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Forwarded from Morgoth's Review
Listening to Keith Woods and Joel debating the two communists and thought of this as the commies went from talking about early 20th century economics to modern day multiculturalism and forced immigration into western countries.
Forwarded from Imperium Press (Imperium Press)
The whole Killstream debate shows how useless communism is for any sort of irl workers movement. One side arguing that it's fine for your children to look like you, and the other arguing that what is now to be expropriated is no longer the labourer working for himself, but the capitalist exploiting many labourers. This expropriation is accomplished by the action of the immanent laws of capitalistic production itself, by the concentration of capitals. One capitalist always kills many. Hand in hand with this concentration, or this expropriation of many capitalists by few, develop, on an ever extending scale, the co-operative form of the labour-process, the conscious technical application of science, the methodical collective cultivation of the soil, the transformation of the instruments of labour into instruments of labour only usable in common, the economising of all means of production by their use as the jointly owned means of production of combined, socialised labour. Along with the constantly diminishing number of the magnates of capital, who usurp and monopolise all advantages of this process of transformation, grows the mass of misery, oppression, slavery, degradation, exploitation; but with this too grows the revolt of the working class, a class always increasing in numbers, and disciplined, united, organised by the very mechanism of the process of capitalist production itself. Capital becomes a fetter upon the mode of production, which has sprung up and flourished along with, and under it. Concentration of the means of production and socialisation of labour at last reach a point where they become incompatible with their capitalist integument. This integument is burst asunder. The knell of capitalist private property sounds. The expropriators are expropriated.
Haz and Logo claimed in our debate that the Marxist desire to dissolve nations is Trotskyist and Stalin's Socialism In One Country was never meant to be a merely transitional form, as I claimed.

Here is what Stalin himself had to say about the future of nations:

From "Lenin and the National Question" (1929):

“In the next stage of the period of world dictatorship of the proletariat—when the world socialist system of economy becomes sufficiently consolidated and socialism becomes part and parcel of the life of the peoples, and when practice convinces the nations of the advantages of a common language over national languages—national differences and languages will begin to die away and make room for a world language, common to all nations. Such, in my opinion, is the approximate picture-of the future of nations, a picture of the development-of the nations along the path to their merging in the-future”

And quoted in the same document, here is what Lenin had to say about merging nations:

"The aim of socialism is not only to abolish the division of mankind into small states and all isolation of nations, not only to draw the nations together, but to merge them.... Just as mankind can arrive at the abolition of classes only by passing through a transition period of the dictatorship of the oppressed class, so mankind can arrive at the inevitable merging of nations only by passing through a transition period of complete liberation of all the oppressed nations, i.e., of their freedom of secession"

tldr: Stalin and Lenin advocated the eventual dissolution of national differences and languages. Haz and Logo had to misrepresent sources in the debate to try and avoid getting absolutely KO'd by me and Joel, but all the facts are on our side.
"I want my kids to look like me."

"Nooo you can't want that you're elevating the false Cartesian subject and abstracting the content from its true form which is misunderstanding the true essence of the dialectic, thereby denying yourself an authentic encounter with the other"
Trump's eulogy for Colin Powell is hilarious

"He made plenty of mistakes, but anyway, may he rest in peace!"
Neoliberalism is so depraved that it considers curing drug addicts of their addiction to be a mortal sin deserving of scorn.
Fact Check: Google is in the highest tier of the CFR's corporate membership scheme, donating $100,000 a year to the organisation (which is definitely just a harmless talking shop that doesn't advocate any policy.)
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