Antonyms - 1

bright — yorug'
dark — qorong'i

bright, clear — yorqin
dull, unclear — xira

strong — kuchli
weak — kuchsiz

wet — ho'l
dry — quruq

thin — yupqa
thick — qalin

narrow — tor
wide — keng

flexible — egiluvchan
hard, tough — qattiq

soft — yumshoq
hard, tough — qattiq

intelligent — aqlli
silly — tentak

even — tekis
rough; shaggy — dag'al

empty — bo'sh
full — to'liq

sharp — o'tkir
dull — o'tmas

sparse — siyrak
dense — zich

clean — toza, ozoda
dirty, filthy — irkit


Confusion — 3

qo'y – sheep, ram
quyi – bottom, lower
kuy – melody, tune
(see above):
qo’ymoq – to put, to place, to stop; as a compound verb, it is used to indicate the completion of an action: so'rab qo'ydi – he asked
quymoq – to pour

boy – rich, rich man
bo'y – growth
bo'ylab – (going) along, parallel to, throughout
bo'yicha – according to, in accordance with

xalq – folk
xalqa – staple

topmoq – to find, to discover
to’p – pile, bunch, group

yo'q – no
yoqmoq – to light, to burn; to please
yoqa – collar

ishlamoq – to work
ushlamoq – to hold
tashlamoq – to throw

suzmoq – to swim
so’z – word

sayyor – mobile, traveling
tayyor – ready, prepared

qor – snow
qora – black
qaramoq – to look

oyna – glass
oila – family

o'ynamoq – to play
o'ylamoq – to think

o'rta – middle
orqa – back

tovuq – hen
tovoq – earthenware dish

ot – horse; name
o’t – fire; grass; bile

tuman – district; ten thousand (obsolete); mist, fog
tomon – side, direction
tamom – end

bosh – head
bo'sh – empty

maktab – school
maktub – letter, message, epistle

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