Kevin Grindlay
20 subscribers
46 photos
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35 links
Candidate for Georgia State Senate in District 48. Fair elections. Freedom from mandates. America first.
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Our decidedly smallest volunteers have been a big help today! They're determined to get Daddy across the finish line! 😊
Excited to announce that I've been endorsed by the great David Hancock!

"After meeting Kevin and hearing his reasons for running and his plans for the district, I am convinced that he is the best choice for State Senator for District 48. He has no ties to the political insiders and doesn't owe any of them any favors. He is focused on the issues that conservatives care about - school choice, transparency in government, and election integrity being a few that stand out to me. And his commitment to pro-life causes will be critical if SCOTUS reverses Roe v Wade in a few months."

David Hancock
United Tea Party of Georgia
Former candidate for Georgia State House, District 98
I was interviewed yesterday by former Georgia State Senator, Mike Crane. Mike served in the state senate from 2011 to 2017, and he was a trailblazer in terms of pushing back against the Georgia political establishment. The interview will hopefully be up by the weekend, and I will post a link. I think you guys will love the discussion of big business and its influence at the Gold Dome.
Don't be influenced to stay home by fake polls and fake reports suggesting the governor's race is already decided. Remember when the media's favorite polls had Trump behind 13+ percent in 2020? Yeah, they were just a smidge off.

Go out and vote on May 24th, if you haven't already! Our state and country depend on it.
Here is my signed pledge to impose an eight-year term limit on myself as a Georgia State Senator. I believe it's important that candidates make clear, firm promises to our constituents -- especially when it comes to term limits. We must be held accountable once we take office.

I will also sponsor legislation to establish term limits for the entire Georgia legislature. This must get done for the good of our state.
I am thrilled to be endorsed by Stand for Health Freedom! Once elected, I will fight against tyrannical mandates in the public *and* private sphere. We as Republicans must be much more aggressive in protecting the freedoms (and livelihoods) of our constituents. No more excuses.
Well, here we are! Running for office is something I never envisioned doing, but I am so glad God called me to do it. I have learned a great deal, and I have met so many awesome, patriotic people who I now consider friends. I'm also very fortunate in that today is Ashley and mine's wedding anniversary. So I'll be celebrating no matter what happens!
I want to thank my wonderful wife, Ashley, my sweet daughters Raya and Shay, and my selfless mother-in-law, Ramona, for putting up with all this craziness for the last few months (Mimi lives in the basement!). There was a lot of sacrifice, grace-giving, and hard work involved for all of us, and you were always there for me. I love you guys.
I also want to thank my campaign team who volunteered so much of their time and grit to this endeavor. This was truly a group effort in every sense of the word. cont...
Sign waving in Sugar Hill with Daddy! Raya did quickly realize her arms would get tired holding the sign this high, but I appreciated the passion!

#ElectionDay #GApol #gadistrict48
Media is too big

The 2022 GOP primary results for statewide races do not pass the sniff test. I am asking all candidates across Georgia who campaigned on election integrity to use their platform to call for immediate transparency and ballot copy access.
I am calling for an immediate hand recount of every 2022 primary race across Georgia. Below is my statement and formal request to Secretary of State Brad Raffensberger. Please click the link to view the statement with links for all sources.
I was recently interviewed by Mike Dakkak of the ITN Show. We discussed the 2022 Georgia primaries. We specifically dissected how crossover voting by Dems does NOT explain the incredible outperforming of poll projections by Raffensberger and Kemp. We bring the receipts! Link below. Also read the full (updated) analysis at
This might be the most encouraging conversation of the year.

Thank you to Surrea Ivy and Tamara Johnson-Shealey for reaching across the aisle to discuss the inexplicable 2022 primary results. This took courage and character. We the People (of both parties) must work together to combat non-transparent, non-credible elections.
Media is too big
Attempted murder. Terrorism. Call the Georgia Bureau of Investigation and demand these vile cowards are brought to justice.


If the FBI can find grandma, who took a selfie at the Capitol on J6, they can find these parasites.
Channel name was changed to «Kevin Grindlay»
The greatest threat to America is not Biden, Pelosi, or the extreme left. It is conservative influencers like Ben Shapiro and Sean Hannity who downplay red-alert threats like election rigging, globalist corporations, and our corrupt federal agencies.

Shapiro is entertaining, and he tells the truth on most social/culture issues. But that makes him dangerous, because people take his word for it when he dismisses "2000 Mules" or poo poos illegal immigration.

I used to really enjoy his show, even if I disagreed with him on economic issues. But I no longer believe he is an honest person or beneficial to the GOP. Nothing else matters if we don't fix our elections.
Forwarded from VoterGA
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