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Sheikh and friends on the topic of full spectrum awakening.
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The Conversation of "mental health" in traditional sectors has been a positive push in gaining a deeper understanding as to the workings of this human body. What I have noticed however, is the head-centric based way of living that is predominate in the western dominated world, finds itself also within the approach of dealing with "Mental Health" challenges.

Naturally, the term mental - focuses mainly on the brain within the head, though, did you know we technically have 3 other brains within the body, all, for the most part sending more information to the brain in the head than the other way around? Those 3 other brains would be the heart brain, gut brain and cellular brain - all of which sends loads of information to each other, all throughout the body and to what most view to be the "main brain" up in the head.

While in the past this has been shrugged off as pseudo-science or "woo-woo" largely due to the lack of respect for the eastern spiritual sciences that have pre-dated all modern understandings on the matter. For instance in taoist culture the 3 "Dan Tiens" or main energy points in the body are in these exact regions of the gut, heart and head-brain. Modern western science has now come to understand this more clearly - recognizing more and more that our "mental health" is largely a product of the health of these other brains as well (and potentially primarily), for if we do not have a strong foundation, like the gut or heart, that the head can rest on, well we are likely going to run into some issues.

This is something I've devoted the last 10 years to understanding more deeply through my own challenges that were present since early childhood. A long list of "mental health" challenges that went un-healed until I was fortunate enough to explore the wisdom of this more expanded viewpoint, & treat my health as a holistic function, not simply the product of what was going on between my two ears!

Addressing the unresolved pains, trauma and toxic (or emotional) load that builds up in the heart and Gut is the primary way we start to balance our mental health. So much stored energy, emotion and toxic waste builds up in these areas, sending loads of signals to the head brain which cause a long list of complications and symptoms of deeper rooted illness. Addressing the foundation of what makes sound mental balance through the cleansing of the gut and the resolution of pains in the heart is fundamental to this conversation as a whole!
Hey Friends, I hope you are all well. The tides of change are eternally upon us as we participate in this time on earth together.

I have been attending to a few core projects at present among 1on1 session time with many of you, have not been as consistent with posting and content. My intention is to continue this in coming times, I have quite a number of pieces in the works.

For now, if you have not checked out any of the following resources, please do.

1) Assortment of Video courses & Ebooks - Some of the best content from the past 2 years is here, I wish I spent more time developing better "marketing" for this stuff because some of it is just straight gold and can really support on a number of topics:

2) Youtube as welll, many of the recordings from our workshop sessions are available for free on that platform:

3) Website has a few additional pieces along with all the 1on1 program details for more intimate time:

4) Keylontic Science f teachings and recordings are also available, DM me individually

Lots of Love.
Such a basic topic, but there is a reason it is an attribute of the 13th and core virtue "Enlightenment"
I made this available for all since it has not only a very potent meditaiton starting at @4:35 but also the message can be quite impactful in how we come to dissolve suffering, and live within the cirumstances of our human life still rested in the knowing & peace of self. Have had some unexpected personal circumstances lately that have reminded me of this in divine timing!
Kinda late on "lions gate" because I dont really pay much attention to it - however some shared my post on it from last year, and felt it may be relevant to share as an overall topic on alot of "new age" dates.
Some great discussions and feedback on the level 1 detox, cleansing, and overall healing program. New group starting shortly, send a message for deets. Perfect way to step into September vibez 🔹🙏🏼😇❤️
Forwarded from Sheikh
Hey friends some updates on Level 2

I have added some pretty potent elements to this course that will be a bit different than the first run. There is also a bonus workshop that is added to the resources that was one of my fav 2 hour workshops ive given in recent years with another group. This goes into the main "Lazer-Emotional/ Energetic surgery" technique which is quite unique and melds a variety of techniques together.

All the deets for the program are in this link. There are also payment plans available, so if that is required, send me a message :)
Forwarded from Awaken Community Group
Been a while 🙏🏼🔹🤍

Join here:
Forwarded from Sheikh
Hey friends, sharing this around today on my other networks so putting it here as well as its highly relevant to the discussions we have had.

This workshop program was mentioned numerous times this week during group sessions so sharing it again. It is a bit of an "abstract" topic from what is common or trending, but in my experience it is something that can drastically accelerate a felt sense of consistent peace, equanimity and overall balance. Self honest,y responsibility and compassionate awareness are really the beginning and the end to navigate personal healing. They are what dissolve confusion as to why we are experiences certain dis-ease or suffering. They reveal that all of that is really just consequences to our own involvement in co-creating. We have the capacity to be made keenly aware as to why suffering or dis-ease is apparent at any time, and as/when we do, we can take the necessary and practical actions to remedy it...

Some of you may have already seen it, but many have not. Highly recommended, has some great practical exercises and reflections within it , inclusive of a main compassionate "self-audit" process I have used for years.

Link here:
Hey Everyone. Been quite here clearly, been quiet on other social too other than some "in the flow" musings on what I have been observing. Lots of my time has been in music production, book writing and ongoing 1on1 work. Today is a special day with it being Solstice and also the first day of the 12 days of Krystmas which is surely a sacred time. As planned, I was able to release my first track which is a mix of a shamanic journey and organic house. It really hits the spot for many of those in this community, so take a listen!

A few things:

1) The track is a journey so if you can get some headphones and focus in for it, that would be great. I like playing it loud, on good speakers even a bonus.

2) If you do end up enjoying it, let us know in the comments how it felt, and save it, add it to a playlist and SHARE it. On instagram stories you can tag me!

3)If you want to support the creation of this track further, you can purchase and download the track in the link below. Of course we get $0.001-$0.004 at best per stream. lol. quite the hourly rate!

We will share more about the creative process for this track quite soon, Though its really time for you to hopefully enjoy it as much as we did making it.

Spotify Link:

Support and Purchase / Download the Song:
Hey everyone, Hope y'all been keeping up well.

Seems like my last post was also about music, certainly has been the theme over here, both in production and live events.

I have some meditation based offerings and new writings coming soon as well don't worry, but rolling with the flows of creative inspiration.

Have a new track that just released called "Homecoming" with a long lost friend who is trained in traditional Gregorian chants. We brought elements of that into a shamanic-tribal fusion like dance track. Hope you enjoy.

Supports us ALOT to save + playlist on Spotify.

Can listen here:

If you would like to download the track you can here: