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Idioms • ፈሊጣዊ አነጋገሮች

Wipe out ዋይፕ አውት - ሙሉ በሙሉ ማጥፋት / ማውደም
Eg: Her village was wiped out by the floods.
አከባቢዋ በጎርፎቹ ሙሉ በሙሉ ወድሟል።

Pass away ፓስ አዌይ - መሞት
Eg: His mother passed away last year.
እናቱ አምና ሞተዋል።

Pass out ፓስ አውት - ራስህን ስተህ መውደቅ (ፌንት)
Eg: People were passing out from the heat.
በሙቀቱ ምክንያት ብዙ ሰዎች ራሳቸውን እየሳቱ ነበር።

Get over ጌት ኦቨር - ከ አንድ ነገር ማገገም / ተቋቁሞ ማለፍ
Eg: It has taken me ages to get over the flu.
ከ ኢንፍሎዊንዛ በሽታዬ ለማገገም ብዙ ጊዜ ወስዶብኛል።

Bring down ብሪንግ ዳውን - መጠን መቀነስ
Eg: They must bring down the price of food oil.
የምግብ ዘይቱን ዋጋ መቀነስ አለባቸው።
Forwarded from Ethiel Academy📕 (ʙƦ)
በጣም ያሳፍራል ወይም በጣም ያሳዝናል ለማለት እነዚህን መጠቀም ትችላላችሁ:

- What a pity!
- What a shame!
- That’s too bad!
- That’s terrible!
- Such a shame!
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I will ask you   እጠይቅሀለው

I Will give You   እሰጥሀለው

I Will tell you    እነግርሀለው

I Will Wait You    እቆይሀለው

Do Not Ask her      አትጠይቃት

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Forwarded from Ethiel Academy📕 (ʙƦ)
✝️ የክርስትና እምነት ተከታይ ቤተሰቦች በሙሉ  እንኳን ለጌታችን ለመድኃኒታችን ለኢየሱስ ክርስቶስ የልደት በዓል በሰላም አደረሳችሁ።🥰

በከፍተኛ ትምህርት ተቋማት የምትገኙና በዓሉን ከቤተሰቦቻችሁ ርቃችሁ ለምታከብሩ ተማሪዎች መልካም በዓል እንመኛለን::

በዓሉን የደስታ እና የጤና ያድርግላችሁ::

🔔 መልካም የ ገና በዓል ተመኘን!
Advanced English........

I will stand by you.......🧍‍♂🧍‍♂
I'll get your back........👨‍👦👨‍👦

Don't worry.......😨😨
Fret not........😨😨

I have to go.......🚶🚶
I gotta go..........🚶‍♂🚶‍♂

Make it quick........💨💨
Make it snappy.......⚡️⚡️

Don't touch me........🙅‍♂🙅‍♂
Get off me.........🙅🙅

It is time to study.......👨‍🏫👨‍🏫
It is time to hit the books......📚📚

I'm listening.......👂👂
I'm all ears.......🦻🦻

Come home.......🏘🏘
Come over.......🏡🏡

I'm very tired.........😮‍💨😮‍💨
I'm dead tired........😩😩
Become your own man
ራስህን ቻል/ጥገኛ አትሁን

Hold on tight
በደንብ አጥብቀህ ያዝ/ዢ

I got/was wasted
የሌለ ሰክሬ ነበር

Go back to the drawing boards
ስላልተሳካ እንደገና ጀምር

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Holidays/ ሐይማኖታዊ በዓላት

Easter   =  ፋሲካ
Palm Sunday =  ሆሳዕና
Holy week  =  ህማማት
Good Friday = የስቅለት በዓል
Daisy flower = እንቁጣጣሽ
Christmas =  የገና በዓል
Epiphany  =  የጥምቀት በዓል
Eid Al Adha  = አረፋ
Eid Al Fitr  =  ረመዳን
Birth of Prophet Mohammed  = መውሊድ

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ምን ማለት ነው?
➬ What does it mean?

➲ ዓርብ እጎበኛታለሁ።
➬ I will visit her on friday.

➲ ሰዎች...ናቸው።
➬ People are...

➲ እየጠበቅኩህ ነው።
➬ I'm waiting for you.

➲ ከቡና ይልቅ ሻይ እመርጣለሁ።
➬ I prefer tea to coffee.

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እነዚህን ማወቅ አለባችሁ

Someone who eats a lot = Foodie
ብዙ የምበላ ሰው Foodie ይባላል

Someone who lies a lot = Phony
በጣም ውሸታም ሰው Phony ይባላል

Someone who talks a lot  = Chatty
ብዙ የምያወራ ሰው Chatty ይባላል

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"I am busy" in other words

I am swamped
I am overloaded
I am snowed under
I am tied up
I have bigger fish to fry
My hands are full

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ደህና ስንሆን(ደህና ነኝ) ለማለት  የምንመልሳቸው መልሶች:

- I am doing well
- I am cool
- It’s alright
- Not so bad
- Pretty good
- I can’t complain
- I am fine

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ጥምቀት | Epiphany

Some vocabularies & Note about Epiphany write/Speak what you undersood from the Note (paragraphs) in short

Epiphany Eve : ከተራ (ከጥምቀት በፊት ያለው ቀን)

Western Churches (Epiphany Eve ምትክ ):
Twelfth Night (12ተኛው ምሽት) ይጠቀማሉ

The Monday after Epiphany(ከጥምቀት በኋላ ያለው ሰኞ ቀን) : Plough Monday

Baptism/immersion in water: መጠመቅ

Ark of Covenant: ተቦት

Divine Liturgy: ቅዳሴ
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ስንተኛ ብላችሁ በ እግሊዝኛ ለመጠየቅ

" ስንተኛ " In English

መቼ - When
የት - Where
የቱ - Which

ስንተኛ - ???

