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A channel with template letters and useful information from lawyers dedicated to helping bring the truth and who wish to serve the people of the UK and the world, protect god given rights and promote justice for all
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⬆️ When did we allow the red line between private citizen and public entity to become so eviscerated 🤦🏼‍♀️

These tables so need flipping back, and pronto. We know nothing about them, our public servants, their spending of our money, assets held by them in our name etc etc., and they demand to know everything about each “private citizen” 🤪 and most give it freely!

Time to start acting accordingly, and revert back to private citizens, no matter what the inconvenience is to your life.

There is nothing more important than freedom, apart from our children’s and grandchildren’s future, and that has always comes at a cost. The sooner people realise that the better!

We are merely guardians of this domain, for the future generations, and we have done one hell of a bad job at it.
I was going to write a really long post about this delving into the articles. But do you know what, I can't bothered. Because we all knew it was rubbish from the start. The only use this will be to you is for anyone still myopic enough to believe the government care. And no doubt you will share the post if that's the case c
OMG why. Why? Why would anyone do this to this poor baby. What the fuck is wrong with the parents and the staff too? It's a dangerous experimental product. I just want to scream
They have propagandised people or scared them for so long, in order to get them to inject their precious children with money making poison. But NO MORE. We can now see the emperor is naked.

Do something good today. Find the chart and share it here
Media is too big
Good morning

We've shared loads on this tech before.

So will leave you to chew on the fact it's been around since 1989
Forwarded from U In Hurricane [EN]
More than 200,000 children and adults who could not resist have been abused in New Zealand's public and religious institutions

That's one in three of those in care in New Zealand since 1950

Victims have been raped, sterilized, and electrocuted

The torture was particularly hard on New Zealand's indigenous population

But a way out of the situation was found

The New Zealand authorities have made the hard decision to apologize

The apology will be ready by November 12 🤯

#NewZealand #Crime #FindTruth


He's right it is awful.

An absolutely horrendous video from Manchester Airport. A trained firemans officer stamps on the head of someone on the floor. There is no justification for this. It is a violent assault. The officer must be reprimanded, sacked & criminally charged. Should NOT be in charge of a gun, given the same requires a cool head.

It doesn't matter the perpetrator or crime we cannot support officers behaving like thugs.
I don't want to say too much about the horrendous stabbing of a soldier in Kent. It's truly awful and I hope the man pulls through. Lots of prayers to him and his family and I hope the attacker gets a long prison sentence.

This has sadly happened on the same day as the Manchester Airport head stamping event and now you have both "left" and "right" enraged that their "groups" are being attacked.

Sadly we are all being attacked. It doesn't matter if you're left or right, the policies of the parasites have caused upset and harm, on purpose, and now there is a tinderbox vibe around the whole country. Eruptions will only serve the parasitic agenda.

Lets keep cool heads. Let's see wrong where it exists, whoever perpetrated it from whatever "side" and let's try and unify against those that are causing these issues to arise by virtue of their reckless and harmful policies.

We are so much stronger together. Never forget who our anger should be aimed at.
Netanyahu getting a standing ovation in the pit of depravity in the USA has to be the single most sickening thing I've seen for a while

He is a MASS MURDERER OF BABIES & CHILDREN. I have never been so ashamed of "Western democracy" in my life
I would like to raise awareness of this case and would deeply appreciate your help in sharing this post

There is a huge systemic issue with violence against chronically ill and disabled women and girls in the system. This is state abuse and must be called out and stopped. Please consider signing the petition linked in the article

Thank you
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Satanyahu's standing ovation on the top and what they are clapping for at the bottom

Never have I seen such a plethora of morally bankrupt, sociopathic, sub human, murderous, war mongering, repugnant meat sacks in my life

The blood of thousands of children on their hands

Anyone supporting the killers of children and babies, enjoy your tea. You are drenched in the blood of innocents. Karma WILL have you
After yesterday's sickening idol worship of a war criminal in the US Congress, I highly recommend everyone watch this video

If you are still supporting this criminal & indeed the apartheid state of Israel & it's Western backers, give your head a massive wobble. In fact give yourself a good slap

Do also remember that Netanyahu's real surname is Mileikowsky. His father, Benzion, was born in Warsaw to mother Sarah & father, the writer & Zionist activist Nathan Mileikowsky, a rabbi who toured Europe & the United States, making speeches supporting Zionism
Also see more here from this 1996 article

"Netanyahu’s files differ from those of most U.S. citizens. The Israeli weekly Ha’ir reports that four requests for credit approval appear in U.S. social security file number 020-36-4537. Under each request one finds a different name: Benjamin Netanyahu, Benjamin Nitai, John Jay Sullivan and John Jay Sullivan Jr.—one man, four names"


".... In order to gain insight into Netanyahu’s political objectives it is well worth looking at his acquaintances and financial supporters. Goren and Berkovitch report that Haagen-Daz founder Reuben Matheus, who contributed (until his death sometime last year) millions of dollars to Rabbi Meir Kahane’s fascist political party and to the Jewish settlement in Hebron, also contributed to Netanyahu. Marvin Josephine, the head of ICM, one of the biggest publishing companies in the U.S., is considered a major contributor to the Likud, and more specifically to Netanyahu. Another donor is Barry Slotnik, an attorney who has among his clients the Italian and Russian Mafias"

You really can tell alot by one's "friends" and financial backers
Nefarious parties seek to deliberately provoke national riots in the UK. They are hard at work trying to divide and conquer by civil strife. They farm divisive paid-for content on platforms like this one to create the echo-chambers necessary for division. Once provoked, these can spread city to city, as they did in 2011. The aim is to use the chaos to bring order, by expanding the power of the state & rolling out their digital surveillance technocracy. Stop looking left & right. Look up"

Maajid Nawaz here:

They want us divided. Don't let them win ♥️
People are NOT getting it are they

They still think if one violent act is committed by someone it justifies police brutality and a violent assault. In fact stamping or kicking someone in the head is arguably attempted murder, as nothing good can come from attacking that area of the body

What is so hard for people to understand about the VERY SIMPLE concept that acts of violence by all parties are abhorrent. It's not an either or question. You don't get to cheer a policeman stamping on someone's head because the person being stamped on committed an act of violence first. It's quite simple. Both are wrong. Both are criminal. And both must be punished

You don't get to applaud the police for yesterday's actions if you are awake. Unless you want the police to be able to kick your head in when they feel like it

Do people realise how stupid they sound and how utterly bereft of any understanding they are, if they claim to see what's going on, and yet think yesterday's head stamp was "good" because it was a Muslim that had allegedly broken the nose of another officer, (still waiting for footage btw on that), that got stamped on

Do better people. The time for thickos is over. You either want an overbearing dictatorship allowing it's executive to use force on who they choose at any given time, or you don't. You don't get to pick and choose based on you being pissed off with unfettered immigration. If you want to be mad, be mad at those that are driving ridiculous policies and allowing the police to batter people one minute, and then not have time to deal with a rape case the next as they are too busy prancing around a rainbow crossing telling everyone their pronouns.
Our energy bills will NOT be coming down.

It took three weeks for his lie on this to unravel. Now there is to be a partnership with the globalist bent crown estate, and they will get rich off of useless wind farms.

Only another 4 years and 11 months of saying we told you so. If we live that long 🙄