🛑 Where/What/Which +
____+ position

👨‍🏫 ለቤተሰብህ ስንተኛ ልጅ ነህ ?

#What is your birth order?

# Which is your position in order of your family?

# What number child are you?

# What is your place in the birth order?

👨‍🏫 ልጅሽ ስንተኛ ወጣ?

# Where did your child come in the rank?

# Which/What rank did your child get?

👨‍🏫 ስንተኛ ደረጃ ወጣህ?

# What is your rank?

# Which/What rank did you get?

Where +
____+ Fall + in the ordinal position

👨‍🏫 ትራምፕ ስንተኛ የአሜሪካ ፕሬዝዳንት ነበር?

# Where did Tramp fall in the sequence of the united state presidents?

🛑 Where  +
____+ Come + in the Sequence

👨‍🏫 አብይ አህመድ ስንተኛ የኢትዮጵያ ፕሬዝዳንት ነው?

# Where Does Abiy Ahmed Come in the Sequence of the Ethiopia presidents?


🏫 መልሱን እናንተ ከተናግራችሁ በኋላ ለመጠየቅ ከፈለጋችሁ

I'm the fourth child of my parents . Which are you?


I'm the fourth child of my parents . How about you?
አንድ ሰው አይመለከትህም ለማለት

👨‍🏫 None of your business
  ያንተ ጉዳይ አይደለም፣ አይመለከትህም

👨‍🏫 It's not your business
     ይህ ያንተ ጉዳይ አይደለም

👨‍🏫 Who asked you?
      ማን ጠየቀህ?

👨‍🏫 It doesn't concern you.
     አይመለከትህም፣ አያገባህም

👨‍🏫 Stop interfering in my life.
     በሕይወቴ ጣልቃ መግባትህን አቁም

👨‍🏫 Get off me
      ከጀርባዬ ውረድልኝ፣ ጣልቃ አትግባብኝ

👨‍🏫 It doesn't matter to you
      ይህ አንተን አያገባህም፣ አያስጨንቅህም

👨‍🏫 I was not speaking  to you
     ከአንተ ጋር አላወራሁም

👨‍🏫 Don't poke your nose in to my business
      በማያገባህ ጥልቅ አትበል

👨‍🏫 Mind your own business
    ስለራስህ አስብ

👨‍🏫 Don't Worry about me.
       ስለ እኔ አትጨነቅ
Translation Quiz / የትርጉም ፈተና


1. If you speak too much, you will lie

2. If you think too much,you will be depressed

3. If you cry too much, you will lose your sight

4. If you love too much, you will be lost

5. If you care too much,you will be taken for granted

6.If you play too much, You will not be taken serious often

7.If you trust too much, you will be betrayed

8.If you work too much, You will die of stress

9.If you eat too much,  You will be obsessed

10.If you sleep too much, You will be idle

11. If you spend too much, You will have no future

12.If you wear make up too much, You will lose your beauty

13.If you look too much, You will lose your focus

14.If you pursue life too much, you will lose everything.

* When you pray too much, You will have everything

*When you have too much patience, you will have the whole world

*When you invest too much, You will have your future guaranteed

*When you let go too much, you will have peace of mind

*When you are careful too much, you will be saved of many evils.

*When you serve God too much, you will receive unlimited and unspeakable reward and testimony.

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Give me አጠቃቀም

ስናነብ ከፈለግን Gimme መጠቀም ይቻላል / ተመራጭ ነው

👨‍🏫 Give me a chance
እድል ስጠኝ

👨‍🏫Give me an advice
ምክር ስጠኝ

👨‍🏫Give me a time
ጊዜ ስጠኝ

👉Give me a minute/second/moment
ደቂቃ/ሰከንድ/አፍታ ስጠኝ

👨‍🏫Give me a ball

👨‍🏫Give me the ball
      ኳሱን ስጠኝ 

👨‍🏫Give me sugar

👨‍🏫Give me a change for...
     የብር መልስ ስጠኝ

👨‍🏫 Give Me a Break
2,እረፍት ስጠኝ /ስጪኝ

👨‍🏫 Give me a call

👨‍🏫 Give me/him/her The Boot

👨‍🏫 Give me a lift/Ride

👨‍🏫 Give it a rest
ስለ አንድ ነገር በጣም ማሰብን ማቆም

👨‍🏫Give me your word
ቃልህን ስጠኝ/ቃል ግባልኝ

👨‍🏫Give me a hand
አግዘኝ / እረዳኝ /Help me

⚠️Give me your hand
ከሆነ ግን እጅህን ስጠኝ ለማለት ነው

👨‍🏫 Give me five or Give me a high five

የእጃችንን 5 ጣቶች የሚያመለክት ሲሆን ግባልኝ ለማለት እንጠቀመዋለን

⚠️ Give me (a) Five ከሆነ ገንዘብን ሊያመለክትብን ይችላል ተጠንቀቁ

ከ Me ቦታ ላይ በመተካት ሌሎችን በመጠቀም መስራትንም ተለማመዱ እንደ him/her/it/them/us
What is the correct meaning of " give me a hand"
Anonymous Quiz
እጅህን ስጠኝ
አግዘኝ/ እርዳኝ